By TLB Contributing Writer: Walter
Initially, when you read or hear about neuropsychiatric disorders, you would wonder exactly what that means. Isn’t the mind separate from the body? That question is always at hand but we do know science has explained a definite link of brain physiology to certain psychiatric and neurological disorders.
When it comes down to a basic definition of these disorders, this is all related to the nervous system. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, ADHD, and OCD are clear examples of neuropsychiatric disorders. At the same time, psychiatric disorders can cause damage to the neurons of the brain and the body.
Many neurological diseases affect the brain to a huge degree. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and physical brain damage will eventually lead to increased depression and anxiety to an unbearable level. There can be physical causes for psychiatric problems or the other way around. The two actually go hand in hand. To date, there have been many pharmaceutical treatments for these conditions. In addition, a large degree of alternative solutions are available.
CBD oil from hemp is one of the best solutions to arise since the dawn of mankind. Since it comes from hemp, it is related to the cannabis plant, as it is in the same species family. This will make you wonder: Is CBD oil legal? The answer may surprise you because even though it is a close relative of marijuana, it cannot get you high and it is legal in all fifty states. It is something the government does not prohibit.
How can it work to help with neuropsychiatric disorders? The disorders listed above, as well as many other health problems, can be effectively treated with CBD oil. It reduces anxiety and lifts the mood. Since it is lacking the psychoactive THC, it won’t provide the distorted high that can lead to paranoia and anxiety. CBD actually relieves anxiety, paranoia, and can reduce hallucinations in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
The legality of CBD has been in debate for a long time. Now, it is well understood that it is not addictive. Rather, it has a number of clear benefits. Pain management is a good example. Certain neurological disorders and diabetes can cause inflammation of the nerves and this results in serious nerve pain. In studies, CBD helped relieve nerve pain as well as or better than common pain relievers such as codeine. That is an amazing thing since codeine and all drugs like it are addictive if not used correctly.
Neuropsychiatric issues are not just physical. It is a full manifestation of a neurological problem that needs to be addressed in the clearest manner possible. If you want, you can ask your doctor if you can use CBD. So far, it has not been implicated in any medication interactions. It is better to be safe and, actually, CBD boosts health so much, you are safer than you normally would be.
A final note that is interesting: high CBD cannabis strains improve cognition, concentration, and memory, unlike the high THC varieties. See how it will work for you, and learn more with some research online.
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