Commentary by: TLB Contributing Writer, Ken LaRive
Progressive/Neoconservative Political movement has done more to enslave this country then any other ideology in the history of The United States of America, and because of the virtual size of our country, most likely in the history of mankind.
They have grown offshore mega-monopoly international corporations that have taken nearly all American industry from our mainland, but for the building of weapons and tools of war. They have stolen our rich individualistic heritages, infiltrating our schools and the minds of our children with dependency for them… and have rewritten history to favor their agenda.
They have destroyed our civil liberties and Constitution by decree in increments, so that a busy and trusting populous would not notice. They have displaced our gold reserve with paper printed out of thin air, promoted a welfare state on one side and a state of constant war on the other, for profit and control. They have divided us by race, color and creed, and promoted false flags to hate each other, and as they isolate us from the rest of the world on one hand, promote a one world order on the other, built on the mutual destruction of countries that do not fall in line… and collateral damage is justified.
Their international arms dealings supply weaponry to both sides of a conflict, and make money no matter who wins, as they are in control of our monetary system, our news and entertainment, and have recently acquired one third of our GDP with socialized medicine… so that we can be more effectively controlled and dominated. In the name of security and protection, even from our own decisions, our countries sovereignty and our individual Liberty are forfeit.
So effective, they can demand the service of our children by a draft… sending our sons and daughters to war for international corporate and banking profit, exchanging their lives for a piece of colored cloth and painted pot metal… and so propagandized, we actually feel honored.
The power and scope of government has grown exponentially, building massive underground cities, new provocative weapons of mass destruction, experimenting with global weather, genetics, space weapons, apocryphal sciences and industry, and all for the primary purpose of furthering the effectiveness of their covert operations to remain in power.
They have lied, stolen, cheated and schemed… as they promote fear, anger, frustration, and many negative emotions for an agenda, and use us all as both pawns and sheep to shear. They use religion to keep us subdued, by the threat of labels and liable marque, and have placed themselves above international law, and our Constitution domestically. Their abilities are not realized until after the fact, as they use their influence by scientifically sound methods of persuasion and deception that stimulate the bending of human nature.
They are faceless, well hidden in the depth of corporations and loop holes, and their front are men and women just like you and I, those who participate but can only see their own compartment, their small microcosm of influence, with an admitted limited understanding of the broader picture. We feel no negativity, no guilt, no responsibility for our collective actions, as we are only required to concentrate on our department’s black bottom line…
The Progressive masters come of age…
In order to truly understand the scope of what I will present here, an understanding of the transition between the Guided Age and the Progressive Era must be studied separately. It is too convoluted and complex for an essay such as this. In fact, a whole encyclopedia could be written of the amazing events and manipulations that transpired . Those years, between about 1870 and now, the Progressive ideology have propped up our society by rule of law. Hungry manipulators eyed the potential of this country long before the Declaration of Independence were signed…
But that transition, fully visible in the study of our history, started with a so-called Republican President, Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive movement faltering during the next presidency of Taft, and then continued full-force by Woodrow Wilson. It was under his Presidency, a truly amazing and magic moment for bankers, 1913, who promoted the institution of debt slavery called the Federal Reserve Act. It was the year our country was sold out, and our future given to master-manipulators. They are indeed masters of delusion and illusion, with no moral compass… And from that time, increment by increment, we have become debt slaves, and have relinquished our civil liberties and our very Constitution has been suspended, forfeited by the deceleration of due process by new additions to the NDAA, and the entire Patriot Act, force-fed in the dead of night.
In the middle of this amazing betrayal, by covert means, manipulation of generated and orchestrated fear have been induced into the populous by the events of 9-11, as they have by World Wars, and our country is being dismantled and sold to the highest bidder. We are not even allowed to do an audit of the Federal Reserve, and quite amazingly, our own Fort Knox. So powerful, not even Ron Paul could demand it, even as he sat on the board of the Gold Commission.. We are not allowed to see a public audit on what is still in Fort Knox, for over fifty years.
One must understand the politics of the Guided Age and the forgotten presidents… The industrialization and big business in the North after the Civil War. We have to study and understand the giant trusts of that time that monopolized one industry after another, and must study the consequences of the Pendleton Act which then created the Civil Service Act. And the stars of this spectacular show are men like Andrew Carnegie, and the promotion of something called vertical integration. Who were men like John D. Rockerfeller, and his Standard Oil Company… and oh, and what is a “robber baron?” …and what is a carpet bagger?
Railroads, organized labor and the National Labor Union, and the stimulation of the Depression of 1873 for further power and control. Glance over the Great Railroad Strike, the Homestead Strike, and the Pullman Strike, and out of the violence emerged the American Federation of Labor. The AFL.
Urbanization and Immigration umbrellas resided over a new and more powerful Political Machine. Jain Addams, Hull House, settlement houses for the immigrate, dealing with Native American resentment and the Dawes Severally Act of 1897 that forbade Indians from owning land.. Wow. Then, The Populous Party, the McKinly Tariff… The ramification of Cleveland’s second term and the loan for $60 million from J.P. Morgan, and what was his interest? …the convolution of Coxey’s Army, and William Jenning’s Bryan’s deliverance of his famous “cross of Gold” speech…
An era was manifesting itself into the very fabric of government growing in singular and self serving visions in the middle, I speculate, of a forgotten war, the Spanish American War, fought over the island of Cuba. And glance at the contributions, and warnings of William Randolph Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer. And though the war only lasted a few weeks, we seized the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba…. The big stick of Teddy Roosevelt was waved at the world in defiance, though we were told to speak softly, and then the overt and timely introduction of Progressiveness by Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, started the ball moving.
No sir, it wasn’t the so called Democrat Wilson, who started it, but he sure picked up the ball from the Democrat’s side. Taft was between, and though Roosevelt was a friend, did not, according to the Progressive Standard, continue his policies. He introduced the noteworthy Payne-Aldrice Tariff and the Progressive Republican or Bull Moose Party, was over-ripe and ready when Wilson took office…
Finally, enters Woodrow Wilson, and the New Freedom. The Underwood Tariff became manifest, and it seemed that these were regulating big business, supported the labor movement, but under the covers made a monumental decision to reform our National Banking System with the Federal Reserve, and it became an independent company, above and held unaccountable by our Congress or law, as described in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Like machine gun fire he passed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act that paved the way for progressive bills, and he signed into law the Warehouse Act, the LaFollette Seamon’s Act, the Workingman’s Compensation Act, and the Adomson Act. He then ordered General John “Blackjack” Pershing to invade Mexico to go after the bandit Pancho Villa…. And this is where I would like to bracket here… because what we have now, from the military industrial complex and the big international banks that finance church states and dictators, promote Middle east oil and Saudi Arabia who lobby for control of our Congress, the violent takeover of Iran by England’s dictator called The Shaw, Germany and Japan prior to WW2, Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution, Korea and Vietnam, and our police actions directed by international business and banks, the horror and lies of 9-11, and all was and police actions, formulated by a formidable power structure, a lattice work of central banks that originate in Europe and England and their influence has successfully dominated and infiltrated into the very core of our government… is what historians are now calling, a “shadow government.”
And though some may call it now a coup, jump started after the assassination of President Kennedy, it has continued to nationalize, by coercion and fear, the very backbone of a free and open society, and our primary source of truth, the media, is controlled. Movies and television, newspapers and magazines, are dominated by a Progressive mindset that has sustained and grown government to unbelievable power and influence, and a congress and lobbying matrix that puts business and banking concerns before the good of our nation. We have men in office holding duel citizenship, with allegiance and loyalty to a separate homeland. And in the process, as I will emphatically state again… we have become debt slaves, with a shredded Constitution and disunited civil liberties.
My observance…
Twice I have traveled through Ashville, North Carolina, and had to stop at the Baltimore Mansion. Of all of the places I have visited in thirty-one states, nothing I have found is more breath-taking. I remember the gardens as we drove up, and a herd of wild horses running through a picturesque landscape of rolling hills, with stands of old knotted oaks surrounded by manicured lawns, is amazingly beautiful… The Mansion can not be described by the average person. The riches, the grandeur, the unimaginable wealth is beyond comprehension.
How could a family amass such a fortune?
I remember well the survival stories of my great uncles and grandfathers, who fought in WW1. All of them said they were lucky to have returned. “The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million: over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.” And they came home to a changed country no longer in control of we the people, and a national debt beyond comprehension at the time, 25 billion. We are now just about at 35 Trillion.
I mention this for one reason only, to show that some may forfeit everything for war, everything they own, their country, their livelihood, and their very life… forcefully drafted, while others became rich beyond the common man’s wildest dreams…
The Government raised money by selling “Liberty Bonds,” and Americans were coerced to buy these bonds to help pay for the war. Countries in Europe had high food and fuel prices, low paying and few jobs, but not so in the United States immediately after the war. We had the Roaring Twenties going on, and industries, such as DuPont were making synthetics, and the Marijuana Stamp Act destroyed the hem industry, at the same time government telling us we can no longer drink alcohol… and through all of these distractions Progressiveness marched unimpeded… The US economy was strong, and the government had more money than it needed….
Amazingly, this so called “budget surplus” actually shrunk the Nation’s debt to around $17 billion… paid to whom?… And for a short time, the stock Market was kicking, and some corporations who had supplied the war effort had made some men very rich, or even richer. One of these men was a man named Vanderbilt. He lived in the Builtmore mansion.
Again, in a nutshell:
The U.S. Government had more money than it needed to pay for the services it provided. This is known as a budget surplus. Not like today…
The Government’s debt shrunk from $24 billion to around $17 billion. Not like today…
There was also a rise in profits from the stock market, which helped make some people rich. Just like today…
Farming, however, did not do well. My family, who were farmers here in Louisiana, did not fair very well. The price of commodities dropped to a new low, and they could only get about 20 percent of what they could before the war. Land price went through the roof, and farmers could not expand. If a bushel of corn before the war sold for $10, for instance, after the war it sold for $2. And they survived in this environment, raising their children, plowing their sixty acres with a horse… surviving both dust bowls and the years after “Black Tuesday,” October 29, 1929, because that was the mettle of an American back then, before our minds were taken from us.
A small side note, when Americans tried to unite…
“On July 17, 1932, thousands of World War I veterans converged on Washington, DC, set up tent camps, and demanded immediate payment of bonuses due to them according to the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 (the original act made the bonuses initially due no earlier than 1925 and no later than 1945). Walter W. Waters, a former Army sergeant, led this “Bonus Army”. The Bonus Army was encouraged by an appearance from retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler; as a popular military figure of the time, Butler had some influence over the veterans. A few days after Butler’s arrival, President Herbert Hoover ordered the marchers removed, and US Army cavalry troops under the command of General Douglas MacArthur destroyed their camps.” Secret Societies and Their power in the 20th Century.
Butler, although a self-described Republican, responded by supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 US presidential election.
By 1933 Butler started denouncing (crony) capitalism and (lawless) bankers, saying as a Marine general he had been “a racketeer for capitalism.” He said: “War is a racket.”
“The International Bankers and their agents created conditions that resulted in World War I. WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and ever police action since:
they made a financial killing as a result of the war
they financed the Russian Revolution and seized control of that vast nation
they manipulated events in Europe after the war so as ‘to create a condition’ (Edward Stanton’s words) the result of which left them ‘sitting in heaven’ financially
they used American loans, on which they were paid huge commissions, to reequip German industry with ‘the most advanced technical facilities’ and to make her ‘industrial system… the second best in the world by a wide margin’
in the process of their manipulations these unscrupulous, monopolistic vultures used and abused the Germans to the point where they earned their undying hatred, and by building up German industry at the same time as they greatly antagonized the populace
they propped up a strong man who could rally the masses behind his ‘cause’ by promising them freedom from the International financial predators…
Your study lesson:
1.) The “Dawes Plan” was conceived by J.P. Morgan, the ROTHSCHILD advocate, and granted Germany 800 million US$ credits, in the first four years after WW1. The Dawes Plan, however, failed when Germany’s reparation payments grew. It was replaced by the “Young Plan” (named after the Morgan agent Owen Young): In order to plunder more easily, and the international bankers established the “Bank for International Settlement” (BIS).
2.) On March 9, 1929, Paul Warburg wrote in the Financial Chronicles:
“If we allow orgies of unlimited speculation to go too far,…then a total collapse is assured. Those who understood quietly withdrew from the stock exchange and invested in GOLD AND SILVER.”
Des Griffin adds: “In the fall of 1929 it was time for the International Bankers to push the button that set in motion the machinery that resulted in World War II. After they, their agents and friends had sold out of the crest of an artificially inflated stock market boom, the International Bankers pulled the rug out from under the whole system and sent the United States into what became known as the Great Depression. In the years that followed, the economies of nations around the world slowed to a virtual standstill.” (Descent Into Slavery)
3.) The Bolshevik Revolution was supported by both the U.S. and Germany. The OCHRANA, the secret service found by the last Czar, consisted of several organizations that carried out all the usual functions of a secret service with secret agents, double agents, secret police and agents provocateurs. The Ochrana was a very subversive and criminal group which greatly simplified the work of the controlling world banks.
Huge sums of money from the international bankers, among others from ALFRED MILNER. who later took over the secret “Round Table”, were poured into the Ochrana that already had infiltrated the Bolshevik movement. Agents steered many of its activities. The infiltration was so strong that in 1908 four of the five members of the Peters burg committee of the Bolshevik party were Ochrana agents.
4.) They channeled the funds that came from the international bankers to the Bolsheviks who could therefore suppress their strongest opponents, the Mensheviks and the Socialist Party. Two agents of the Ochrana were the editor and the financial controller of the “Pravda” and supported its beginning. It is said that JOSEPH STALIN (his real name was Jossip Vissarionovich Djugashvili), was also a member of the Ochrana since he was an important contact between the Czarist police and the Bolsheviks.
God bless America; it is time to grow up. An education formulated on truth is the only peaceful way to regain our Liberty from tyranny. Without that, everything you are, or hope to become, will die… You will not be strong enough without it. You will not survive. Read, learn, and you will finally see the face of your master… and then, teach your children. Teach them a Love for God, a Love for Country, and a love for Liberty. Teach them what you have lost, and tell them you are sorry.
Years ago, at a Tea Party rally, I saw a little girl dressed in an 18th century costume. There were men all around me who had a great concern for the nation, and for hours in the hot sun, I listened to stirring speeches of patriotism. I knelt down and with a smile told her I loved her dress. She looked at me, and if on cue said “Give me liberty, or give me death.”
Quickly I stood up and turned away, and walked from her a distance through colorful clouds of banners and flags, so she would not see my tears.
Related video:
From the Author, Ken LaRive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
More information about Ken LaRive.
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Good replies in return of this difficulty with firm arguments and telling everything about that.
We saw war, we praise warriors and we face the aftermath. This is not the history but happens always.
It really is practically extremely difficult to come across well-qualified americans on this content, even though you appear like you fully understand what you’re preaching about! Thanks A Lot
Wonderful post! We are linking to this great article on our site. Keep up the great writing
Enjoyed your article… a much more percipient view than the myopic pop-history that we’re fed and our children indoctrinated with in schools, reinforced by all the available means of scientific-technocratic social & biological engineering (“Silent Weapons For A Quiet War” [on the human family]), all of which has helped contribute to the current crisis of misunderstanding of the real designs of the power structure, i.e. rendering us all to the status of abject slavery to the oppressive technocratic Orwellian-Huxleyean state. Owing to this en masse mind washing a hard rain is (about) to befall us all. Keep speaking the truth even if no one else hears. Anyways, wanted to say hi from B.R. to a fellow Louisiana boy… keep up the good work.
Here is something rudely profound. “How could a family amass such a fortune” So who are we really “voting” for ?
The author displays a profound misreading of history.