Geert Wilders won in the Dutch elections, but won what exactly?

ER Editor: More than ever, we believe this is truly The Greatest Show on Earth.

Deep state/cabal countries Argentina and the Netherlands suddenly get their populist candidates elected – Javier Milei and Geert Wilders. There is general rejoicing, but then social media immediately puts out stuff to make them seem questionable on the current landscape (both are pro-Zionists, and/or WEF associates, or want to leave BRICS and keep the dollar, among other things – which constitutes going against the tide of change slowly but surely happening throughout the world).

Is this an outing of the ‘populist’ agenda?

It was never a truly people’s movement: the globalists were always behind so-called ‘populism’, permitting their front men (Matteo Salvini, Young Global Leader Sebastian Kurz, Marine Le Pen, &etc.) to question mass immigration while letting illegals be shovelled into our countries on an industrial scale by the back door. People have seen through the so-called ‘left-right’ divide through Covid, Ukraine, etc.; now they finally get their populists in power, who suddenly aren’t too great either. Question is, what’s next? Because it implies there is going to be a next chapter.

Getting Wilders and Milei in power also implies some degree of voter fraud, too. Which wouldn’t be at all surprising. The only surprise is if it didn’t happen.

[A reminder that Spain just got socialist Sanchez back in power after his being voted out in the summer. Public protests naturally followed. Something is going on! See Election Rigging in Spain? Spaniards are furious]

The landscape feels thoroughly manipulated right now.


For what it’s worth, we don’t believe for a minute that the EU is going to destroy national sovereignty by way of cancelling an individual nation state’s ability to dissent on important policy matters. This is discussed below. Again, this is part of the greatest show, to show us what we would get if this madness were to continue.

This latest bout of EU nuttiness, mentioned below, is the subject of this short piece (browsers will translate) —

Brussels centralists are starting a new attempt to undermine the sovereignty of the member states

In full (note the absurdity – they want to abolish individual states’ veto powers in decision-making, but first they need an absolute majority vote to implement it!) —

The Brussels Eurocrats were increasingly presuming to intervene in all areas of life for EU citizens and to undermine the powers of the individual states. However, important decisions still have to be taken unanimously by all states in the Council. But the principle of unanimity, this last bastion of national sovereignty, is to be brought down with a new push.

Vote in the EU Parliament

The European Parliament made proposals for reforming the EU last Wednesday, demanding, among other things, the extensive abolition of national vetoes with 291 to 274 votes. The plans provide for a massive shift in competencies from the national to the EU level. The principle of unanimity, the right of veto of the member states, would be almost completely abolished and replaced by majority or qualified majority decisions.

However, an amendment to the contract requires a unanimous decision in the European Council.

Eastern states report resistance

The Polish government had already adopted a resolution on Tuesday in which it opposed the proposed changes to the EU treaties. It states that the EU Parliament’s proposals would “curtail the role of the principle of unanimity in the European Council” and try to exercise the powers of the Member States in strategic areas such as foreign policy, restrict defense and national security. Such changes would fundamentally restrict Poland’s sovereignty and violate the Polish constitution.

Hungary and Slovakia have also announced their veto against the desires of the EU centralists.

So it’s a dead duck.


A reminder to readers that so many WEF-related politicians have suddenly stepped down for one reason or another, including such notables as Mark Rutte and Ingrid Saag in the Netherlands. Here’s a list of about 11 people that we know about.

Wilders has merely stepped into this circus, for circus it is. He’s got his 15 minutes of fame.

The article explains why the process of forming an actual government in The Netherlands is going to take time and may not even involve Wilders ultimately.

A reminder that Zionism has pushed mass immigration on the West, while carefully pointing fingers at Muslims, when in fact migrants coming into Western countries are drawn from many countries and ethnic groupings. Islamophobia is a hallmark of Zionist operating procedure.


A Pyrrhic Victory for Geert Wilders


After more than two decades of humiliation, ridicule and ostracism, last night (22 November) Geert Wilders had his finest hour. His Islamophobic PVV (Party for Freedom), which he founded in 2006, won the Dutch general elections, obtaining almost one quarter of the popular vote.

It should be borne in mind, however, that more than one in five eligible voters did not cast their vote, a record for such elections in the Netherlands.

Wilders, who has never lost the characteristic accent of the southern part of the Netherlands where he was born (and which is actually looked down upon by Dutch elites), is of Indonesian descent. Married to a Hungarian-born woman, Wilders has long entertained close relations with the Israeli embassy in The Hague. Some fifteen years ago, Wilders paid weekly visits to the embassy, and was suspected of receiving money and instructions from his Israeli friends. As a result, the Dutch state spy service kept close tabs on Wilders, often referred to in some media as “Bibi.”

The PVV is likely to get 37 seats in the 150-seat Lower Chamber of the National Parliament. It is quite surprising that another right-wing party, the dynamic FvD (Forum for Democracy), led by young, charismatic and articulate politicians and popular among young voters, will be almost halved, going from five to only three seats. Since it is likely the popular support for the PVV is even higher, the election results allow room for doubts. There is a distinct smell of manipulation, and one should always bear in mind Stalin’s dictum that voting results are not determined by the votes cast but by those who count those votes.

Being the leader of what is now the biggest party in parliament, Wilders will be charged with sounding out the other parties with the purpose of building a new government coalition. There is actually only one possibility for him: a coalition of PVV with the Liberal VVD (Party for Freedom and Democracy), with 24 seats, and newcomer NSC (New Social Contract), with 20 seats, in order to attain the required majority of at least 76 seats.

By itself, the Left will not be able to form a government. Since quite a few parties, including the NSC, have announced they will never enter a coalition with the PVV, the actual chances of the PVV coming to power are rather slim, as a number of commentators have been observing.

The most likely coalition may be one composed of the Green Socialists (GL/PvdA, 25 seats), VVD, NSC and D66 (9 seats), for a total of 78 seats. On the basis of how long it took to put together previous coalition governments, it may be up to one year before a new government assumes power. In the meantime, the caretaker cabinet, led by NATO Secretary General hopeful Mark Rutte, will duly carry out whatever Brussels and Washington DC order.

From a broader perspective, the Dutch elections seem politically meaningless. At best, they may be regarded as a kind of official opinion poll, showing that if not a majority of the Dutch, at least an impressive plurality rejects government policies focused on climate lunacy, woke lunacy, Russophobia and other idiocies, and guided by the US and international crime syndicates such as WEF and WHO. The big vote in favor of the PVV is to be explained for the most part by a broad rejection of government-supported immigration of hundreds of thousands of people from Africa and the Near East. For over two decades, the VVD, Social Democrats, Greens and other ruling parties have been using those culturally different immigrants to foment social discord according to the principle of “divide and rule.” In this respect, with the PVV victory, a page seems to have been turned.

On the same day as the Dutch national elections, the EU Parliament approved a plan put forward by a committee led by Belgian mental and dental patient Guy Verhofstadt, which will abolish national sovereignty in the EU member states. The plan will give the unelected EU commissars full authority in most key realms of government and administration. These include climate, public health, foreign affairs, internal security, defense, education, environment, and migration (meaning, of course, the massive immigration of Africans and Muslims). Most importantly, the plan calls for the abolition of veto rights for individual member states.

In view of the adoption of the Verhofstadt plan, the surprising decision of about one third of Dutch members of parliament not to run for reelection suddenly becomes understandable. All along it was clear that national sovereignty was heading for the exit and that national parliaments would become totally insignificant, if not abolished altogether. (ER: Although there might be a whole other agenda going on here as to why politicians suddenly decide to step down.)

In other words, even if Wilders might succeed in putting together a coalition government, it will fundamentally have no more authority than, say, a municipal government. By the time it takes office, the caretaker Rutte cabinet may have agreed to the Verhofstadt plan.

Short of a collapse of NATO and the EU, which is likely (and hopefully) to follow in the wake of the Russian victory in the Ukraine, the band of sinister criminals running the EU will be in full charge. Under their leadership, Europe will turn into a full-blown hell-hole of the kind precisely Wilders has been trying to prevent at all costs. (ER: Only on the surface, we believe.)

If it cannot be stopped, the EU steamroller will proceed and flatten everything in its path.



Featured image, Javier Milei: AGUSTIN MARCARIAN REUTERS

Featured image, Geert Wilders: Peter DeJong AP

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