Agenda 21/30, The United Nations & The Domestic Enemies From Within
A key feature of Agenda 21/30 is to end property rights in our country and justify even mandate control of where and how we live and work. It is also redistributive program, whereby it transfers America’s wealth to the UN oligarchy…
by Susan Price, TLB Contributing Writer/Analyst
Revolution is in the air while Revelations have freed the consciousness of the worlds people rising up in the spirit of solidarity against their treasonous governments.
There is a virtual unification taking place, as social media and alternative outlets marry many truths across the globe. Yes the human spirit has awakened from their deep slumbers of propaganda.
Europe is imploding, France is on fire and London bridges has fallen down, the people of the EU want their country back from the illegals and criminal elite who hijacked their country years ago under the guise of the United Nations and Agenda 21/30.
Chants echo through the crowds by these Europeans, yelling, “We want Trump” We want Trump” was music to the ears of American patriots who supported and prayed for their brothers and sisters abroad, yes we are the lucky ones to have a President who fights for “We The People”. One would think Trump is becoming the worlds President by the contagious allegiance of strength through sovereignty.
Politicians around the world together with the former U.S. leadership tried their damndest to indoctrinate the hearts and minds of Americans but “no deal” states President Trump and supporting American patriots.
A little shout out to Nancy, Chuckie and their progressive gang of vandals, We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy; get over yourselves because WE THE PEOPLE are over you, and counting the days till you are all held accountable for your back door hidden agenda against the American people.
We are not buying into the socialist regime, yet there are those domestic enemies deep within our government who use their platforms as their private endowment plans, abusing their privileges as they greedily encumber power while vampiring the life out of the very constituents they’re suppose to represent.
Here at home, domestic terrorists Nancy Pelosi of California and Chuck Schumer of N.Y. continue to plot and plan ways to bring illegals into our country against the very laws that govern our lands as they aid and abet the forces that harness child and human trafficking.
These Anti-American talking heads who want to give our country away….putting illegals before the American population as they build protective walls around their assets, yet, expecting Americans to accept the apathy of their narratives while these progressive enemy forces align themselves with the foreign powers of the United Nations for a global take over.
They have no respect for the people of America or our Constitution and are disrespectful to our President at every opportunity the cameras are rolling, they are clueless about how the masses feel about them, for they are guilty of many back door deals against us. They and their progressive cronies are the reason there is social divide in our great nation. They propagate the once hidden agenda that only serves the political and military elite.
For those of you who are unaware of what Agenda 21/30 is, you need to pay attention and take heed, if you care about your future legacy, you need to educate yourself on who in your government is selling you out….it doesn’t matter if there is a D or an R in front of their names because those who are in agreement with the United Nations are NOT in agreement with the Constitution and are treasonous against America.
Agenda 21/30 provides recommendations that is to be implemented by ALL GOVERNMENTS, Systems, and Groups Under the United Nations umbrella.
This evil plot is a three decade grand plan for global “Sustainable Development” brought to you from the United Nations, George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992… and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on “Sustainable Development. This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.
What you are about to see in this video is Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spearheading HC Res 353 on the House floor to pursue United Nations (UN) Agenda 21. She calls out “Agenda 21” twice and clearly states that it is the “United Nations Sustainable Development” program.
Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY) speaks first, Nancy Pelosi speaks next and WM Broomfield (R-MI) speaks last. They all use the term “Agenda 21” and they all state it is from the “United Nations”.
Agenda 21/30 has already begun being implemented by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) throughout our country. Tied to the strong financial arm of George Soros.
The United States has the largest number of Agenda 21/30 geographic locations of any other participating country. It is important that you know that Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution prohibits states and their subdivisions from entering into alliances with foreign operatives. ICLEI is a foreign operative; hence, Agenda 21 is in direct violation of the US Constitution.
A key feature of Agenda 21/30 is to end property rights in our country and justify even mandate control of where and how we live and work. It is also redistributive program, whereby it transfers America’s wealth to the UN oligarchy and other countries as it diminishes our way of life to that of a third world country. By design, Agenda 21 requires the death of free market capitalism.
President Trump has worked hard these past two years to repair the damages of the Obama administration as he continued to destroy our free market system, while placing more and more private industries and land under government control and broaden Crony Capitalism?
Agenda 21/30 is a vehicle to achieve a transformation of America into something else that will be run by a global oligarchy.
“We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy, “Trump said in his second address to the General Assembly in New York. Trump defended his decision to pull out of the U.N. Human Rights Council in June, and lashed out at the ICC.
“The United States will provide no support and recognition to the International Criminal Court, “Trump said. “As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority. The ICC claims near-universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness, and due process.” America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism around the world,” he said. “Responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty.”
~ President Donald J.Trump
For Further Insight:
About (TLB) Contributing Writer Susan Price
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our main websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … TLB
How do you explain then, President Trump’s capitulation to Agenda 21’s poster boy Dr. Fauci and his faked estimates of “potential deaths”? President Trump swallowed Fauci’s bullshit hook, line, and sinker and caused the collapse of the US economy. His failure to stand up to Dr. Fauci and Agenda 21/30 proponents demonstrates his inability to lead in a time of crisis. Now, if he were to expose Dr. Fauci as the fraud that I know him to be, and to restart the economy asap, then he might be re-elected. At the moment, he is committing political suicide.
“President Trump has worked hard these past two years to repair the damages of the Obama administration as he continued to destroy our free market system, while placing more and more private industries and land under government control and broaden Crony Capitalism?”
I assume when you say, “…as he continued to destroy our free market system, while placing more and more private industries and land under government control and broaden Crony Capitalism?” you are referring to BHO?