“In the Name of Help” – a Love Story and Expose of Psychiatry

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I recently read Diane Klein’s book, “In the Name of Help” and I was mesmerized. Not only is it a well-written love story but, much more importantly, it is an expose on the most oppressive force on this planet – psychiatry and their useless, killing drugs.

You might find the book hard to read at times because it is heartbreaking, yet you will be greatly moved. Diane shows a beautiful, dynamic young woman, full of life and a bright future only to be cut down in the prime of her life by someone she thought truly loved her. He systematically delivers her to a horrible fate – truly one worse than death.

I urge you to read it. If it angers you…good! I hope that emotion carries you to the point of no return and you help rid us all of this scourge and suppressor of life.

I could easily bet one of your neighbors or their child is on some psychotropic drug. Or maybe yourself. Or your child.

About the author:

Diane grew up in Chicago and attended the University of Illinois and Northwestern University on an Illinois State Scholarship. She majored in English and later held high school teaching certificates in both Illinois and Florida. When she saw the advent of psychological programs into the schools as well as a dramatic departure from teaching basics such as reading, writing, arithmetic and social studies, she stopped teaching despite her love of working with children.After living in Florida for about a year and tutoring both adults and children Diane accepted a job in southern California and she moved to North San Diego County where she’s lived for more than thirty years.She has one son, two daughters, and seven adored grandchildren. Her husband of thirteen years, David, a native of California, is a software consultant, loves editing Diane’s writing and always wants her to write more.In Diane’s own words:“From the time I was eleven I remember always writing something: stories, descriptions, journals or articles for the Roosevelt High School paper. Some years ago I won honorable mention in the Writers’ Digest Contest with a non-fiction story about my younger daughter’s incredible recovery from a serious car accident.

“But I never felt compelled to write with the goal of publication until I became motivated to tell the story In the Name of Help.

“Anyone can see that there are injustices around us. Some of them are more obvious than others. One purpose I had for writing this story was to shine a light on some of the wrongs committed on so many people in the name of ‘mental health and help’ in our society.

“I myself enjoy novels from which I learn something — whether it’s knowledge of another time or place, insight into a particular personality, or new awareness of an unknown issue — and that’s what I hope my readers will find in this book and in my future novels. I always welcome communication from my readers.”

Here is a preview of a very revealing documentary you should watch:


Here’s to a sane, happy future without psychiatry. Pass this article along to anyone you care about and beyond. Thank  you, Diane, for your valuable contribution.

Diane Klein photo

Diane Klein

Visit her website here: Buy the book

Please visit www.cchr.org for more great articles on psychiatry


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