By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer

In a recent article in the Washington Post a mother made it clear that she still vaccinates despite the fact that her child quit breathing. While  I am sure that her article was nothing more than a propaganda piece written to promote big pharma it really forces me to think about how few people actually understand vaccine injury. Vaccinations deny the human body natural immunity to the childhood illnesses that are the building blocks of the immune system, they can lead to death, and vaccines cause injury 100% of the time. Think about this if you take a vaccine or give a vaccine to your child. This is why we have to speak up and educate everyone that we can. Take a look at the following videos, study them, and share them with anyone who will listed because this is what vaccine injury looks like. (CW)

Credit: AutismNewsDotCom

Credit: Afton Brown

Credit: TheHoneyRini


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