KEN’S CORNER: Abortion, The “Progressive” Devaluation of Life
By TLB Contributing Author: Ken LaRive
How much is a moment of life worth? It is priceless!
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in ten of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day.
It might surprise some, but The Jesuits taught me that it is ludicrous to argue weather abortion is a life or not a life. The fact is that none of us know for certain where to draw the line. A responsible and loving person would not take action if this line wasn’t clearly defined, so this idea makes abortion, for selfish concerns, absolutely morally wrong.
I speak to you here of death, innocent death… I write not only of what is being done now, right this moment, but of the wasted potential in its twisted process called abortion. I speak to you of the unspeakable, the intentional murder of children, and the potential for life, by the hands of butchers. Most Abortionists exist because our society is weak and Godless, myopic and self serving, and reading on will show fully its profound horror…
First, lets look at the tools…

There are many forms of abortions performed here in America, and though it is the most discussed and morally debated act of the century, it is still being carried out. I can’t deny the possibility that in some cases an abortion may be needed, but the greatest part is not for saving the life of the mother, but done on demand, as a form of birth control. To me, of all of the disgusting and unjust happenings of our world, this takes the cake hands down. So let us walk down this road together…
There is what is called The Menstrual extraction, where a hollow tube with a sharp tip is connected to a powerful pump, said to be 29 times more powerful than a conventional vacuum cleaner. With a small opening and a strong suction it actually tears the body to pieces. The placenta is cut up and sucked out too, filling a special receptacle designed for this operation.
A D&C, also known as Dilation and Curettage, can be used in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. It is used in most cases in place of the saline and chemical solutions that have mistakenly led to the horror of live births, where children were blinded, chemically burned, with irreversible trauma. An instrument that looks like a pair of pliers is used to crush the “baby’s” bones, skull, and backbone. Inserted, the doctor will seize a part of the baby’s body, and twist off an arm, or leg, over and over until the entire body is extracted. There is a nurse present whose job it is to reassemble this tiny body, to insure that no parts were left inside. (Note* I use the word baby in this paragraph to emphasize that the definition of a baby is one dependent on a mother, before and after birth.)
The Hysterectomy Abortion is a procedure where the mother’s abdomen is surgically opened and the baby lifted out. Sometimes these babies are still alive, and will be smothered in a variety of ways, from being covered with the placenta, to being immersed in a bucket of water. One procedure is to cut the cord while the baby is still inside, and doing the operation after the heart stops.
Salt Poisoning, (candy apple babies), is most used in the first trimester of pregnancy. An abortionist will inject a strong saline solution into the anomic sac. After this injection, the fetus can be viewed on a monitor. Breathing and swallowing this saline poisons the baby. It can be seen struggling, and convulsing before death. Why the term “Candy Apple”? Well, after delivery, in a day or two, the baby’s head sometimes looks like a Candy Apple. The salt is so corrosive that it actually burns the skin off, displaying the subcutaneous layer underneath. This method was originally perfected in Nazi concentration camps. Some babies have survived this procedure, look them up, …Gianna Jesson and Becca.
There are two other forms of abortion to look up, the Prostaglandin, and RU-486, that I don’t have room for here, but they show the many ways we find to kill as most imaginative.
The most horrendous of all is the procedure called D&X or The Partial Birth abortion. It makes all the others look somewhat mild in comparison. It is used from early to advanced pregnancies, and so, on babies who could most probably have otherwise survived on their own. Here is a verbatim account of the procedure as given by “Abortion TV, …tune in the truth.”:
“The cervix is dilated to allow passage of a ring forceps. A foot or lower leg is located and pulled into the vagina. The baby is extracted in breech fashion until the head is just inside the cervix. The baby’s legs hang outside of the woman’s body. With the baby face-down, scissors are plunged into the baby’s head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby’s brain is removed. The skull collapses and the baby is delivered.”
Partial birth abortion is not found in medical textbooks. Here we have a doctor who has taken the oath to heal, and yet killing in a manor not accepted in medical practice! It is a procedure that no ethical doctor would perform, and no civilized society should tolerate.
In no way is it considered an emergency procedure, but premeditated. It can take up to three days for the woman to dilate, and there is serious danger for infection, hemorrhaging, scarring, and the possibility of complicating future pregnancy too.
I ask you, what mother would let her child die so that she might live?
Information above was secured from the Kansas City Star. The Washington Times is stated below, January 14, 2003:
“An estimated 2,200 dilation and extraction, or partial-birth abortions were conducted in 2000, said researches with the pro-abortion Alen Guttmacher Institute, who surveyed all known U.S. abortion facilities during the last few years. In 1996, institute researchers estimated that there had been 650 partial-birth abortions, which are performed on unborn children older than 20 weeks.
The 2,200 partial-birth abortions account for 0.17 percent of abortions, said institute researchers Lawrence Finer and Stanley Henshaw. Moreover, the 2,200 figure “should be interpreted cautiously because projections based on such small numbers are subject to error.” They wrote.”
The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (Pub.L. 108–105, 117 Stat. 1201, enacted November 5, 2003, 18 U.S.C. § 1531, PBA Ban) is a United States law prohibiting a form of late termination of pregnancy called “partial-birth abortion,” referred to in medical literature by as intact dilation and extraction.
If you have the stomach for it … here are some images of post abortion procedure babies.
Question this: Is there money to be made from these little bodies?
40 to 50 million abortions are performed on our beautiful Earth, every year. Can this loss be calculated?
Author’s Note:
There are many religions I have personally tried to understand, from the Old Testament of wrath, fear, and vengeance, the New Testament of Love and Jesus the Christ, The Koran of the Desert Warrior, The Rig Vita, and the remnants of Zoroastrianism, but one thing they all had in common, was the sanctity of innocent life… Though men have used them all to justify death, statistics show that no person of any faith would have an abortion, no matter what they called themselves. I have seen grown Muslim men cry at the thought of it, as we discussed morality and ethics deep into the night…
It is shown that this procedure comes from the left, and that most all who do it, here in America, are black. Years ago I wrote a piece about abortion published in the BI Moody papers, and a very distraught white woman told me at a party that she had had two when she was in her early twenties, and regretted it. I remember her using the F word in front of my grandson, drove legally drunk, and blew her cigarette smoke across the pool without regard. I know a lawyer who talked his young daughter into having one, and he, to this day seeming feels no remorse. To me, he is responsible for that life, and I wonder if he sees it in his mind’s eye playing with his three other grand kids. If there is an after life… an accountability for what we have done on this amazing gift called earth… what would the maker of all things say? I ask you, what is an hour of life worth? One hour breathing a fresh morning breeze, having the sun or even rain on your face, hearing a bird or the laughter of children, or to hug someone you love… everything you own in the world. What is eighty years worth? It is a loss beyond comprehension…
Life, is so precious, that if you are wrong in a wreck and a fetus dies, you are brought up for manslaughter… and yet, it is also legal to end it with one of any various tools found above, and our Progressive, Satanic Government, wants loving people to pay for it. Sure, there are circumstances where it may be justified, rape, cancer and radiation, but even there a loving woman will choose the life of her child over her own. As a man of sixty nine, I was taught to defend any woman and child with my life, and the Progressive left is trying to destroy that sentiment, and make right wrong. My God, the horror of it all… what have we become? Three thousand abortions here in America, every single day… Indeed, it is hard to fathom.
I write this with the hope of changing one mind, saving one life.
There was some talk of a recent essay of mine describing a beheading in Saudi Arabia of a convicted murderer. Some said it was a barbarous act of a barbarous Muslim society. We throw stones, but are we any better? We electrocute our murderers, and give them lethal injections…We are so “holier than thou.” So egotistical, so judgmental. A culture should be considered civilized by the empathy, love, the compassion we have for our fellow man, and the protection we have for innocence. On the other hand, a culture who takes a strong hand against evil is for the common good. and so we must ask ourselves: Who the hell are we?
…I wonder, as we ask for God’s mercy.
From the Author, Ken LaRive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
More information about Ken LaRive.
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I think “what mother would let her child die so that she might live” is a very good question, and one that I feel wasn’t considered quite long enough. It’s a big decision to take a life (in the case of late-term abortions), and the vast majority of mothers-to-be are not doing this lightly. The idea that women who choose to have abortions are monsters who do it for selfish reasons doesn’t consider that these women are people who are trying to make the best decision for their survival. In most cases abortions are done for medical reasons or monetary reasons. We have far too many children and mothers suffering in poverty to bring more unwanted babies into the world to suffer and starve.
Before we worry about the unborn we need to focus on the living, and think about why these abortions are happening. Most pro-choice people don’t like abortions either, but think access to them is important for those who need them.
To prevent these sorts of late-term (and early) abortions we need better sex education and access to birth control for women, especially low-income women, so that unwanted pregnancies, and the abortions that follow them, don’t happen.