Intro by Steve Cook
We are pleased to feature here the Energy Policy Statement of the Freedom Alliance.
We like it because it is simple common sense – as opposed to the dementia of the CCC (Climate Crisis Cult) on the one hand and FFF (Fossil Fuel Fanaticism) on the other.
The governance of our nation, too long in the grubby clutches of subversives and lunatics who have turned democracy into a con game, sorely needs to be returned to the stewardship of honest men and women of Reason and Common Sense.
Please look it over, form your own opinions and if you are of a mind, to check out what else the Freedom Alliance has to say on their website here.
Freedom Alliance. Energy Policy Statement
27 October 2022
by The Energy Working Group
Fundamental Rights
Each individual person has a right to be on this planet and indeed each brings a uniqueness that enriches the world and humanity. We all have the right, not simply to survive, but to flourish and to strive to thrive.
The government, via the ONS, would have us believe that large numbers of people died as a result of man-made heat waves – you remember those two days where temperatures almost reached the warmth that you go abroad to find?
Not only do their numbers not add up, but they completely ignore that far more people die as a result of the cold – a fact which is true even in the hotter regions of the world.
The government and media would also have you believe that the solution to this is for us all to stop consuming energy and so perhaps reduce the temperature of the planet in a few hundred years time. In reality, the people of the UK could entirely cease to exist tomorrow and it would make zero difference to the climate – perhaps that’s what Net Zero means! Meanwhile, however many people will die during the intervening “heat waves” it’s a certainty that many many more will die from the cold.
The fundamental requirement for a livable and comfortable world for all, is cheap and reliable energy. Removing the difficulties in heating our homes and transporting ourselves allows us to raise our standard of living above mere survival and we are freed to thrive. We can devote ourselves to more fulfilling projects – learning, creating, socialising, entertainment, sport, inventing and so on.
So called “green” energy sources are anything but. Their creation, installation, maintenance, and decommissioning consume vast quantities of energy and require huge volumes of polluting rare resources obtained in highly unethical ways.
These “renewable” energy sources only provide energy when they choose to – with direct sunlight, when the wind blows enough but not too much – and not when we need them to. They are neither cheap nor reliable.
Governments around the world (not China, Russia, India) have been tirelessly working to ensure that our energy supplies are neither cheap nor reliable all in the name of “saving the planet”, which will undoubtedly make our world harder to live in and will cost many many lives. It is not the place of government, even less so the globalist oligarchy, to tell us we have to give up comfort and convenience and regress to mere survival, which is what NetZero means for a large proportion of our population.
Government’s role is to help us thrive and free us to live our best lives. If they cannot do that they should at least get out of the way, let us determine how our own money our money is spent and look after ourselves. The government’s commitment to NetZero is a betrayal of the people to a twisted, dishonest globalist ideology.
Proposed Solutions.
So what do we do whilst we’re searching for new ways of generating energy that are cheap and reliable (and scalable) and better than what we have today?
Our plan to allow people to flourish is
• to reopen and maintain coal and gas power stations until such time as we have a superior energy source.
• make Britain fuel-independent by reopening coal mines and exploring new sources of carbon-based fuels.
• should Britain require more fuel than it can produce we would be at liberty to buy from wherever we want without reference to the sanctions imposed by others.
• honest and independent examination of the costs, benefits and risks of nuclear power. Whilst not keen on nuclear power (because of its dangers and the problems with disposing of used material, and suspicions that it is more about manufacturing weapons grade material than
energy supply), we would keep the current stations active until a better option is found.
• honest independent look at the viability of hydroelectric. We have enough water power in tiny areas to generate electricity for the whole UK, though of course we do not wish to ruin areas of outstanding natural beauty or cause unreasonable inconvenience to landowners, fishermen
and the like.
• to examine thorium in the interim as a relatively clean, safe and abundant alternative for generation of electricity using nuclear power.
• re-examine the scientific dogma of the origin of carbon-based fuels. How finite are carbon-based resources?
• honestly, using independent scientists, examine other sources of energy. Perform genuine cost-benefit-risk analyses to determine which alternative energy sources are genuinely more environmentally friendly than carbon-based fuels. (For example, are solar panels really good
for the environment given the carbon involved in mining materials, producing and transporting panels, producing lithium batteries if storing the energy, disposing of the panels and the batteries? Do they provide more energy than they require from manufacture to disposal?)
• explore the use of energy that surrounds us. There have been many examples of devices (in open systems – those with access to the wider environment) that can produce more energy than they use. We would support, encourage and protect those who are investigating this.
• take energy companies out of private ownership. Privatisation has led to exploitation by global corporations, yet governments are notoriously inefficient at running anything so we would look at taking the energy companies into a public trust that runs purely for the benefit of the people and answers to its customers, independent of government.
Genuinely renewable energy is of course the holy grail, and the present technologies of wind and solar do not meet the critical criteria of cheap and reliable. Cheap and Reliable is what has made an inhospitable world safe and comfortable and that is what we are losing, right now. With cheap and reliable energy you can keep people warm when it’s cold and cool them down when it gets too hot. In fact everything in our modern world is reliant on cheap & reliable energy – without it, people die.
We do not claim to have all the answers with regard to energy, but we do know that there are many smart people who do, though their efforts have been kept buried by powerful interests in carbon-based fuels. Our own Lance has shown on the FA website that LED’s can themselves produce a current using just the energy around us. We have all seen exciting projects pop up only to go quiet and vanish.
We would encourage discussion beyond the narrow parameters currently set by government, media, green campaigners, globalist corporations and establishment scientists to allow solutions to be discovered that allow us all to thrive and live in a clean healthy environment and in the meantime implement the above mentioned solutions
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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