Intro by Caratacus
The following article is from which we recommend as a source of outside-the-box, thought-provoking articles.
Here James Allard presents yet more researchers declaring further reasons for extreme caution in the use of the experimental Covid vaccine and pseudo vaccines.
We’ve never seen vaccines produce so many serious adverse reactions so soon as these have. It screams a need for caution and more research.
Yet the UK government among others persists in its reckless determination to inject the entire population with these experimental agents.
This obsession is bizarre in light of the fact that millions are targeted who are under no serious threat from the flu-like bug and evidence is now emerging that the predictions of many virologists and immunologists that people will start dying or becoming very ill in large numbers because of the vaccine are coming true.
Given the nature of this bug and the fact admitted by the government itself (which then proceeds to bizarrely ignore its own advice) that it is nothing to worry about if you are not in the small minority of people who by virtue of extreme age or serious existing illness vulnerable, the correct handling remains simple:
(1) quarantine and shield the small minority of people who are truly at risk if they wish it
(2) deploy the several KNOWN WORKABLE REMEDIES that exist yet have been suppressed (a crime that on its own has cost thousands of lives that could have been saved)
(3) educate and encourage the populace in common-sense measures to boost their immune systems.
To utterly neglect these common sense measures and to persist with mass injection with an experimental agent in whilst studiously ignoring a virtual forest of furiously waving red flags, especially targeting our kids, is a crime for which those responsible and those who aided and abetted them must be held accountable.
This is even more so in light of the fact that despite the clear and present danger to its citizens, our deplorable government – arguably the most ethically degraded government the UK has had – just keeps right on cynically lying to our faces about how”safe” the ‘vaccines” are. It is not as if they don’t know this is a lie.
No other product on God’s green Earth, no food product, medicine natural remedy or confectionary, would not have been withdrawn with a fraction of the bad indictors the “vaccines” have caused.
So WHY are theses new biochemical agents exempt from the common sense that applies to everything else? We are dealing with a bug that is not life-threatening in the vast majority of cases and for which there exist several workable remedies, from which those who are truly vulnerable can be shielded. And the government keeps right on obsessively pushing “vaccines” that are more dangerous than the alleged virus.
There is another far more sinister motive at work here and it has nothing to do with your health or the wellbeing of your kids.
It is too late to help those who have already fallen into the trap set for them by their government. Many will become ill and die over the ensuing months and years – whilst the government twists and squirms and lies in an effort to deflect blame onto everything but where it truly belongs. We can only watch and pray that the death and injury toll will not be too great.
But those who have not yet been injected still have a chance to protect themselves form this assault by their own government and its puppet masters and – for God’s sake – our children who are safe from this virus but are not safe from the government that is now targeting them.
In a shocking new piece of research by Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ it is being claimed that mortality from the Pfizer Vaccine is hundreds of times greater in young people compared to those young people who suffer from SARS-CoV-2 without the Vaccine.
The report initially appeared on the front page of the French publication FranceSoir[1]. Since its release the World has scrabbled to try and debunk the claims, which Seligmann and Yativ are actively working to respond too[2].
Here are some of their findings:
German journalist Alice Echtermann published data apparently obtained from the Israeli Ministry of Health , cumulative from December 20 to March 10, on patients vaccinated and unvaccinated against COVID-19.
His interpretation of this data, in response to a post from, is that vaccination decreased deaths, from 1566 (unvaccinated) to 709 (between doses), to 84 (within 7 days after the 2nd dose). ) and 105 (7 days after 2nd dose) (Table 1). This is misleading because vaccination statuses differ in duration and sample size. Adjusted for time, there are 20 (= 1566 deaths / 80 days), 34, 12 and 4 deaths / day for the different vaccine statuses, in the same order as above. Adjusted for the total number of patients with COVID-19, deaths / day per person increase from unvaccinated to fully immunized (Table 1) and are multiplied by 11.65, 27.92 and 15 (390-7.49 ) compared to unvaccinated (Table 1).
This confirms a threefold increase in detection rates of COVID-19 in the first 7 days after the first dose, compared to the initial levels of COVID-19 on the day of the first injection. – FranceSoir[1]
We see this time and time again, misleading interpretation of data to produce the positive outcome required. For those struggling to process the information stated above, the authors made this statement on their website:
Our reanalyses of these data explain why during the massive vaccination project initiated mid-December 2020 during a confinement, daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases failed to decrease as they do during confinements, and, more importantly, why numbers of serious, critical, and death cases increased during that period that covered at least one month.
From mid-December to mid-February (two months), 2,337 among all Israeli 5,351 official COVID-deaths occurred. Our analyses indicate orders of magnitude increases in deaths rates during the 5-week long vaccination process, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process.
Presumably, asymptomatic cases before vaccination, and those infected shortly after the 1st dose, tend to develop graver symptoms than those unvaccinated. – Nakim[3]
Dr Seligmann and Haim Nakim also found that the percentage of asymptomatic cases decreased in the unvaccinated when compared to the vaccinated population. The believe this to be because the vaccinated population have had their natural immune response weakened.
Make of this what you will, the authors claim to have no conflict of interest, but time will tell. Certainly their findings require consideration.
Whichever way you look at it, vaccinating the younger population, the very population that is at virtually no risk from dire consequences from the COVID-19 is a counterproductive operation. What need is their for this group of people to be vaccinated?
There is an argument to be made for the vunerable populations to be vaccinated, if you believe in vaccines that is. But vaccinating a population sub-set which have virtually no risk from the thing the vaccine is alleged to protect them from is just ludicrous, particularly when you consider the fact that the vaccine does not stop the receiver from spreading the virus.
So the argument that the young need to be vaccinated to protect the older and more vunerable is not even valid.
The People’s Media
Media of the People, by the People, for the People
First featured on UK Reloaded
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