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Aspartame Being Re-Branded as AminoSweet

February 19, 2016 0

by Healthy Advise Team Natural Society have been warning us to the dangers of Aspartame for some time. Aspartame is a very dangerous artificial sweetener found in many foods like soft drinks, chewing gum, breakfast […]


Sudden Cardiac Death & Food Excitotoxin Additives

September 12, 2015 1

By: Russel Blaylock MD Over 460,000 people per year are now dying of a disorder called of sudden cardiac death according to CDC statistics. This is a condition striking otherwise healthy people, who have experienced […]


The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

February 4, 2013 3

By: Joe Martino Did you know that Aspartame was banned by the FDA twice? How is this product legal now? The bittersweet argument over whether Aspartame is safe or not has been going on for a long time. […]

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