ER Editor: We also recommend this useful piece by 21st Century News Wire (via TLB) –
French Polls Show Marine Le Pen Surging Towards Incumbent Macron
The McKinsey scandal broke in the last little while (why this, why now? is a useful question to ask here since McKinsey’s been part and parcel of the whole Macron story going back a few years), which has certainly tainted Macron enormously, as have questions about the wealth he may be hiding from his time as a Rothschild bank employee, as have the tyrannical Covid measures with a sizeable number of French dangling out there in economic no-man’s land, who can’t work because they’re not vaccinated. There is a feeling in the air of people desperately wanting him out, knowing that if he remains, vaccine passes will come back and that nothing in the nasty status quo will change. (See this at France Soir – browsers should translate – Vaccination pass: Emmanuel Macron announces its possible return “next fall”.)
The 21st Century Wire article linked to above makes Zemmour a ‘footnote’ and that may well be true. Zemmour was the suddenly cultivated-journalist-turned-politician, with both great media fanfare (suspicious) and great condemnation (for his immigration stance, likely why he was put forward as a candidate). We published a story about how he has been funded by Rothschild money at arm’s length. See Funding Both Sides: France’s New ‘Right’ Candidate Backed by Rothschilds’ Connections. Now, Le Pen seems to have taken him over in the polls, which is welcome, although we SERIOUSLY DOUBT the polling. It has been truly implausible to see polls putting Macron in any sort of lead given public feeling against him.
No matter. Perceptions have majorly shifted in the last 2 years. The eternal publicity campaign to demonize Le Pen by the Rothschild-backed media has surely been seen for what it was – lies and distortions. A ‘far-right’, ‘fascist’ demonization that can no longer hold water. Anybody with half a functioning brain can see who the (colloquially speaking) true ‘fascist’ was. While Le Pen doesn’t endear people to her on a human level (she truly doesn’t), and while she has watered down her position, earning the label of ‘left’ by some credible analysts, she is worth holding one’s nose for and voting into office. Context right now is everything.
Have shenanigans already taken place with voter lists, and will they tonight with voting machines?
Even though French MSM has kept the US voter election fraud story well out of sight, some section of the population is well aware of this possibility tonight. We reported recently on how an association has been set up to make sure results from individual polling places can be tallied up by citizens organized for the purpose. See Citizen Monitoring of Voting Goes Widespread in France. The question of whether Dominion Voting machines will be used is a rational fear.
And we wonder if voter lists have already been tampered with, knocking out some people eligible for this year’s presidential election. France Soir has picked up a short story of a lady named ‘Sophie’ who, like possibly thousands of others, has suddenly found herself de-registered despite years of voting with a valid voter registration card. Re-registering can be done, but not in time for the elections starting today and finishing on April 24, despite recourse to local courts. See Removed from the electoral rolls without reason, French people resort to local courts as a matter of urgency:
Were French people expelled before the 1st round of this new presidential election? This is what some local courts will try to understand. Since INSEE (the national statistics bureau of France) became responsible for the system of registration on the electoral lists, several citizens have felt abused, claiming to have been deregistered without reason, despite their registration in good standing. …
First round of French presidential elections will be on Sunday. Here’s what’s at stake
Two of the three so-called ‘extreme-right’ candidates, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, will probably make the difference.

(LifeSiteNews) – French voters are called to the polls on Sunday for the first round of presidential elections that will have a major impact over the coming years. France’s sovereignty and its submission to the European Union, maintaining or not of COVID madness, insecurity, immigration policies, foreign policy, fiscal pressure, and spending power have been at the fore of a somewhat lukewarm campaign that was marked by the (provisional?) lifting of COVID restrictions but even more so by the war in Ukraine.
The latter was used as an excuse by outgoing president Emmanuel Macron to refuse all debates with his opponents. Credited with about 26.5 percent of the vote according to the latest opinion polls, in which he is generally presented as heading the field of 12 candidates, Macron held only one major rally at a venue with a maximum capacity of 30,000 people, the largest in Paris. It was far from full.
Under Macron’s five-year term, France has been deeply hurt by lockdowns and COVID restrictions, and mandatory vaccination was forced on health workers. Civil identity and the normal family were legally destroyed by giving lesbians access to fictional filiation, while changing names can now be done by simply filling out a form. Access to abortion has been facilitated and Macron has even suggested calling it a “fundamental human right” under the European charter. Home-schooling is on its way to becoming next to impossible. (Mostly Islamic) Immigration has reached a record high, with more than 1.5 million entries since 2017.
Macron made massive use of McKinsey, the global managing consulting company (that helped him win the 2017 election free of charge) to manage both reforms and the COVID crisis at a prohibitive cost. McKinsey was tasked with managing and promoting COVID-“vaccine” policy. This has turned into a public scandal and could weigh heavily on the election. (ER: See McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government and the Rise of the Corporate State)
Macron’s eleven opponents include five left or extreme-left candidates, none of whom stand a chance except Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a very left-wing socialist or proto-communist, who was credited with 16.5 percent of voting intentions in the latest poll.
The institutional right-wing candidate is Valérie Pécresse, was credited with about eight percent. She favors same-sex “marriage,” abortion, and other pro-“LGBT” legislation. She voted for the vaccine pass and is expected to call her voters to choose Macron in the second round, which will oppose this Sunday’s winner and runner-up, if he passes.
Two of the three so-called “extreme-right” candidates, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, will probably make the difference. Zemmour, a former successful and highly cultivated journalist, has made the preservation of French identity and civilization his main theme, promising “zero immigration,” better security, and the return of freedom. He is presently fourth in the poll race with about nine percent of intended votes. He will not touch abortion laws or same-sex “marriage” but wants to reverse the law offering medically assisted procreation to lesbians.
Both he and Marine Le Pen have committed to reinstating the unvaxxed in their jobs in healthcare and elsewhere. (ER: Which is important. But neither came out week after week as Florian Philippot did, protesting against the loss of broad-ranging liberties due to the Covid measures. Le Pen originally supported compulsory vaccination of healthcare workers, and neither had much to say that was negative about the vaccines.)
Marine Le Pen, who favors a number of left-wing propositions such as bringing legal retirement age back to age 60 and reintroducing the “wealth tax,” has also stressed that she will not touch “the right to abortion” nor the medically assisted procreation law, and has watered down her opposition to immigration, rejecting Zemmour’s plan to create “re-emigration” ministry to reduce the number of legal and illegal immigrants on French soil. Under pressure from Zemmour’s campaign, however, she has somewhat shifted her own positions right-wards. She is credited with 23 percent (some polls even see her beating Macron) and if the polls are correct, she would be Macron’s opponent for the second time, as in 2017.
In that case Zemmour voters would probably support her, increasing her chances of reaching the Elysée, the French presidential palace.
Surprises can and do happen, however. And while Catholic voters are faced with a flawed choice (ER: everybody is, frankly), where no candidate is fully or openly supporting right to life, integral family values, and parental freedoms, five more years of Macron would almost certainly spell an even worse tyranny than we have had until now.
Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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