Existentially, America is almost at the end of the line
By: Molly Slag
Looking at the American political and cultural scene, let us contemplate what I call the “Quintessential Existential Interrogatories”:
(1) Where are we?
(2) How did we get here?
(3) Where are we going?
Many know a slight variant of these questions from Paul Gauguin’s famous painting of the same name: “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” (“D’ou Venons Nous / Que Sommes Nous / Où Allons Nous”), but these three questions crop up all over the place.
I would add a fourth question that is just as important: (4) Is there an alternative?
1. Where Are We?
We are in the age of the irrational hoax. Unlike the Piltdown Man hoax, which was clothed with an aura of credibility and, therefore, was a mere fraud, the hoaxes of Climate Change, Transgenderism, DEI, CRT, Covid Vax, White Supremacy, etc., are not just false; they are also irrational and absurd, utterly lacking any hint of credibility. Moreover, every one of these hoaxes will lead to the destruction of our middle class.
In “The Coup We Never Knew,” Author Victor Davis Hanson asks: “Did someone or something seize control of the United States?” He then offers the only answer possible: “We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.”
This coup revealed itself plainly in the stolen 2020 election. Many thought that disaster was an outlier, a “one-off” that MAGA could shake off like a dog shaking off a spring shower, but the replication of that same unsavory fact pattern in the 2022 election dashed that hope. Can there be another fair national election? Some have doubts.

We live in a time of electoral fraud. We know that leftist power-brokers stole the 2020 and 2022 national elections and that they have every intention of continuing to steal elections. Precisely because of this electoral fraud, we are being ruled without our consent.
Dennis Prager lists (and expands upon) some of the absurdities characterizing the political reality of our time, which include:
(1) Men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.
(2) Defunding police will decrease crime.
(3) Racial segregation is antiracist.
(4) Opposition to racial segregation is racist.
(5) Diversity is strength.
(6) Free speech does not allow for hate speech.
(7) You’re not a human being until you’re born.
(8) Capitalism is evil.
(9) America is systemically racist.
Most notable is that our government approves and propagates all these hoaxes and absurdities. Victor Davis Hanson says we are in a time when our own government is destroying us, and he has detailed ten actions undertaken by the federal government intended to destroy the nation.
Currently, the federal Executive Branch has seized the legislative power for itself, enacting law through administrative regulation and executive order.
The presence in D.C. of the uniparty reaching to grasp all power reveals our process of morphing into China. Little wonder the land is suffused with Chinese spies and Chinese police stations.
2. How did we get here?
We arrived at this dreadful status quo via the left’s successful Gramscian March through the institutions of our government and our society since WWII. Victor David Hanson believes this march is complete because wokeism has infiltrated all of America’s institutions, including the workplace, education, entertainment, medicine, law, the media, and the military.
3. Where Are We Going?
We are headed toward total annihilation as a nation.
4. Is There An Alternative?
No, there is not. Forget it. It’s over; a done deed; a fait accompli…. Well… maybe not quite….
One institution survives, battered but still intact. If the original elemental polity—the family—were to rear up on its hind legs, unceremoniously yank its kids out of government school, and roar a challenge at once fearsome and desperate: “You want our children? Come and take them!” followed by the terrible snarl of the Mamma Grizzly. “You know where we live … right behind those blades of grass!”
Hearing this roar, the confused masses might yet take heart and rise up behind them and implement the Declaration’s injunction to “institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
This article (Existentially, America is almost at the end of the line) originated on American Thinker and is republished on this TLB site under “Fair Use” (see project disclaimer below) with attribution to the articles author Molly Slag and the website americanthinker.com.
Read more articles by Molly Slag
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Image Credit: Photo in Featured Image (top) – Pixabay License
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If we cannot keep hope alive, we may as well just cash it all in. Won’t happen in this house. Jesus reigns here! The only one we can still trust! Government on the other hand clearly appears to belong to Satan now, and promotes zero hope! No longer trustworthy in the eyes of millions. Would not trust them to feed my cat!