Dystopia: Biden’s Planned-Opolis Future Will Enslave America
By: Daniel Taylor
An academic paper released in April of this year outlines how smart cities and artificial intelligence will be used for “enforcement of guidelines, rules and government orders to contain such future outbreaks“
Under a Biden Presidency, the long-standing plans of globalists to usher in “Planned-Opolis” cities will be realized.
Watch this foretelling video …
A recent headline suggested that Biden will move forward with the smart city plan: “The Biden Administration Could Be Good for Smart Cities”:
“In general, Biden’s campaign rhetoric has tended to signal good things for urban tech initiatives. The president-elect has promised to “encourage innovation and launch smarter cities” — with a particular eye on transportation.”
While they are promoted as a futuristic vision of utopia, smart cities around the world utilized smart city technology as “command and control centers” to enforce tyrannical COVID lockdowns. As part of the United Nations Agenda 2030, the world is moving to construct the cities.
In 2008, OTN reported on the testing of smart cities in South Korea. Bill Gates’ Microsoft played a key role in developing the technology.
South Korea was chosen for the test because, in the words of the city’s developers, “There is an historical expectation of less privacy.” The New York Times reported:
“Much of this technology was developed in U.S. research labs, but there are fewer social and regulatory obstacles to implementing them in Korea,” said Mr. Townsend [a research director at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California], who consulted on Seoul’s own U-city plan, known as Digital Media City. “There is an historical expectation of less privacy. Korea is willing to put off the hard questions to take the early lead and set standards.”
An academic paper released in April of this year outlines how smart cities and artificial intelligence will be used for “enforcement of guidelines, rules and government orders to contain such future outbreaks“. The paper concludes that, “The proposed architecture and AI assisted applications… can be used to effectively and timely enforce social distancing community measures, and optimize the use of resources in critical situations.”
China is building “COVID-proof” cities “with future lockdowns in mind“.
India utilized its Varanasi smart city to enforce the COVID lockdown:
“To keep a tight vigil on the movement of people during the lockdown and tab on home-quarantined people infected with covid-19, Varanasi, the PM’s own constituency, is using CCTVs and geographic information system (GIS) technology accessed through its integrated command and control centre (ICCC) set up under the smart city mission.”
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