ER Editor: Two short tweets of Belarussian president Alexander Lukashenko addressing his cabinet are simply to die for.
We’ve provided frame-by-frame translations from French subtitles into English below. A commentator on Twitter verifies that the French translation from Russian is accurate. It was put out originally by the reputable independent French site, Le Libre Penseur.
It’s worth watching/listening to Lukashenko’s deadpan delivery. No doubt this was all carefully scripted and filmed for his exclusive benefit. Nonetheless, he successfully skewers his ministers for their conduct with the population (and himself!) over their Covid measures and hypocrisy. And exposes more generally the fact that such measures have been taken to drive people toward vaccination, a methodology revealed by others recently in relation to the vaccine passports.
We remind readers that it was Lukashenko who didn’t buy into the pandemic fear from the get-go, recommending people get a sauna and drink vodka to get through the Covid panic. He was most likely right. It was also he who blew the whistle on governments being given large tranches of money by the IMF and World Bank to lockdown their populations (see also here). Lukashenko and Putin then claimed there had been an assassination attempt on Lukashenko (following previous overthrow attempts and evidence of extensive regime change operations), which they managed to defuse. At the time, there was no evidence to suggest this was false and was most likely the work of the western deep state. It’s still speculative, but then we know about successful assassination attempts on leaders like Tanzania’s John Magafuli and others (see also here), including some who managed to survive such as Madagascan president Andrey Rajoelina (see also this). None of them had drunk the kool-aid on the ‘pandemic’.
Although these tweets were very recently posted on Twitter, we doubt if they are brand new. Lukashenko’s reference to Brest (a city in France) may give a clue. If you google ‘Brest verbalise les gens’, stories from February and March of this year come up.
Attention ⚠️
La Pression va fortement augmenter ! pic.twitter.com/b33zpZVXOa— BAN (@BAN05063867) November 2, 2021
(ER: go down to the 2nd tweet)
— BAN (@BAN05063867) November 2, 2021
If I understand correctly, Dmitri Leonidovich, everybody in this room is in good health. (Si je comprends bien, tout le monde est en bonne santé dans cette salle.)
Did you quarantine them before the meeting with the President? (Les avez-vous mis en quarantine avant le rendez-vous avec le President?)
Have you used PCR tests?
No? And how come you came to see the one and only head of state, the president in Belarus (Non? Et comment se fait-il que vous soyez venu voir le seul et unique chef de l’Etat, le président en Bielorussie)
without testing the people involved? (sans avoir testé les personnes en présence?)
What is this attitude to the situation you keep trying to convince me of? (Quelle est cette attitude au regard de la situation dont vous essayez continuellement de me convaincre?)
I am not asking this question unnecessarily, Dmitri Leonidovich. You have done well (Je ne pose pas cette question inutilement, Dmitri Leonidovitch. Vous avez bien fait)
because it is not done here, although in the whole world we do not meet presidents without quarantine measures. (car cela ne se fait pas ici, bien que dans le monde entier on ne rencontre pas de présidents sans mesure de quarantine.)
I did not ask this question because of the importance of the tests, but to ask another one (ce n’est pas pour l’importance des tests que j’ai posé cette question, mais pour en poser une autre)
If you enter the President’s house like a mill, then why torture people like this? (Si vous entrez chez le Président comme dans un moulin, pourquoi alors torturer les gens de la sorte?)
You can come like that, while obviously the pandemic is raging here (Vous pouvez venir comme ça, alors que manifestement la pandemie fait rage ici)
for a third year or I don’t know how long. (pour une troisième année ou je ne sais plus combien de temps.)
Nobody ever came with a muzzle. (Personne n’est jamais venue avec une muselière.)
No one has been asked if they are vaccinated or if they have had a PCR test (On n’a demande a personne s’il est vaccine ou s’il a fait un test PCR)
Only Kachanova was indignant that we came to see the president without testing etc. (Seul Katchanova s’est indignée que l’on vienne voir le président sans test etc.)
But it bothered her for a while (Mais ça l’a derangée pendant un certain temps)
and now she comes herself without being tested. (et maintenant elle vient elle-même sans etre testée.)
So why are we equipping people? (Alors pourquoi on equiquine les gens?)
Why sound the alarm across the country? (Pourquoi sonner l’alarme dans tout le pays?)
Why are the police mobilizing to control the wearing of masks? (Pourquoi le police se mobilise pour contrôler le port du masque?)
Why manipulate and inspect people in this way, even women? (Pourquoi manipuler et inspecter les gens de la sorte, même les femmes?)
Where is this Minister? I warned you (Où est ce Ministre? Je vous ai averti)
Don’t you have other things to worry about? (Vous n’avez pas d’autres chats à fouetter?)
Why are you breaking the law? (Pourquoi enfreignez-vous la loi?)
We have no law that gives you the right to torture people. (Nous n’avons aucune loi qui vous donne le droit de torturer les gens.)
and check their muzzles. (et de vérifier leurs muselières.)
Who do you play for? (Pour qui jouez-vous?)
Sit down! (Asseyez-vous)
If you start by treating people properly (Si vous commenciez par soigner correctement les gens)
and hence the most affected areas and then all over the street (et partant les zones les plus touchées et ensuite partout dans la rue)
Dmitri Leonidovich, you’re wreaking havoc all over the country. (Dmitry Leonidovitch, vous faites des ravages dans tout le pays.)
I’m sure the governors have figured it out by now (Je suis sûr que les gouverneurs ont bien compris aujourd’hui)
I see that in Brest they have already started to fine people! (Je vois qu’à Brest, ils ont déjà commencé à verbaliser les gens.)
It’s like putting your knee on their chest to get them vaccinated! (C’est comme mettre votre genou sur leur poitrine pour les faire vacciner.)
I asked you not to do that! (Je vous ai demandé de ne pas faire ça)
Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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