TLBTV: Rebecca Sounds Reveille – Wake Up! – Dying is NOT an Option!

Rebecca Sounds Reveille Wake Up! Dying is NOT an Option!


By TLB Media Director & RSR Show Host:  Rebecca L. Mahan

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to find out that you had a disease that could take your life? Or maybe you have been faced with a disease such as Cancer or Diabetes. This can be very scary as both can have detrimental effects on your health that overtime can lead to the unthinkable if not taken care of. But what if there was a way to prevent, reverse, or cure the disease you were faced with. Knowing this ahead of time, wouldn’t you take the steps necessary so as not to be a victim of it in the first place?

There are so many people who go through life not seeking regular check ups or truly paying attention to what is happening within their bodies. Oftentimes, everything is going just fine- that is why they didn’t do to the doctor in the first place. There are also those who do have check ups regularly and everything is going along just fine. In both instances, we are all subject to various things that can happen to us without even knowing it. The difference between these two, however, is those who keep up with health check ups can combat a disease (and more than likely recover from it) than those who don’t. The unfortunate part for those who have not kept up with health screenings is that when a condition arises, it may be further advanced than it should be and even then it may end up not treatable.

Many factors come into play when having to take care of our health. Time and money are two of the biggest. Going to the doctor takes time away from work and/or family and medical expenses can be costly. What if by learning about pH body levels, the balancing of alkaline/acidic levels you could take action on your health – preventing disease and getting to a doctor when necessary? What if there was a way to do this at home? Wouldn’t that save time and money?

Emilie DeAngelo, Survivor of Stage 3 Cancer, Author of “When Living is The Only Option” and “PH Healthy” (a digital book about her journey and how to balance food and lifestyle to regulate the important body levels), and Certified from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, is a guest on this episode, who has developed a Health Tracking Kit using urinalysis test strips to measure, manage, and maintain proper pH levels (acidic/alkaline) and Glucose levels (negative/positive) within the body.

Find out more on her website: pH Healthy

Discover the forgotten secrets to a healthy mind and body…

DeAngelo shares so much information about how important it is to become aware of what is going on within us and not only has a passion, but a mission to get the test kits into the hands of as many people as possible so they do not have to face the things she has had to and to provide them with the tools needed to stay healthy.

To contact Emilie DeAngelo and for more info, please use the link below:
Email – [email protected]


If you would like to write or host a T.V. show for The Liberty Beacon, or be a guest on Rebecca Sounds Reveille or another show at The Liberty Beacon, click the email link on this page or email Rebecca directly at: [email protected]

About Rebecca L. Mahan: Rebecca is The Liberty Beacon Project Media Director, a United Stated Marine Corps veteran and a retired police officer of over 10 years. Rebecca is a published author and had been a long running columnist for a community college newspaper. She has also been an award winning radio show host and has produced, booked, and interviewed guests for her shows. Her education includes: Associates degrees in Christian Studies, General Education, General Business Management, and Law Enforcement. Rebecca also has a Bachelor’s degrees in Church Ministry and Occupational Studies -Vocational Arts, as well as a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. She is a certified Mediator and Event Planner.


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