Bread and Circus (redux)…

Bread and Circus (redux)…

By: Joseph M. Lenard

First… #HeIsRisen Hoping you have a Blessed Easter weekend with Family… Beyond that…

“Bread and Circus” again? Yes, for a couple of reasons different from the last time a few weeks back… Don’t care about Football? This is not about you, but others, please keep reading…

As I’ve said before, here and on CTP podcast, things you’ll not get anywhere else. Think you’ve heard it all about this topic? WRONG, get ready for the parts you’ll not see/hear from anywhere/anyone else… As Paul Harvey used to say: “The Rest Of The Story…”

For Football Fans it is a momentous weekend as USFL and XFL merged into a new UFL (United Football League). No, not a return of the UFL, for those that remember the original UFL several years back; Denzel Washington’s Son played (brought the League a bit of notoriety and publicity, and he wasn’t a horrible Wide-Receiver) for the California team, owned by the Men’s Warehouse cheap-suits shop guy (hey, not knocking it/him, I shopped there, never afford uppity-uppity over-priced fashion designers/icons ones). Don’t care? Good, Great, that’s fine. But as I’ve written “Occasional Distractions Not Just OK, but Healthy” (yes, I’ll tune in – as “I” (and bet you, part of point of piece) not “consumed” by “Bread and Circus” 24×7 and way broach those that are).

You are NOT going to be able to beat those sleep-walking through Life over the Head with latest Headlines in hopes of News-Blitz like News-boarding (play on Water-Boarding, because yes #MASSholes (Masses of Assholes) trying awaken them with Reality of things that will harm them (despite Ostrich impersonation, trying avoid) must do so “gently” – previously discussed TLB piece “Can Lead Leftist to Facts, but Cannot Make Them Think (part 1)” where I said “It may seem very odd, but dealing with people coming to grips with their Politics (as many things from a Psychological aspect) is like dealing with mourning. You’ve all heard it: Shock, Denial, Anger, and Acceptance (SDAA) phases of grief.”

We’re FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES (and even others don’t understand we are theirs) – you may need do things make you uncomfortable to position yourself to matter and make difference. Hang with “friends” you know clearly don’t get it, casually interject how “relieved” you are at chance to enjoy some “Bread and Circus” away from very depressing things going on – gently interject hoping that door opens to enter about such. If does, DON’T GO OVER-BOARD. Pushing hard, can just cause push-back. Offer to “send a link” (not this piece, they’ll be on to what you’re doing, but original “Bread and Circus” piece – later in week that you’d “really appreciate them reading the article and let you know their thoughts afterward!” Or, if they’re visual, you think you might have better luck, send them link ( to my CTP Show on “Bread and Circus” Video instead.

Second, and this upsets me the most, some folks that have even used the “Bread and Circus” concept on Social-Media during the StuperBowl, were just as obnoxious as the #Swiftees all sudden caring about K. C. Chiefs football squad and were just as pathetic acting SNOWFLAKES hating on K. C. Chiefs just so they could be Haters and #AntiSwiftees. If you weren’t going to watch, just leave it at that but instead many had to “expose” their inner-Snowflake and whine endlessly about the #Swiftees. And some still are! Now I get some were just “having some FUN” with the situation, but betting you know some that indeed “lost their minds” and acting every bit as badly as a Tweenager, non-thinking, non-principled, #TaylorDerangementSyndrome, Emotionally Hysterical, wrecks. Now, yes, I get, and more important, the Swift supports #BiDUMB (Women who got Rich selling suckers Music about her piss-poor choices in (now dating someone Left would normally label having “Toxic Masculinity,” no doubt you at least seen a clip of his (some “speculate”) Roid-Rage outburst at his Coach during StuperBowl; normally lack of any reasonable Judgement of Character constant gravitation regularly to weak, Emotionally unstable, Soy-Boy) Men, now trying to SELL another Loser Man (#BiDUMB) to them) memes (whole different, far more important situation); who himself looked enraged by “alleged” Drugged-up rage at fiction-filled State-Of-The-Union angry “Get Off My Lawn” like rantings of a Mad-Man (briefly discussed in “Tale Of Two National-Guard Deployments (NY/TX)” March 23rd TLB piece).

It is NICE to finally see some people discover the “Bread and Circus” tactics used by tyrants after forever. HOWEVER, again, you are not likely to be able to SHAKE AWAKE the WOKE buffoons overnight. So, just here-and-there, we must SNEAK THINGS PAST THEIR DEFENSES with Humor or other methods to “drop” the “seed” of/about “Bread and Circus” and “try gently nudge them into curiosity about such” THEN when they “ask” and are open to the discussion go into such. Psychology over Centuries has discovered that sometimes the harder you push, the more resistance you’ll get back – so, be gentle, be subtle, in broaching topics like this (plant a seed, let it grow, overwatering KILLS PLANTS TOO, if you get my drift).

If you read and remember the original “Bread and Circus” piece from a few weeks ago, you can dip out here. Those who missed that piece, or if you’d forgotten that piece already (if you have, HOW DARE YOU? You should not just be reading my pieces but committing every line, every word, to memory to be able to recite to others! Yes, relax, JOKING. LOL), please keep reading…

So let’s review were we at TLB (not just me) touched upon this; a few times actually, and not just with/on TheLibertyBeacon but BeforeItsNews and even RedState/Townhall before this; but of late run across more folks that have no clue about what it is having come from the Roman days – keep the #MASSHOLES (Masses of Asses, you rubes, you dweebs, you Peasants) belly full enough and distracted so-as “comfortable enough” to ignore the Tyranny and be complacent and NOT REVOLT!

VIDEO (3m 50s): Bread and Circuses – What does it mean and where does it come from?

[Sub-section from “Only thing required for Evil to prevail” TLB piece (expanded/expounded upon a bit below)]

All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good peoples to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms. [And sadly there are a whole lot of folks just sit on their Asses and DO NOTHING, consumed by the boob-tube after Work daily, and even more hours on weekends.]

If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick (while the Left and FASCICRATS try to keep the masses distracted and they “Cloward and Piven” us toward Bankruptcy (especially the Social Security System in just next few years if not dealt with and as also discussed in the TLB “The Lefts Farcical Attempt to Influence the 2024 GOP Primary” piece).

When are you going to stop (well, again, point of this article, doing so in moderation OK, but I’m addressing the do nothing but sit around and WHINE crowd) watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or you sitting idly (“You SHALL be Known by Your Fruits” or your IDLENESS to not Sow anything) by until there is no Bread at all to Eat from/with/in the “Bread and Circus” eventual collapse equation?

As an aside and throw-back a couple weeks. Those who Virtue-Signal are NOT limited to those on the Left. Sadly many on the Right just sit around behind keyboards and also Virtue-Signal; knowing NOTHING of which they speak and engaging in Emotional Hysterics and DO SOMETHING (even if it makes things worse, not better) mentality; of course just about different things than those on the Left. They talk a great game online, but when it comes to doing something (You Shall Be Known By Your Fruits, not your Words and inaction is a choice/action that can/shall be Judged), be expected to actually bother to stand up and show up to do ANYTHING that would matter – they are nowhere to be found. Are you a Virtue-Signaling bullshit-artist? Or an actual do-er (One actually can be counted on to show up and be in the trenches for the Fight)?!?!

VIDEO (10m 1s): Know Nothing Snowflakes, on both the Right and the Left We must Educate

Hopefully too you recall this being “touched on” in brief sub-section of “Occasional Distractions Not Just OK But Healthy”Occasional-Breaks-Distractions-Not-Just-OK-But-Healthy…-FI-05-06-23-min piece.

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

This also goes back to education and the UnConstitutional “Department of Education” and the Federal Tyrannical control over such destroying States Rights let-alone Parental/Local Rights in our Kids’ education. They push-down dumbing-down curriculum to try have pre-made Sheeple pre-occupied with anything and everything that matters little in Life so-as to keep any focus and pressure off the Ruling-Elites Class. Certainly want ZERO “Civics” and “History” (why it was replaced with Howard Zinn rewritten fantasy teachings as “Social-Studies).

[Sub-section from “ChristiTutionalist TM Politics” the book (Chapter 5. PROTECTING CHILDREN / SCHOOL REFORMS).]

In U. S. A. Indoctrination Factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (pedophilia), Racism (cRt), anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, because some kids are so dumbed down they wouldn’t know the “R” doesn’t belong in there (and indeed also as I mentioned elsewhere I cannot avoid bad/lame attempts at humor/puns to “lighten” the mood at times during these very serious subject discussions)), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…

The Michigan Panthers needed a lot of moves to be better than last couple years – still likely have best chance at a Championship Banner in the Ford Field rafters than the Detroit Lions. ? Hey, Lions Won Division, a goal that was unobtainable for decades prior, so there is that. LOL

VIDEO (23m 25s): CTP S1E35 Bread and Circuses BTS/SP Video


VIDEO (3m 45s): Wash It All Away (Five Finger Death Punch)


About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!

Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)

Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

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Terror Strikes video Trailer:

(Click on image to find out more)


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