by Judge Anna von Reitz
When I put out my call for financial assistance to launch The Living Law Firm I never expected the outpouring of help that has come from every corner of this country. When I asked for men to step up and reclaim their states of the Union I couldn’t expect that so many would so quickly answer the call.
As of tonight, only a handful of states are not fully and surely claimed, and oddly enough, they are all Eastern states where the push for American Independence came first and hardest—- I still needs sons of Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Vermont to come forward.
The geneology research has been taken up by gallant Mormon men and ladies, who have given abundantly of their time and expertise and made what would have otherwise been an insurmountable burden for me seem like a mere nothing; they’ve run through the public records and nailed them down like ten pins.
Thank you all, deeply, from my heart and the Team here and from your countrymen across this great land.
And now among all the other things I was not expecting, I have to share one more unforeseen gift of this whole process.
It’s natural that Americans care about their freedoms and justice and the fortunes of their neighbors and the security of their own property —one could at least hope for that.
What I have been totally unprepared for is the number of gifts and well-wishes and donations and “Atta-girls” pouring in from other countries—- from Canada and Britain, from Scotland and Sudan, from South Africa and Queensland, from India and Japan….and the list goes on.
People all over this planet want America back to being America. They want the criminally out of control federal corporations kicked to the curb. They understand—- often better than many Americans– just how badly we’ve been misrepresented and how much our reputation has suffered as a result of these interlopers pretending to be us and pretending to represent us while committing every crime under the sun.
And they have come from the four corners of the globe to cheer us on and say, “About time! Huzzah! God bless you all!”
They’ve been waiting for us to wake up and take charge and do what Americans do best. So come on. The door is open and the path is free to walk. Every day and in every way its time for everyone to make a difference.
A housewife in Belfast wrote my website address on Post-It Notes and papered them on cereal boxes and fish crates to get the word out.
A child of an American soldier living in Sudan sent me a cross she had braided out of dry grass.
A grandmother in Japan sent me a note on rice paper and simply said, “G.I. Joe is good Joe.”
We need to remember that. We need to remember who we are. We need to stand up by the millions and do all that needs to be done, for ourselves, for our country, for our planet.
From the beginning when I first took up a pen and wrote a single heart-felt letter to family and friends begging them to help get the word out, people have urged me to start a political movement, like a political party with slogans and candidates and “issues” and all the trappings of the System we have come to expect—-and always I have resisted that path.
Why? Because its a business issue, not a political issue. A governmental services contract and a public trust owed to the American People has been grossly dishonored and abused by foreign governments in violation of international treaties, by banks in violation of international law, by elected officials in violation of their oaths and duties, and by public employees who have blindly obeyed.
No need for fanfare. No reason for bunting. No speeches. No slogans. No Democrat. No Republican.
There’s just one thing that I am– an American. A majority of one. Hear me roar.
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