by Th
e Masked Writer
There’s no mention of it in the UK CMM (Corporate Media Matrix), naturally, as it is in deep collaboration with the perpetrators but justice is closing in on the criminal faction that has hijacked the British government and orchestrated the Covid terror attack on The People.
We bring you news of three legal proceedings that are starting to get very interesting.
The first is described in the following press release from a solicitor and a Justice of the Peace regarding bringing the UK gov to trail in the International Criminal Court. If you want to follow this and allied efforts to bring the government under the law, we recommend this website and this one.
The second is a video of Jonathan Trapman of The People’s Union of Britain on the very real progress of the court case against the UK Gov and what may well result in Whitty, Hancock and their cronies appearing in court on serious charges.
The third is a private prosecution by Michael O’Bernicia who is Suing UK the Parliament for covid.-19 fraud, treason and genocide
We greatly admire these efforts to enforce international law and British Common Law through the justice system and the dream of the day when those in government cease to be above the law and are answerable like the rest of us for their crimes.
It is an ideal scene worth pursuing and worth the rest of us really getting behind because such a principle, if it were made reality, would form a powerful foundation stone for a new and better civilisation.
Meanwhile the tireless, persistent effort of true patriots to make this principle of accountability a reality continues. They should be recognised as true heroes of the evolution.
Wednesday 21st of April 2021
‘Request for Investigation’ of the UK Government and its advisers, for genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, issued to the International Criminal Court at the Hague, on Tuesday 20th of April 2021.
On Tuesday 20th of April 2021 we, the undersigned, issued a 27 -page ‘Request for Investigation’ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, with a view to asking that our allegations of genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, by the UK Government and its advisors, be accepted by the ICC and investigated.
We believe that we have provided compelling reasons as to why our Government and its advisers are guilty of the above charges. However, at this stage it is important to note that we are not required to provide all the evidence we have (which would run to several hundred pages) and are limited to a maximum of 30 pages, simply to make an outline case as part of our Request.
The ICC will review our ‘Request for Investigation’ and assess whether they believe there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into a ‘Situation’, pursuant to the criteria established by the Rome Statute.
The ICC does not provide a timeline regarding acceptance, nor of course is there any guarantee that they will ultimately accept our ‘Request for Investigation’ due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are limited in their capacity to conduct investigations.
Updates will be provided as and when more information becomes available.
Melinda C. Mayne LPC LLM MBA GDL
Kaira S. McCallum JP BSc
The Corona Scandal – Michael O’Bernicia is Suing UK Parliament for covid-19 fraud, treason and genocide – 12 November 2020. Read the full summary of the issue and the case against the government here.
The People’s Media
Media of the People, by the People, for the People
First featured on UK Reloaded
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Can someone check for TV subliminals and produce some videos to inform the people, please?
(Archived at https://archive.is/AT0FI )
elllis taylor on April 24, 2021 at 7:04 am
A friend was appearing on TV and as the video recorder had packed up
i decided to film her.
This i did, and after watching the film, i played it back very slowly,
i saw something flicker very quickly on the screen,
so in playback i saw the word “Fear” in a box flash on the screen.
I was puzzled by this so set about checking for other words
and was shocked to see the words Hate Confusion Rape and Covid flash on screen.
After much experimentation, i dont think this is accidental, i filmed the words
Envy Fire and Kill.
Nobody at the camera club believed me until i showed them.
I had heard of subliminals, the advertsing industry has used them for years, but never thought the BBC would deliberately put them in its programmes, soaps were the worst, full of flashing images of homosexuality violence and short words of Hate, these can only be to leave people with negative feelings of depression despair and anger.
It is well known that Disney cartoons promote Homosexual deviation to children, but why ?
My son in law is quite up on these things and told me During Tony Blair’s war on the people in Iraq, images were flashed on British screens in Arabic, to quell any dissent by the huge Muslim communities now here in the UK.
Aparently a lot of effort in subliminals went in to demonise Saddham Hussein Gadhaffi and Assad, to justify what our government did and are still doing.
These quick flashes on screen are too quick for the conscious mind but go deep into the subconscious.
Rothschild’s took over the BBC just prior to W W 2, it is vile and racist we in the UK have to pay a licence fee to have the BBC even if we never watch it, but people abroad get it for free, Just recently the BBC protected one of its interviewers, Philip Schofield who had been sending repeated sexual texts to schoolboys some aged just 13.
Jewish teaching is that the black races are the lowest form of human life and for a jew like Philip Schofield to be paying black schoolboys to urinate on him, is beyond disgusting.
The BBC also hid up the crimes of Jimmy Saville, Paul Gambaccini and a host of others.
One BBC director made the unforgettable and outrageous racist comment
that “The UK was hideously white”
There have been many petitions to Parliament to disband the BBC
for is hate protecting sex perversion and racism, i just cant figure why they would put so many flashes on screen about getting your covid jabs.
Do yourself a favour, dump your TV.
I should add that the Wellcome Trust is pushing governments worldwide to adopt and administer the covid vaccines to EVERYONE.
Several top governance positions at the former British Eugenics Society, now the Galton Institute, include individuals who originally worked at The Wellcome Trust, including the Galton Institute’s president Turi King. Dr. Elena Bochukova, a current Galton Council Member and Galton lecturer, previously worked under the direction of Adrian Hill (Oxford-AstraZeneker covid vaccine developer) at the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics. The Galton Institute’s Senior Genetics Researcher, Dr. Jess Buxton, was previously a ‘genetics researcher’ at the Wellcome Trust and then went on to carry out independent research financed by Wellcome. Her research, which is particularly race oriented, includes creating the first genetic sequence map of a native Nigerian. Moreover, Adrian Hill himself spoke at the Eugenics Society-Galton Institute at the celebration of their 100th anniversary in 2008.
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