by Liam Cook
I haven’t heard much mention of how many Asian countries, especially those close to where the Wuhan Coronavirus apparently originated. So I thought I would look at 2 prominent countries near to China, Japan and Taiwan. As they are both very urban countries with large cities and a very dense population they are comparable to the UK and the West. Though of course culture and diet are very different over there.
I was surprised to find out that neither country implemented lockdowns.
So how did they fare vs the UK?
Taiwan: 44 cases, 7 deaths in 12 months. (population 23 million)
Japan: 71,856 cases, 1,363 deaths…..(population 126 million
UK: 350,100 cases, 41,554 deaths.
Both countries are more densely populated than the UK so it’s not a factor they are more rural and spread out. So then they must have a younger population that the UK? As it effects more of the elderly. Incorrect.
Japan has the second oldest population in the world second only to Monaco (1/3 Japanese are over 60).
Taiwan ranks the 47th oldest population and the UK 50th, so the UK has on average a younger population than both countries.
But the science says we need to lockdown, not go to work, not see our families, not do anything and that’s the only way to “control the virus”. Well these, along with many other countries with similar success stories fly in the teeth of this “science”.
Both Taiwan and Japan did introduce varying degrees of protocols, from masks to advising not going out on the weekend. Taiwan’s most successful action seems to have been (and why though they are an island just off the coast of Chine had a total of just 44 cases) was testing everyone who entered the country from the beginning. And being tough on anyone coming in. And as they were the first country to really do it, and from the beginning have been an example that everyone should have followed, the UK government did the very opposite and refused to test anyone coming into the country, because (in Boris’ own words) the tests are “not very accurate” but then fob them off on everyone else within the country because “the tests are great”.
So the 1 thing that seems to have been THE successful action for the country which seems to have most successfully dealt with this crisis is the 1 thing the UK government didn’t do…
Shutting down the borders now and enforcing this would be pointless as there are more “cases” (positive test results which may or may not mean you have “COVID 19”) in the UK per capita than many other countries. So I am not advocating this as it would just be another nail in the coffin of the British economy at this point.
No the lockdown death cult can blame “all those who don’t follow the rules” all they like, but lets look at the countries that don’t have these rules. Lockdowns are not consistent with a better response. “Following the rules” does not equate to a healthier population. It only equates to obedience. And I can think of no situation where total slavering obedience has done anyone any good. Especially when the ones demanding the obedience seem to be the most unhinged (hinged people don’t tend to demand obedience).
In fact the top ten worst countries with the most “COVID19 deaths per million” are ALL countries that had strict lockdowns. Whilst there are also some who had strict lockdowns much lower down such as New Zealand, the point is lockdowns are not consistent with how well a country has dealt with what is meant to be a pandemic. In science one looks for consistent results. Well the inconsistency and the tendency for lockdown countries to be at the top of the list of worst countries, during the whole pandemic and as of the last 7 days, would tend to indicate that there is no science behind “lockdowns” being the only way to “save lives”.
Well one could argue that believing the sun moves whilst the earth stands still is common sense. I mean after all if I look at it I can see the sun moving through the sky. I don’t see the earth moving. But I know that to not be true, because science has proven it.
In that same way “lockdowns” would be common sense, yeah sounds like a good idea….but it is not borne out in fact. Studying the results of lockdowns does not prove they do any good whatsoever. In fact they are the most common factor in the countries that have fared the worst and have seen more people die.
Two European countries which implemented no lockdowns:
1.Sweden 26th on the list of worst countries per million, so better off than 25 countires, many (if not all I have not studied the response of each country in the world) who implemented strict lockdowns.
2. Belarus 70th on the list of worst countries per million. No lockdown.
The UK is the 9th worst country
So you should ask yourself…
Why do they continue to implement a clearly failed strategy?
One which not only has proven NOT to work, but is also destroying many more lives in the meantime?
Why did the UK government refuse to test those entering the country and continued to keep the borders open to Wuhan at the start if they really wanted to efficiently deal with the crisis and stop it reaching out shores?
Why did the UK government issue orders to send elderly patients who were COVID 19 positive back into care homes?
Why were there blanket Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders across the care homes in the UK?
Why were a large portion of those in care homes (especially those who did not have family about to consent for them) gotten to sign waivers agreeing to not receive hospital treatment if they got sick – with anything – to “save the NHS” when the NHS stood at its most empty in years. And why when they realised they weren’t overwhelmed and could easily help these people, as the hospitals were far from “breaking” did they not immediately revert these decisions and get those who needed help, helped?
One does not need to know or even understand the whys to these questions. For some of the answers, should one ever get them, may be far too baffling for any sane person to really understand. One merely needs to understand that these things did happen, and they must not be allowed to happen again. Just as one does not need to understand why a raving lunatic murdered someone, his reasoning will not make sense. Just that he is a danger to society and needs to be removed from general society.
One does not need to understand why our government has taken some of the most illogical, unscientific and outright destructive actions in the last 12 months, just that they have. And this must change if we are ever to get back to a semblance of normality, where love and kindness, not fear and suspicion are the ruling words of the day.
Some useful links to Taiwan and Japans responses:…/taiwan-coronavirus-covid…
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