Vaccines: Unproven and Dangerous

sa.jpg-for-web-normal[1]By: Roger Landry, The Liberty Beacon

A majority of the public believes that vaccines are one of modern science/medicine’s greatest achievements, preventing disease and saving millions of lives! Yet no reliable long term safety study has ever been performed on any vaccine and to the contrary evidence suggests that they are ineffective and harmful?

Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., is internationally renowned as one of, if not the foremost expert on vaccine adverse reactions. For well over two decades she has extensively and intensively researched the field of medical literature upon the topic, and she is sought after as both an international speaker and expert witness in these matters. She works passionately and tirelessly to uncover the skewed realities and distorted picture of health promulgated by the present medical orthodoxy.

While Viera does have her detractors (as any who fight vaccine tyranny) her research and comments stand the test of scrutiny and time and has published several books on the topic:

Vaccination 100 Years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System–Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.

Behavioural Problems in Childhood: The Link to Vaccination–Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. This book intends to give a brief insight into the modern scourge of children–the behavioral problems. They occur with alarming increasing frequency in initially normal babies, and mysteriously always after, not before, those first shots.

Here are some pertinent Viera Scheibner quotes, please read them carefully consider their content:

Scientific evidence shows that babies can have severe adverse reactions to vaccinations at critical intervals following their shots, and that vaccination is the more likely cause of cot death and shaken baby syndrome. VACCINATION AND THE DYNAMICS OF CRITICAL DAYS by Viera Scheibner, PhD

“Vaccination procedures are a highly politically motivated non-science, whose practitioners are only interested in injecting multitudes of vaccines without much interest or care as to their effects. Data collection on reactions to vaccines is only paid lip service, and the obvious ineffectiveness of vaccines to prevent diseases is glossed over.  The fact that natural infectious diseases have beneficial effect on the maturation and development of the immune system is ignored or deliberately suppressed.   Consequently, parents of small children and any potential recipients of vaccines and any orthodox medications should be wary of any member of the medical establishment (which is little more than a highly politicised business system) extolling the non-existent virtues of vaccination.”–Viera Scheibner

“It is very likely, that the obvious improvements of her child’s health was achieved by him finally developing whooping cough in its acute form. –any parents report either a marked improvement or disappearance of ‘asthma’ after their vaccinated children developed acute whooping cough. Medical research demonstrated that having whooping cough prevents asthma. One must wonder how much of that ‘asthma’ is just a chronic whooping cough as a result of the vaccinated child’s immune system being deranged by vaccination and not being able to mount a proper, acute, immune response.”—Viera Scheibner

“Tetanus is a very rare disease in developed countries: there are only about 12 cases of tetanus per year in Australia, and half of those who got it were vaccinated. Perhaps the most interesting thing about tetanus is that those who get it do not develop immunity to it………Far from immunising, tetanus (and other) vaccine injections make the recipients more susceptible to diseases. ……the New England Journal of Medicine published in 1984 that tetanus booster injections result in the same derangement of T4 and T8 cells as seen in AIDS patients. A ‘mysterious’ new syndrome emerged in the US: thousands of children are developing AIDS symptoms (with deranged T4 and T8 cells) without being HIV positive My well-considered opinion is that it comes from that T (standing for tetanus) in the DPT vaccine.”—Viera Scheibner

“I did not find it difficult to conclude that there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccines or any kind are effective in preventing the infectious diseases they are supposed to prevent. Further, adverse effects are amply documented and are far more significant to public health than any adverse effects of infectious diseases. Immunizations not only did not prevent any infectious diseases, they caused more suffering and more deaths than has any other human activity in the entire history of medical intervention. It will be decades before the mopping-up after the disasters caused by childhood vaccination will be completed.”— Dr. Viera Scheibner, PhD

“Amoebas are quite obviously widely spread protozoans and some of them have been established as causing serious disease in animals and humans. It is also quite well-established that amoebas are important contaminants of tissue cultures used in preparation of live biologicals, vaccines being the most important of them because they are widely injected into small babies and children.”–Viera Scheibner

“A young Australian lady, living in England, organized one of my many seminars there and told me that her father told her “go to Viera’s seminars and do not vaccinate your children.  All those ear infections, and problems like glue ear, are caused by vaccination”.  When I asked her who is her father, she said “he is an ENT specialist in Brisbane, Australia”. —Viera Scheibner. Testimony, Burton hearings

“Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the WHO decided to conduct the final “eradication” campaign.   It is also well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated populations, while whose who were unvaccinated, did not have the same epidemics. “–Viera Scheibner

“Provocation polio. That is the truth about those outbreaks of polio. And I offer a well considered personal opinion that polio is a man made disease.”—Viera Scheibner.

“Our conclusion is that if vaccination were to be suspended, the cot death rate would be halved!”–Dr Viera Scheibner  Cot deaths linked to vaccination by Viera Scheibner, ph.D.

“It is well known that measles is an important development milestone in the life and maturing processes in children.  Why would anybody want to stop or delay the maturation processes of children and of their immune systems?”–Viera Scheibner

“Polio has not been eradicated by vaccination, it is lurking behind a redefinition and new diagnostic names like viral or aseptic meningitis…….According to one of the 1997 issues of the MMWR, there are some 30,000 to 50,000 cases of viral meningitis per year in the United States alone.  That’s where all those 30,000 – 50,000 cases of polio disappeared after the introduction of mass vaccination”—Viera Scheibner Testimony, Burton hearings

“They started vaccinating in 1985 (in the Americas). Within 4 months they had 350 cases…They caused a substantial, huge outbreak of polio but they started ‘discarding’ most of the cases (put as flaccid paralysis).”—Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.

Viera Scheibner interview: VARERS Discussion 03/03/ 2013

See original video here:

Please visit Viera”s website at:


10 Comments on Vaccines: Unproven and Dangerous

  1. What a great response! I believe we could have a very intelligent discussion about this and other related topics even if we ended up agreeing to disagree. Thank you.

    Wikilinks was in the news again today and I was thinking, of all of the conspiracies that he busted open re USA conspiracy relations with just about everything and everyone, you would have thought that surely, if the US government or military or whomever was conspiring with anything in the world of spraying populations with “toxic chemicals” or doing deals with the mythical “Big Pharma” to add “toxic chemicals” to vaccines. Wouldn’t you think that just one of the thousands of those in on these conspiracies would have been exposed by now through the squillions of secret documents and e-mails etc? Everything else has.

    I think you will find that there are lots of people who use this blog to say that vaccines have never had anything to do with the reduction of measles and many other viral diseases as well as polio. Further, I am sure will find in your research that vaccines have been one of the most researched medical interventions because of the desperate need to find better solutions for fighting virus infections.

  2. Why do you feel the need to malign the intelligence of people who question vaccines by implying they a conspiracy theorists. I am also interested to see that you seem to assume that if I do “enough” research I will agree with you that vaccines are have made a valuable contribution to the fight against the spread of infectious disease. Hate to disappoint you but I am one of the people who questions the contribution the vaccine made to the decline in polio. As you are no doubt aware,notifications of polio dropped dramatically following the introduction of the first polio vaccine. A vaccine that was subsequently proved to be totally ineffective and removed from the market. An officially acknowledged ineffective vaccine cannot possibly account for the dramatic decline in reported cases. The amazing reduction in reported polio cases is a direct result of the coincidental change in reporting criteria. Prior to the vaccine every case of paralysis that lasted for 24 hours was to be reported as polio. On the introduction of the vaccine, only cases of paralysis that lasted for 28 days were to be reported as polio. Claiming the vaccine accounted for the decline is conflating correlation with causation. A disturbingly regular occurrence with respect to vaccines.

    Likewise, the much lauded success of the smallpox vaccine is similar. There are excellent records showing smallpox vaccination precipitated epidemics rather than prevented them. As with polio, the records show the fall in reported smallpox cases in vaccinated populations coincided with a commensurate rise in reported outbreaks of, the previously unidentified disease, monkeypox. It is also worth noting that the clinical presentation of smallpox and monkeypox are indistinguishable. The required technology, the PCR test, which can differentiate between smallpox,and monkeypox was not developed until the 1980s and not used to identify monkeypox until 1997. Yet the World Health Organisation declared the world smallpox free in May 1980. Disease renaming is common when clinically identical disease outbreaks occur in highly vaccinated communities. Declaring smallpox eradicated base purely on reporting of clinical diagnoses is disingenuous.

    I do not dispute that polio and smallpox are no longer endemic in the developed world. However, giving all the credit to vaccines for the demise of all infectious disease is to ignore the massive contribution made by other environmental factors. If only the vaccine-preventable diseases had been reduced then it would be a fair call to credit vaccines. Is it just co-incidence that notification of diseases such as yellow fever, scarlet fever, fifth disease, glandular fever and leprosy have all declined at a comparable rate without mass vaccination? No doubt vaccines have made a contribution but nowhere near the level claimed. Without modelling to compare the impact of each environmental factors on the spread of disease claims made about vaccines are vacuous.

    When it is easy to show that we have been blatantly lied to about the success of the smallpox and polio eradication programs is it should not come as a surprise that many of us wonder what other lies we are being told? I really wish the concern about vaccines could be put down to unfounded conspiracy theories. I wish I had a good enough imagination to fabricate this history. It is there for anyone who cares to look for it. We don’t need to wait for WikiLeaks to reveal it. Of course, if you don’t look for it you are far less likely to find it. Which is a pretty accurate reflection of the state of vaccine science.

  3. What a great response! I believe we could have a very intelligent discussion about this and other related topics even if we ended up agreeing to disagree. Thank you.

    Wikilinks was in the news again today and I was thinking, of all of the conspiracies that he busted open re USA conspiracy relations with just about every thing and every one, you would have thought that surely, if the US government or military or whomever was conspiring with anything in the world of spraying populations with “toxic chemicals” or doing deals with the mythical “Big Pharma” to add “toxic chemicals” to vaccines. Wouldn’t you think that just one of the thousands of those in on these conspiracies would have been exposed by now through the squillions of secret documents and e-mails etc? Everything else has.

    I think you will find that there are lots of people who use this blog to say that vaccines have never had anything to do with the reduction of polio. Further, I am sure will fid in your research that vaccines have been one of the most researched medical interventions because of the desperate need to find better solutions for fighting virus infections.

  4. Interesting you should perceive my response was angry. I was not remotely angry. I am simply fed up with people who cast unfounded aspersions on the intelligence, integrity and amount of research conducted by those who question the vaccine paradigm. I apologise. I obviously did not express myself as clearly as I should have.I was not asserting your overall ignorance on this topic, simply questioning the extent of your knowledge about Viera Schiebner and her work. You voiced your opinions but have yet to cite studies, well conducted or otherwise, that refute even one of the Viera Schiebner’s statements.

    Contrary to your assumption, I have done extensive research, during the last 20 years, of both sides of this debate. And I have drawn the opposite conclusion to you. Just because I do not agree with you does not mean I am wrong nor that my research has been inadequate.I am more than willing to consider solid scientific evidence that the claims made for the safety and efficacy of vaccines are more than marketing spin. You may be right. Our differing conclusions may simply be a product of the research we each have been able to access.

    I do not claim that vaccines are useless nor that the associated risks always outweigh the potential benefits. I do believe they have a place in disease prevention, just not a crucial a role. I readily admit that there are gasps in my knowledge and research. For example, I have been unable to locate any studies which quantify the contributions improved sanitation, better nutrition, easier access to healthcare and advancement in disease treatment protocols have made to the decline in contagious disease rates overall and vaccine-preventable diseases in particular. Nor have I been able to find any studies explaining why, if vaccination is the primary factor controlling the rates of diseases, why the rates of all contagious diseases declined at a commensurate rate. If you are aware of any research I would welcome links or the research references so I can find the papers.

    As far as I am aware, no-one on this blog dismisses, out of hand any evidence, that supports the vaccine paradigm. There just isn’t much quality research that does. By all means, post links of independent, i.e. non-industry funded, research that support your beliefs for consideration. If you are planning to submit links I do not accept correlation means causation nor that eminence is a substitute for evidence. I really would like to see the evidence supporting your faith in vaccines.

  5. ozseeker2,
    I really don’t need to reply to your angry response. Your comments in your last paragraph show that unlike myself, you have never looked at or considered research that contradicts your preconceived view and that anyone who does not agree entirely with your view is, ipso facto, ignorant and cannot have done any research.

    Sadly, you embarrass yourself and flaunt your own ignorance with such revealing comments.

  6. What can I say? I suppose that only time will tell.
    no one really knows what causes “Crib death” or “shaken baby syndrome”, or if being vaccinated or not being vaccinated has any bearing on it. As for me, I will retreat into my “Cave” and continue to paint animals on the walls. I found that having minimal contact with other human beings is a pretty health deal.

  7. Liberty Beacon Staff,
    Thank you for saying that I argue respectfully. I agree that it is not always easy when discussing such heady subjects when you have opposing arguments from either side. To presume that I have a lack of knowledge “from the other side” suggests that I have not studied both sides before coming to a reasoned conclusion about what I believe is the truth. For you and your co conspiracy theorists it is your way or the highway. Most people are more pragmatic. They open mindedly look at all points of view as I hope I do, then accept what points they believe to be true.

    I fully accept that during the years of the development of medical science, mistakes have been made. That research and peer reviews have caused opinions to go too and fro. That findings have been found to differ leading to more studies and more reviews. This is how medical science progresses over the years and will progress logically into the future. But in the end, all of the free and independent scientists who may be free lance or in universities or even working for drug companies cannot be prevented from discussing their findings with journalists in their various countries from all over the free world. The truth is already out there. All of he good news and all of the bad news, with both available to be challenged by any one at any time which is what we are doing here.

    To suggest that people who don’t believe in such extreme views as yourselves must be wearing blinders and sees NOTHING from the other side is not at all consistent with being a pragmatist as I am.

  8. Trevor – You obviously have no idea who Viera Schiebner is nor the extent and veracity of her research. If she was in it to make a quick buck pandering to the ignorant, as you imply, she would have made her money and got out of the game a long time ago. There are much easier ways to con people that do not involve the public vilification she has had to endure.

    I strongly suggest you actually do some research regarding the potential cons of vaccination before you embarrass yourself any further by flaunting your ignorance for all to see.

  9. Trevor – Your lack of knowledge from the other side is obvious and please explain why so many of your so called peer reviewed studies are coming under fire and being dis-proven (a majority can not be reproduced nullifying their findings) … yes we can show documented proof of this. I do appreciate that you speak with respect, even though it projects a condescending attitude, but you still come off as a vaccine shill who due to you blinders sees NOTHING from the opposing side. I strongly suggest you at least take a peak! Our archives are full (MANY) of articles showing and documenting the absolute danger and lack of long term research regarding vaccines. Hmmm my guess … you wont bother to look and will leave a curt reply albeit respectful !!!

  10. “Look Martha” said the lady watching the military parade, “my son Johnny is the only one of those thousands of soldiers that is marching in step”.

    So you have found the one among thousands of research organisations throughout the world who believe that vaccines do not prevent viral infections. Good for you. You hang in there like momma with the absolute faith that only a mother can have against the overwhelming evidence from thousands of Viera’s peers who’s research finds the opposite in every respect.

    But then I suppose that when you can appease even a few with such an “astounding revelation” then the speaking engagements among the few faithful conspiracy theorists will earn you far more than being at the bottom of the well reasoned majority.

    It is great to have an opposing view on all topics so that that view can be fairly assessed against the conventional view. This is what the free world is about and if there is found to be credibility in her arguments then it will be worth millions to the free press throughout the many independent jurisdictions and countries world wide and she will become extremely wealthy and famous in China, Europe, the middle east. Britain South America, Africa (where vaccination is extremely topical), Australia and Asia.

    This will be pivotal on her ability to present sound evidence to prove that her hypothesis has been proven by solid peer reviewed research.

    The best of luck to her. But before you put your life’s savings on this 1 in 1000 outsider and embarrass yourself, just wait up a bit until she hits it big in the London Times and BBC World news who will make millions from the ‘breaking news’.

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