A comprehensive investigation into the inner workings of the U.K.’s nationalized healthcare system has revealed a shocking legacy of corruption and lies concerning the country’s vaccine policy. According to Dr. Lucija Tomlijenovic, Ph.D., from the University of British Columbia in Canada, the advisory and governing bodies that set vaccination policy in the U.K. have, for many decades now, hidden the truth about vaccine dangers, and deliberately pushed unsafe vaccines on the public in order to uphold the official vaccination schedule.
Official documents uncovered from secret meetings of the U.K.’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), an independent body that helps set vaccination schedule policy in the U.K., reveal that JCVI ignores independent data showing vaccines to be unsafe, and reinforces questionable data produced by vaccine companies claiming that vaccines are safe. The group also discourages all research that might question the safety of vaccines, and knowingly lies to parents in order to increase the overall vaccination compliance rate.
“[T]he JCVI made continuous efforts to withhold critical data on severe, adverse reactions and contraindications to vaccinations to both parents and health practitioners in order to reach overall vaccination rates which they deemed were necessary for ‘herd immunity,’ a concept which with regards to vaccination, and contrary to prevalent beliefs, does not rest on solid scientific evidence,” writes Dr. Tomljenovic in her paper.
“Official documents obtained from the U.K. Department of Health (DH) and the JCVI reveal that the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.”
The 45-page paper blows the lid off the myth that government vaccination policy is based on sound science, and instead shows that vaccine advisory committees, which help set vaccine policy, are typically padded with vaccine industry shills that specifically promote vaccines in spite of evidence showing their dangers. This has been true in the U.K. since at least the early 1980s, and it is certainly true in the U.S. as well.
Dr. Tomlijenovic explains; for instance, how JCVI has known since as early as 1981 that the measles vaccine, which is part of the government’s official vaccine schedule, is linked to long-term neurological damage and death. She also outlines, with full citations, evidence showing that JCVI has long been aware that many of scheduled vaccines cause permanent brain damage in children, but have continued to promote those vaccines anyway.
JCVI knew MMR vaccine was capable of causing brain damage
Another stunning discovery in Dr. Tomlijenovic’s paper deals with the MMR vaccine, and how JCVI was aware that this controversial jab can cause brain damage. The transcript from a 1990 meeting of the JCVI CSM/DH Joint Sub-Committee on Adverse Reactions notes that JCVI was aware that MMR was definitely linked to causing at least 10 known cases of both meningitis and encephalitis.
JCVI addressed the issue of MMR safety again in 1991, noting that in a follow-up review of the earlier cases of meningitis and encephalitis that were definitively linked to the vaccine, two of the children developed permanent neurological damage as a result. One other developed behavioral problems, which are linked to autism, and another developed cerebral astrocytoma, a type of brain tumor. None of this critical information was publicly disclosed.
You can read Dr. Tomlijenovic’s full 45-page paper on vaccine corruption here:
people still are not listening if i had known myself and my family would of had a life we all love my daughter but she is so badly damaged our lives have been tied to her needs is this what people want i think not so start listening