Employees of German Public Media in Quiet Revolt Against Shocking Level of Bias

ER Editor: ARD according to Wikipedia is a ‘joint organisation of Germany’s regional public-service broadcasters’ZDF or Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen is a German public-service television broadcaster based in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate. And Deutschlandfunk (DLF) is the public radio broadcaster.

The article below is machine-translated.

We bumped into this incredible bit of manipulation and trickery by ZDF broadcaster on Twitter, which tried to smear protesting German farmers by inserting a shill with a pro-Ukraine placard among them. It’s clear that ZDF employees are associated with this stunt. It’s 2 minutes with English subtitles. Worth watching —

Translation: Look closely at what the ZDF (German TV channel) does. They just add one of their own to hijack a demo and sow division… This is how the left-wing mainstream media works nowadays, a bunch of lying terrorists, by the grace of our tax money

There seem to be plenty of other examples on Twitter where the ZDF is pilloried. However, the videos accompanying these tweets don’t have English subtitles. 


Employees ARD, ZDF and DLF want to get rid of those who think differently


Things are going wrong at the ‘offentlich-rechtlichen’ (ER: public) broadcasters such as ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandfunk. Employees of these broadcasters are demanding: “a public broadcaster that takes its audience seriously, allows debate and presents a broad spectrum of opinions without slandering” and have drawn up a manifesto.

According to the authors, the basic principles of broadcasters are in danger. ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio should “reflect more strongly on the values and principles enshrined in the Inter-State Media Treaty and act accordingly” . Transparency and the greatest possible citizen participation should be central to this. Only in this way could “public broadcasting be accepted again and fulfillment its function in the democratic debate” .

Confidence in public broadcasting is increasingly decreasing. Not only in Germany but in many Western countries. Doubts about the balance in programming are increasing. “ We have been aware for years of the increasing discrepancy between the broadcasting statute and its implementation. We wrote this manifesto so that our voice and expertise about the future of public broadcasting are heard in the social discourse.”

The signatories come from all departments of the broadcasters: program makers, technicians, administrators, cameramen and women, presenters, speakers and musicians in radio orchestra and choirs.

They criticize the “narrowing of the debate space” instead of a broadening of perspectives and not focusing on the core task: providing citizens with information from multiple perspectives. “Instead, opinion formation and reporting are increasingly blurring in a way that is contrary to the principles of serious journalism. Only rarely is there a relevant debate about the content of opposing opinions,” the signatories say.

Voices that question a social consensus claimed by the media are also ignored, ridiculed or even marginalized. This implies the inflated use of various “fighting terms”, such as “lateral thinker”, “swearer”, “climate denier”, “Putin apologist”, which are used in an attempt to target minors with different opinions. to defend and silence.

To the article [German]

Below: It is believed that an employee of the ARD in Munich unfurls a banner completing about his employer’s one-sided reporting.

Translation; Germany: brave public broadcaster employee is fed up with his employer’s lies and warmongering. Undoubtedly his last day at work.

ER: the unfolding banner out of the window reads ‘A people’s murder is taking place in Gaza.
Whoever dares to say this openly and calls for such a strong ceasefire becomes an anti-semite. Anyone who has been calling for peace negotiations in Ukraine for 2 years is a Putin supporter. Germany is rushing to the next big war many media are not going fast enough. We have politician Willy Brandt, media have their criticism and control function, we have our history.’


Featured image source: https://www.alamy.com/media-cameras-from-different-broadcasters-at-a-press-conference-at-corona-time-cameramen-with-mouth-nose-protection-mask-germany-image455659000.html


Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com


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