ER Editor: The Costa Rican story below pertains to the new president of the country, Rodrigo Chavez. Readers won’t be at all surprised to learn that the former president of Costa Rica, the one who signed contracts that were lucrative for Pfizer and AstraZeneca and who imposed – right out the starting gate – the toughest mandates, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, has a page on the World Economic Forum website.
Covid Injection Mandates Are Now Illegal in Costa Rica
On Wednesday, the new President of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves, and the Minister of Health, Jocelyn Chacón, confirmed that the vaccine against covid-19 will not be mandatory in Costa Rica.
Chaves had promised that when his term began on 8 May he would end the mandatory Covid injection policy. In his first decree after taking office, Chaves dropped his country’s mask mandate and the requirement that public employees get vaccinated.
In November 2021, Costa Rica became the first country in the world to announce it would make Covid injections mandatory for children. Costa Rica has long mandated vaccines, and such requirements are supported by the country’s laws. However, three months after the announcement, Costa Ricans were still bitterly divided over mandatory Covid injections for children.
“Today [3 August] vaccines are no longer mandatory and any action against someone who does not want to be vaccinated is a violation of the law,” the president emphasised.
The announcement came after almost 93% of Costa Ricans had their first dose, 87% had a second, 51% a third and 10% a fourth dose, according to the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social – the Costa Rican Social Security Fund which is in charge of most of the nation’s public health sector.
As well as the immediate end to compulsory vaccination, Chaves said that there will be an investigation into the contracts signed by the previous government as he believes excessive amounts of doses were purchased.
According to the World Health Organisation, as of 29 July 2022, a total of 11,504,591 vaccine doses had been administered in a country with an estimated population of 5,2 million. The previous government of Carlos Alvarado signed contracts with Pfizer and AstraZeneca.
“We are going to investigate why it is that they bought so many vaccines when the information was that the market had been saturated,” Chaves said in his weekly press conference after the Governing Council.
According to Chacón, there was an intention of the Commission to “force people to get vaccinated to spend the vaccines,” which, at first, she did not want to believe but said that now “I see it differently.”
As of Wednesday, AstraZeneca had completed delivery according to their contract, but Pfizer had not. With Chaves’ decision, deliveries of vaccines pending in the Pfizer contract were suspended until further notice.
Read more:
- Costa Rica announces covid-19 vaccines are not mandatory, Qcostarica, 5 August 2022
- Costa Rica eliminates mandatory anti-covid vaccine and will investigate purchases (Spanish to English translation), SwissInfo, 3 August 2022
- Costa Rica eliminates mandatory anti-covid vaccine and will investigate purchases (Spanish to English translation), Infobae, 3 August 2022
Chaves’ predecessor Carlos Alvarado Quesada was one of the 25 world leaders who in March 2021 committed to working together “towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response” i.e., an international pandemic treaty. Other committed world leaders included:
- Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
- Erna Solberg, former Prime Minister of Norway
- Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany
- Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands
- Sebastián Piñera, former President of Chile
- Moon Jae-in, former President of the Republic of Korea
- Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa
The Fall of Costa Rica’s Vaccine Mandate
Big news, Interest of Justice posted on their Telegram channel.
We finally won in Costa Rica against the ILLEGAL mandates for gene therapy experiments! The President finally decreed the “vaccinations” are ILLEGAL!!!!!
Just got off the phone with the president’s attorney (we have been diplomatically working with them for months) and yes, Interest of Justice is suing and holding everyone responsible. Everyone is liable for the wrongfully forced experiments.
Interest of Justice is a private Costa Rican law and civics institute. Their mission is to give effect to the letter and intent of the supreme constitutional law. They work tirelessly to educate and defend human rights under the written civil, natural hermetic, and unwritten common laws. It is also a World Council for Health Coalition Partner. You can follow Interest of Justice by subscribing to their Substack HERE.
In January, co-founder of Interest of Justice Dustin Bryce spoke with the World Council of Health about Interest of Justice, who they are and what they are doing to defend human rights, particularly in the context of the Covid era.
Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.
Following on from their Telegram post above, Interest of Justice explained how pressure from citizen groups had, at least to some extent, brought about the dropping of the Covid injection mandates:
[The dropping of vaccine mandates] occurred due to Freedom of Information requests and the tenacity of non-corrupted media who asked the right questions. A while ago the Guardian newspaper uncovered the fact that two people working for the vaccination commission (CNVE) had expired credentials at the time of the purchase of the [non]vaccines.
There has been a lot of pressure to expose this and other issues of absolute nullity from the Interest of Justice and other groups, and the Health Minister and President’s office are finally taking it all seriously.
The battle is only half won because we are still in negotiations with the President’s office to do their duty to drop the entire emergency decree and all subsequent emergency EUAs [emergency use authorisations] that allow the (non)vaccine gene therapy. There are multiple actions being taken at once to hold everyone to the letter of the law, which requires all emergency decrees to be revoked for absolute nullity.
The bright side is that the new administration under Chaves and the new Health Minister are currently being honourable about observing the strict limits of the law, appear to be very nice and said they appreciate diplomacy and actual back and forth dialogue.
On Monday at the World Council for Health [General Assembly Meeting] we will explain how you can help the final push to make Costa Rica declare the use and importation of the investigational gene therapy illegal and help other countries end the mandates.
Learn why many countries and the WHO are responsible for internationally wrongful acts under superior law!
The WHO, other countries and Costa Rica are obligated under international law to cooperate peacefully to end a list of internationally wrongful acts.
There IS a remedy. It’s coming soon. Be the PERSISTENCE!
The World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting being referred to above is taking place on Monday 8 August. Bryce and Lady Xylie will discuss the dropping of mandatory vaccines in Costa Rica and the next steps for international justice. You can find out more about the upcoming meeting HERE.
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ALL mandates everywhere in the world must be abolished permanently and irrevocably for all time.
C*O*V*I*D J*a*b Victims Deserve To Be Acknowledged
The victims’ struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of med*ical malf*easance, regulatory corru*ption and societal “ma*ss forma*tion” insanity driven by med*ia fearm*ongering and outright li*es to support the shift to global tyra*nny and sla*very.
Celebrities, politicians, health agency officials, news anchors, doctors, nurses, academics and countless others pus*hed, sha*med and threa*tened as many as they could into getting the s*h*o*t, and everyone now needs to see what the result ……..
The remainder of the pop*ul*ation had b*etter r*ub the sleep out of their eyes immediately and realise our Dem*ocra*cies glob*ally have been hi*jacked by the v*ile and dist*urbed W*E*F Glo*balist Cart*el and their trea*sonous pol*itical acco*mplices.
The peo*ple must b*ring down these v*ile Tyra*nts who only care about their own po*wer gre*ed and con*trol and these Luna*tics are bloo*dy lawl*ess Tyr*ants. STO*P THEM and rec*laim our F*ULL Dem*ocratic Rig*hts and Free*doms.
Like when the Se*wer Ne*ws Main*strea*m Me*dia Thu*gs previously atta*cked Ol*ivia New*ton Jo*hn and her dau*ghter because they were very Info*rmed about va*x*x*in*es and a person’s rig*hts to ful*ly infor*med con*sent OR REF*USAL to a me*dical pro*ced*ure etc..
And now M*S*M Se*wer Ne*ws are all over her greatness because this beautiful woman has now died.
We do not for*give or for*get your Se*wer Ne*ws M*ain Str*eam Med*ia !
Ca*lling on ALL Po*lice Off*icers / La*w Enfo*rcement to STAND WITH this wonderful RC*MP Off*icer and all the others, prote*sting; to prot*ect the Ri*ghts and Free*doms of the peo*ple.
Tru*dea*u’s Head of Sec*urity res*igns.
Austra*lian Me*dical Profe*ssionals Society AMPS. Do*ctors ag*ainst Man*dates
Tr*uth speaking Doc*tor disr*upts Aus*tralian Med*ical Ass*ociation Conf*erence
MULTIPLE CLAIMS by HEA*LTH OFFIC*IALS Globally DEBU*NKED – See truth about Australian Gove*rnment A*BS / AH*P*RA – See story and extremely important information in comments to give the tr*uth to the pe*ople
RIP Med*ical Priv*acy – Dictator Dan – Also see extremely important comments
The Aus*tralian A*rm of the mon*strous Wor*ld Eco*nomic For*um Glo*balist Ca*rtel must also be aboli*shed perm*anently and irre*vocably along with all Man*dates and any and all other tyra*nnical Gov*ernment actions. It’s ins*ane !
WO*RLD ECON*OMIC FOR*UM CONNECTIONS – TREA*SONOUS ACTIONS – EVEN THE AUSTRA*LIAN HUMA*N RIG*HTS COMM*ISSIONER / L*ORD MAYO*R OF MELB*OURNE Mr. Edw*ard San*tow – He was Hu*man Ri*ghts Commi*ssioner at the Aust*ralian Hu*man Rig*hts Commi*ssion from Au*gust 2016 to 28 Ju*ly, 2021.
Hija*cked Glo*bal Parl*iaments > Dest*ruction of AL*L Free*doms
From Ope*n Voi*ce – What the W*E*F/Glo*bal E*lite/Tech*nocrats Car*tel have plan*ned for the p*eople of the world in their world hij*acki*ng
CO*RRU*PTION/ CONF*LICTS OF INTE*REST – More ste*nch than a Parli*amentary Sewer Pit
Information Paper – link hereunder > see Corru*ption/Co*nflicts of Interest items all through this Information Paper including Mainstream Media. Also, please IN PARTICULAR SEE THE INFORMATION ON VICTO*RIAN GOVER*NMENT GLO*BAL HEALTH > Revolving Doors > Big Ties > Big Ph*arma > Big Med*icine > Big Me*dia > Glo*bal Eli*te et al but as stated, the entire system is cor*rupted with syst*emic and ext*ensive con*flicts of inte*rest – please look all through this Information Paper for Corru*ption/Conf*licts and I have only scratched the surface herein !
Download Information Papers >
Man*dates/Corru*ption/Con*flicts of In*terest and much more
Mo*nkey Po*x, Spa*nish F*lu and much more
See Trut*h about wa*ter fluor*idation chem*icals from page 47 on