Intro by Steve Cook
Here is a handy ebook I found.
It provides as useful summary of the attack on humanity under cover of the “health emergency” hysteria and the casualties inflicted on the citizenry by the vaxadoodlebug, the globalists’ Weapon of Mass Destruction.
It is entitled “Bioterrorism, COVID Vaccines and Their Mechanism of Destruction”, and you can download it free from the link given below.
Copyright laws prevent me from forwarding the download directly myself but I can give you a sample quote from the book:
The reality is that we still don’t know what the long-term effects will be since the vaccine is experimental and only time can truly tell how severe their damage will be. However many experts, including our doctors, have analyzed the mechanism of the vaccine and have looked at the damage that these jabs are currently causing to hypothesize what these long-term effects may look like.
Dr. Bryan Ardis
The American Heart Association, whose entire job is to research and give protocols to help reverse and protect all Americans from developing heart disease. And what did they find? That it actually states from the American Heart Association, November 8, 2021, their Circulation journal,
“All mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation of heart muscle leading to thrombotic episodes, which is blood clotting disorders, cardiomyopathy, which is heart muscle disease, heart disease, and other vascular events following the vaccinations.” And other vascular events would be strokes and heart attacks. So, if the American Heart Association can come out just less than 2 weeks later and say the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase heart inflammation and lead to cardiovascular events, my problem with that is if the American Heart Association can put that out, why wasn’t that information related 2 weeks earlier to the FDA before they made this statement. They already had this information. They got it from the CDC.
I don’t know if you know this, but myocarditis, which is what heart inflammation is, which the American Heart Association is identifying. Did you know that Dr. Hinton of the NHS in the UK has already given the statistics for the world so they can understand what the fatality rate is. Every single age group that’s identified and diagnosed with myocarditis, for every age group worldwide, within 2 years, 20% of all those people will die. And we’ve got information about teenagers. We even have the numbers from American teenagers that have received the Pfizer shot, which is an mRNA shot that the American Heart Association says causes heart inflammation. This heart inflammation called myocarditis is fatal in 2 years to 20% of everyone that actually gets diagnosed with that condition. In 5 years, the fatality rate per Dr. Hinton is 50% of all people will be dead.
That means on the data sheets from the CDC, when they reported in August, that there were hundreds of teenage boys developing myocarditis ages 12 to 19 years old, that means of the 12-year-olds, half of them won’t even make it to their 17 years old. They’ll be dead from myocarditis. I have a problem now actually, the FDA coming out with the information from the CDC in August, coming out 2 months later in October saying, we’re now gonna inject these experimental mRNA shots that now the American Heart Association says, that it is dramatically increasing heart inflammation called myocarditis. I have a problem with the FDA, not retracting this mandate or this extension of the Emergency Use Authorization on the 28 million kids that they just allowed this EUA to be extended, to put all these vaccines into 5-to-11-year old children in America, knowing that heart disease is going up in teenagers where it never existed before. It’s extremely rare in teenagers, but after these shots within 7 days, they’re seeing it in teenagers. 5 times in females what they expected to see just within 1 week of the second Pfizer shot and 20 times in teenage boys within the same time period, just within 7 days.
I have a problem with that and have a grave concern that there’s gonna be a whole lot of children that are gonna be killed from these shots and now have federal health agencies like the FDA, the CDC, who obviously, it appears, doesn’t give a crap about what happens to these children. We’re just gonna go ahead and experiment on them and see what happens.
Now, I have a problem with that. I got 5 kids and I wouldn’t allow anybody to inject my kids with an experiment, that is now being published, is known to cause myocarditis. And if you don’t believe me, you don’t have to believe me. Go talk to Peter McCullough. The most authored, published cardiologist in history, go ask him his concerns about heart disease and these mRNA vaccines. He’s got the same concerns around the safety around these shots, and he doesn’t believe they’re safe from all the data he’s seen. And he’s an epidemiologist, that means he studies the effects of infections that are actually affecting millions of people around the world. That’s what his job is. He’s been doing that for like 30 years, working directly with the NIH and he has concerns.
So that October 26, 2021 date was the most upsetting to me, ‘cause that’s when the FDA said, “We’re gonna extend the Emergency Use Authorization of these shots to all 5 to 11-year-old children. And they just chose Pfizer as the only shot, which is an mRNA shot. I actually didn’t know I could get more upset than I was since May of 2020.
I didn’t realize just how grand and how evil this murderous plot was, to actually injure, maim, disease and kill innocent Americans and humans around the world. And people have nonstop told me, “I cannot believe you. I can’t- I cannot believe how great it’s been to have you convey information. You have made a dramatic impact on saving lives around America and around the world.” But I will leave events and they’ll go, “You’re a great American Dr. Ardis.” And I’ll go, “No, I’m not.” That’s not how I see this. I’m trying to save every human being on the planet and never have I considered myself a humanitarian, but that’s the first thing that comes to mind. Someone’s got to defend the innocent, who are absolutely being taken advantage of, being lied to, being misguided. And then being maimed and killed with these drug treatments for COVID-19 in hospitals. Now with these vaccines being actually promoted to you as the cure to stop this pandemic, which they are not even designed to do. So, yeah. I have a problem with everyone being lied to. “
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All these agencies like the FDA and CDC who are pushing these poisons need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. That also includes their chief spokesman and top salesman joe biden, the biggest liar in America.