ER Editor: The targeting of China on a number of levels is the theme of many comprehensive, insightful articles on COVID-19, which pull various strands together. On that note, we highly recommend a report by Metallicman titled Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus an Engineered Biological Attack on China by America for Geopolitical Advantage?
Professor Michel Chossudovsky’s article below focuses on the economic aspect of the Cui Bono question.
High-dose IV Vitamin C is proving to be useful in China, arresting the potentially lethal lung inflammation found in patients identified with COVID-19 according to Dr. Andrew Saul and Dr. Richard Cheng. (See here, here and here) Naturally, the corporate media are denouncing this as fake news and censoring it.
COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical Destabilization
“About 84,000 people in at least 56 countries have been infected, and about 2,900 have died” says the New York Times. What they fail to mention is that 98% of those cases of infection are in Mainland China. There are less than 5,000 confirmed cases outside China. (WHO, February 28, 2020)
At the moment, there is no real pandemic outside of Mainland China. Look at the figures.
At the time of writing, the number of “confirmed cases” in the US was 64.
A low number and the media is spreading panic.
Meanwhile, there are 15 Million Cases of Influenza in the USA.
The latest FluView surveillance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, as of January 18, 2020, there have been 15 million cases of flu, 140,000 hospitalizations, and 8,200 deaths in the US this influenza season. (emphasis added)
Data on the COVID-19 pandemic:
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on February 28, 2020 83,652 confirmed cases of COV-19 of which 78,961 are in Mainland China. Outside China, there are 4,691 “confirmed cases” (WHO, February 28, 2020, See table on right).
The WHO has also reported 2,791 deaths of which only 67 have occurred outside Mainland China.
These figures confirm that the pandemic is largely limited to Mainland China.
Moreover, recent data suggests that the epidemic in China is firmly under control. On February 21, 2020, China’s National Health Commission reported that 36,157 patients were designated as cured and discharged from hospital. (see graph below).
Chinese reports confirm that people have received treatment and are recovering from the virus infection. Concurrently, the number of infected patients is declining.
According to the National Medical Products Administration of China, hospitals are using Favilavir, an anti-viral drug, “as a treatment for coronavirus with minimal side effects”.
Let’s Crunch the Numbers:
The World Population is of the order of 7.8 billion.
The population of China is of the order of 1.4 billion.
The World population minus China is of the order of 6.4 billion.
4,691 confirmed cases and 67 reported deaths (outside China) out of a population of 6.4 billion does not constitute a pandemic:
4,691/6,4oo,ooo,ooo =0.00000073 = 0.000073 %
64 cases in the US, which has a population of approximately 330 million, is not a pandemic. (Feb 28 data):
64/330,000,000 = 0.00000019 = 0.000019 %
Why the Propaganda? Racism directed against Ethnic Chinese
A deliberate campaign against China was launched, a wave of racist sentiment against ethnic Chinese is ongoing largely led by the Western media but also by government agencies (see below)
Sunnybank (suburb of Brisbane), Runcorn (suburb of Brisbane) and Eight Mile Plains are towns in Queensland which have a large percentage of ethnic Chinese-Australians. The Advisory of Queensland’s Department of Health intimates that all ethnic Chinese (including those born in Australia who have never been to China) constitute a health risk, they can transmit the virus to White (“Non-Chinese”) Australians.
Oh, and do not go to a Chinese restaurant.
And that phenomenon is happening all over the U.S.
ER: And this works in another way. If people are indeed avoiding Chinese people for the time being (for understandable reasons, frankly), then fingers can be pointed against those who are, wonderfully fulfilling today’s charge against ‘white people’ for allegedly being racist. Everything tends to come back to the racism narrative.
Economic Warfare against China
US strategies consist of using COVID-19 to isolate China, despite the fact that the US economy is heavily dependent upon Chinese imports.
The short-term disruption of the Chinese economy is largely attributable to the (temporary) closing down of the channels of trade and transportation.
The WHO Global Public Health emergency is coupled with media disinformation and the freezing of air travel to China.
Panic on Wall Street
Spearheaded by media disinformation, there is another dimension. Panic in the stock markets.
The Coronavirus fear has triggered the drop of financial markets Worldwide.
According to reports, roughly $6 trillion have been wiped off the value of stock markets Worldwide. The decline in stock market values so far is of the order of “15 percent or more”.
Massive losses of personal savings (e.g. of average Americans) have occurred not to mention corporate failures and bankruptcies.
It’s a bonanza for institutional speculators, including corporate hedge funds. The financial meltdown has led to sizeable transfers of money wealth into the pockets of a handful of financial institutions.
In a bitter irony, analysts in chorus have casually linked the market collapse to the escalation of the coronavirus at a time when there was less than 64 confirmed cases in the US.
It’s not surprising that the market went down because … the virus has gotten so expanded. … ‘
Was it Possible to “Predict” the February Financial Crash?
It would be naive to believe that the financial crisis was solely the consequence of spontaneous market forces, responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. The market was carefully manipulated by powerful actors using speculative instruments in the market for derivatives, including “short-selling”.
The unspoken objective is the concentration of Wealth. It was a financial bonanza for those who had “inside information” or “foreknowledge” leading up to the WHO’s decision to declare a Worldwide public emergency on January 30.
Was there Foreknowledge of the COVID-19 (nCoV-2019) Pandemic? And of its Likely impacts?
On October 18, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Baltimore undertook a carefully designed simulation of a coronavirus epidemic entitled nCoV-2019.
In the Event 201 Simulation of a Coronavirus Pandemic, a 15% collapse of financial markets had been “simulated”. It was not “predicted” according to the organizers and sponsors of the event, which included the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well the World Economic Forum.
Screenshot, 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise
The simulation conducted in October, entitled nCoV-2019, was undertaken barely 2 months prior to to the outbreak of COVID-19.
The John Hopkins Pandemic Exercise simulated a stock market decline of “15% or more” (Video section 0.0 – 1’2″) which largely corresponds to the real market decline registered in late February 2020.
(See video below)
Many features of the “simulation exercise” do, in fact, correspond to what actually happened when the WHO Director General launched a global public health emergency on January 3o, 2020.
What must be understood is that the sponsors of the John Hopkins “simulation exercise” are powerful and knowledgeable actors respectively in the areas of “Global Health” (B. and M. Gates Foundation) and “Global Economy” (WEF).
It is also worth noting that the WHO initially adopted a similar acronym (to designate the coronavirus) to that of the John Hopkins Pandemic Exercise (nCoV-2019) before it was changed to COVID-19.
Corruption and The Role of the WHO
And what motivated WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to declare the coronavirus nCoV-2019 as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)” on January 30, when the epidemic was largely confined to Mainland China?
The evidence suggests that WHO Director-General Tedros was serving the interests of powerful corporate sponsors.
Together with the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF), The Gates Foundation were the sponsors of the October John Hopkins 2019 nCoV-2019 “simulation exercise”.
As health minister, Tedros would also chair the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that was co-founded by the Gates Foundation. The Global Fund has been riddled with fraud and corruption scandals.
“During Tedros’ three year campaign to win the WHO post, he was charged with having covered up three major epidemics of cholera while health minister in Ethiopia, mislabeling the cases as “acute watery diarrhea” (AWD)—a symptom of cholera—in an attempt to play down the significance of the epidemics, charges he denied.”(Engdahl, op. cit.)
A massive vaccine campaign has been ordered by the Director General of the WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Numerous pharmaceutical companies are already working on the development of a vaccine.
In this regard, it is worth recalling the WHO scam during the mandate of his predecessor Dr. Margaret Chan, who stated in relation to the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic that:
“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”, Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009, emphasis added)
There was no H1N1 pandemic in 2009. It was a money-making scam as revealed by the European Parliament.
What’s the Next Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic? Is it Fake or is it Real?
- The propaganda campaign against China is not over.
- Neither is the “fear pandemic” outside China despite the exceedingly low number of “confirmed cases”.
- The financial crisis is ongoing, supported by media disinformation and financial meddling.
- If normal US-China trade (and transportation) relations fail to be duly restored, the shipping of “Made in China” consumer goods exported to America could be affected.
- This in turn could potentially trigger a major crisis in retail trade in the US, i.e “Made in China” commodities constitute a large share of monthly household consumption.
- From a public health point of view, there are favorable prospects for eliminating the COVID-19 in China. Progress has already been reported.
- For the rest of the World (which currently has approximately 3,000 confirmed cases, 28 February 2020 ) the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing coupled with propaganda in favor of a Worldwide vaccination program.
- Without a fear campaign coupled with fake news, the incidence of COVID-19 would not have made the headlines.
- From a health/medical standpoint, is a Worldwide vaccination required?
- 43.3 percent of the “confirmed cases” in China are now categorized as “recovered” (See graph above). Western reports do not make the distinction between “confirmed cases” and “confirmed infected cases”. It is the latter which is relevant. The trend is towards recovery and decline of the “confirmed infected cases”.
The massive WHO vaccination campaign (referred to above) was duly confirmed by Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on February 28:
“…work is also progressing on vaccines and therapeutics. More than 20 vaccines are in development globally, and several therapeutics are in clinical trials. We expect the first results in a few weeks” (emphasis added)
Needless to say, this WHO decision is another financial windfall for the Big Five Vaccine producers: GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi, Pfizer, which control 85% of the vaccine market.
According to CNBC: (emphasis added)
These companies have jumped into the race to combat the deadly coronavirus, working on vaccine or drug programs. … Sanofi is teaming up with the U.S. government to develop a vaccine for the new virus, hoping its work on the 2003 SARS outbreak could speed up the process. Merck’s vaccine business generated $8.4 billion of revenues in 2019, the segment has been growing at an annual rate of 9% since 2010, according to Bernstein.
GlaxoSmithKline said this month it is partnering with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations [CEPI] for a vaccine program. … CEPI was founded at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2017.
Of significance, CEPI was founded in Davos in 2017 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust (A British Multibillion Humanitarian Foundation), and the World Economic Forum (WEF). The governments of Norway and India are members, largely providing funding to CEPI.
October 18, 2019: The B. and M. Gates Foundation and the WEF were partners in the John Hopkins National Security October 2019 nCoV-2019 Pandemic “Simulation Exercise”.
December 31, 2019 China alerted WHO to several cases of “unusual pneumonia” in Wuhan, Hubei province.
January 7, 2020 Chinese officials announced they had identified a new virus, The novel virus was named by the WHO 2019-nCoV (exactly the same name as the virus pertaining to the John Hopkins simulation exercise, with the exception of the placement of the date).
January 24, 25, 2020: Meeting at Davos, under the auspices of CEPI which is also a WEF-Gates partnership, the development of a 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced. (2 weeks after the January 7, 2020 announcement, and barely a week prior to the launching of the WHO’s Worldwide Public Health emergency).
January 30th, 2020, WHO Director General announces the “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
And now a Worldwide vaccination campaign has been launched to curb the COVID-19 under the auspices of CEPI in partnership with GlaxoSmithKline.
Concluding Remarks
While COVID-19 (alias nCoV-2019) constitutes a multi-billion corporate bonanza for Big Pharma, it has also contributed to precipitating humanity into a dangerous and unfolding global process of economic, social and geopolitical destabilization.
Original article
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Sorry for your own suffering, Brad, but it has nothing to do with investigating who might be behind this virus. Many elite agendas are getting served by it, including shovelling vast sums of money to the already-rich at the expense of the rest of us, and shutting us in our homes against our own national laws and rights to liberty. An individual’s personal suffering, as regrettable as that is, is a separate topic from who may be behind it and how they’re benefitting from it.
Watched people die with Covid. Been very sick myself. I’, a 25 year old Soccer player. Now my lungs are scarred. Yep, do what you want. Keep with the whole ‘ME’ deal. Unless you see it as ‘WE’, there’s going to be a ot more sickness. It’s a free country. Blame Big Pharma. Not yourself. You’ll feel better when your lungs are damaged.
“CBS this morning show” aired faked covid19 drive through www project veritas . com
Big Pharma has been responsible for many global health scares.
Many of their products are near on useless namely their mass produced annual flu shots. Many people I know don’t even bother with them these days.
Over the years I have began educating people on the importance of a good diet.Only a strong immune system can fight the rigors of today’s heavily polluted world.
To maintain a near 100& immune system you must understand what real food is?
95% of all store and market products are rubbish.
If it’s bagged , canned , jarred , wrapped or boxed chances are those products are more harmful than good.
This is what I did 20 years ago. I went 95% Natural produce diet.
Why 95%? Because I’m still human and love a bad treats on occasions.😂
To begin with I flicked all the above packaged products out of my weekly shopping list and began buying fresh veggies and anything sold in sacks(very old school)
I ceased eating cereals , sugar , processed table salts , white breads , white rice , all milled flour products- pasta , spaghetti , pizza – anything with milled flour in it. I stopped drinking milk. I began eating fermented foods like real dairy(goat ,sheep, cow etc)cheese , yogurts, 100% cream(high fats)etc. Heavy sour dough breads , Rye etc.
I also stopped eating all low fat products. I also stopped buying Veggie cooking oils. I now only use cold pressed products and animal fats.
I also began taking certain minerals because all our mass produced foods are grown on an industrial scale without nutrients added.
For a strong immune system today you must add , Mg , natural salts , Iodine , Selenium and random multi minerals depending on where you live.
I’m in my 60’s and take zero medication – zero.
A my health readings are 100% (I don’t even exercise, not since mid 20’s.
Many things harm the CV , the GI , immune, liver , kidneys ,lungs and brain.
We have been led by ‘Modern’ medicine to believe getting old means a body that just falls apart over time. This thinking is 100% false.
The human body assisted by good nutrition will remain health until your allotted days are up. Nobody will live forever , but you certainly can live a drug and pain free life to the end of the ‘road’
There is a natural treatment for every ailment. Pharmaceuticals are far from Natural.