Documentaries & Independent Films fill ‘The Health Truth Gap’

By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer

Documentaries and Independent Film makers are so important. They are filling a gap left by Main Stream Broadcast Media as well as the Major Movie Studios. And when that “gap” is filled, it exposes the lies that Special Interest have fought to keep swept under the rug.

Back in 1982 NBC ran the documentary DPT: Vaccine Roulette. NOT ONLY DID THEY RUN IT, THEY RAN IT IN PRIME TIME! This would be unheard of in the world we live in now. Watch Vaccine Roulette here:

These days NBC is a mouth piece for pharma with much of their advertising coming from prescription or over the counter drug advertisements.

NBC’s ‘The Today Show’ went out of it’s way to crucify Robert De Nero about his ‘turnaround’ regarding the pulling of VaXXed from the Tribeca Film Festival and paint him as anti science / stupid. When the fall-out did not go away Al Roker of NBC gave it another shot. Watch this video provided by Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News

This Media Malfeasance is unacceptable, and is why all families and individuals who are vaccine injured need to speak up because it is about so much more than Autism, it is about death minutes and hours after vaccines, it is about neurological and physical injury, it is about emotional and mental anguish caused by vaccines and the greedy people who push them.

I am begging people to do their research before they vaccinate. I am asking you to watch as many documentaries as you can such as VAXXED or BOUGHT! Spend time with a vaccine injured family or individual and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Talk to your children about vaccines, the potential dangers and the very real benefits of natural immunity.

We are trading minor illnesses, that come with spots, for horrific lifelong disabilities and sometimes death–it is a new normal that only benefits Big Pharma and those of the Power Elite who want to be in control. (CW)


Related Links & Stories:

ABC News interview that Big Pharma didn’t want you to see


From “Vaccine Roulette” to “VAXXED”: The Importance of Documentaries

VaXXed news & screening schedule

BOUGHT: The Truth Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma & Your Food

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1 Comment on Documentaries & Independent Films fill ‘The Health Truth Gap’

  1. It’s also about cancer, leukemia, auto-immune diseases, blood disorders, and a lot of other short term and long term “reactions” that people are not connecting the dots on. I found information linking M.S. and other auto-immune diseases to vaccinations, tetanus shots, and gamma globulin shots, in the British Medical Journal (1967). A good friend of mine got M.S. after a gamma globulin shot in the 1970’s, and my brother contracted ALS after a tetanus shot in 2009. He passed away 21/2 years later, in 2012.

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