LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode L (50) ~ Integrity: Ode to John Trudell

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode L (50) ~ Integrity: Ode to John Trudell


Your Host: Luca Majno

Welcome back to another session of LUCA’S WORLD, and indeed it is! And after apologizing to everyone who wanted to call in, and it is not often that I cannot make time for calls, but you will see why, as we move along…

As I thank potential new listeners from Facebook and elsewhere, I want to remind everyone, in the security of MY DISCLAIMER, and what my ‘agenda’ (intent) is.

After going through last week’s segments, and securing other elements like what the U.N. is ‘really about,

15-MINUTE CITIES is on the ‘agenda’, and TRUTH about them that will startle anyone who might have started to look into that rabbit hole, the woman speaker, sounding a bit nervous, sets it straight!

(my apologies for the start of the other clip, that was not supposed to happen, also ‘white noise’ interferes a bit)

THE TALKING CIRCLE and also a refresher of Matriarchy/Matrilineal beliefs of mine, as I have learned to describe it, and slowly we see how ‘Men’ ‘used to ‘treat Women, and I give a wonderfully touching example (which I won’t blow here)

A few of my various ‘run-ins’ and difficulties are shared here, such as Sacred Ceremony, Drummers, and ‘determined’ Protocols and I use some strong language to express my mounting frustration at the loss of Tradition AND WHY…

Giving one of the strongest examples of how the Right-Thinking Women are in charge, that day when the OKA siege ended, in the outskirts of Montreal, Quebec, in the summer of 1990, and what it really means to be Tribally-oriented. A perfect example, one of the few times the media were honest in their reporting!

Before jumping into the ‘real’ native American segment, two Teachings are shared, “The Fields Lay Fallow”, and also “The Child” ~ to explain how children are often gifted with things that us adults ‘miss’…

Genocide is recounted, and their weapons that have changed through the years, decades, centuries, … THE EASY WAY is installed, no more Traditional, life-saving chores and work, and how this evolved, how neo-colonialism’ works…

Women and Drumming, and also Dancing Barefoot get a little ‘wink-wink’ as I tend to prove my instinct was right about both, and how ‘the ways of the oppressor took hold so well, so fast’ … and then, seeing the UNIFORMed dancer in the Circle.

I even share my intent by Prayer and Meditation, and if I should share these stories, and you can see the answers I got.

To lead the show to my last segment, I ask the question: “What would happen If”… and share a writing of a Prophecy, a Sacred Vision from Pine Ridge, SD, at Wounded Knee, about the Ancient’s return… and what they have to say to us.

The Loss of Tradition is explained in this next short segment, and how the conquering entity takes hold!

I end the show with My Ode to Wisa and John Trudell, in a very specific way, laughing at myself the whole way through how I met John’s daughter online, and how we connected, and why all of this is so important to me.

In this last segment, I finally get to share, and to none other than his surviving daughter, how her father, John Trudell affected me and why, through a picture of hers she had posted, in essence, also stressing that she is not living in her father’s shadow and is proud of developing her own ‘color’, as I love to say…

And so on these words (read out in the show) she wrote by a picture of her, I answer the words with my thoughts. ?

As I say on the show, “From my lodge to yours”, I just barely get the chance in the time remaining, to read what I wrote… Almost, but what was meant to be, was what I read. And I am grateful.

And I offer my ‘color’ to Wisa’s words. Together, people CAN change the world, and make it become what we wish it to be. Intent is everything!

Listen Up …


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode L (50) ~ Integrity: Ode to John Trudell

(Click on image below to listen)


And as I love to say every week, I will be back, Creator willing! See you all and have a safe week!

My other show, LEARN 2 UNLEARN (LIVE) is here: ShakeAndWake Radio, Mondays at 3pm Central.


I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out as well… A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE… because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on the link below the video to visit site)


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Additional episodes of Luca’s World HERE



Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.

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1 Comment on LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode L (50) ~ Integrity: Ode to John Trudell

  1. Integrity is gold once lost is never regained. Only when you do good ten times the misdeed is a little regained.

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