Mask Mandate – Fighting for Our Rights & Freedoms
By TLB Contributor: Allie French
For those of you who don’t know, my name is Allie French, I am the co-founder of MMAMV (Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccinations), Nebraskans Against Government Overreach and No Mask Omaha. We have been actively fighting the local mask mandate here in Omaha, NE. For the past 3 months our City Council members have listened to our testimony – only to be dismissed by the majority.
Aug 13th public hearing:
This was only the beginning. I have spent every Tuesday at our Civic Center holding a peaceful demonstration for an hour prior to the city council meeting. During this time, we hand out information cards that discuss the risks that come from wearing masks and speak with anyone with desire to have a discussion.
Oct 27th public hearing:
This was the final public hearing before the city council voted 4-1 (2 of our City Council members were absent from this meeting) they have now extended our mandate until our positive test rate is under 5% for 2 consecutive weeks AND we have less than 10 cases for every 100,000 people in the city in a 7-day rolling average for 2 consecutive weeks. With a population around 570,000 people, they are asking for less than 57 cases in a 2 week period! With everything we know about false positives and the testing of healthy individuals – this mandate will NEVER end. There is a 90-day cap (Feb 24th) at which point we have no doubt the mandate will be revisited and extended yet again “… until there’s a vaccine…” As the city council members and UNMC doctors like to say.
The real kicker is that this mandate places the responsibility of collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data in the hands of Adi Pour, PhD – the unelected county health director with zero training or experience as a medical physician. Prior to the passing of the mask mandate, Adi Pour had attempted to implement a mandate at which point she was told by the Governor that she did not have the legal grounds to do so. The city council found their loophole.
After the final passing of the amended ordinance the founder of our local group No Mask Omaha had raised the funds to purchase 2 billboards. “This is NOT about a ‘Virus’! It’s about Control!” was vividly displayed by 2 of the busiest streets in town during rush hour. Unfortunately, the billboard company was forced to remove the signs due to public outrage caused by MSM attention.
A reporter with our local KMTV news station leapt at the opportunity to stir the pot. She made a post in search of the people/person responsible for purchasing the billboards. The founder of No Mask Omaha, Kelly Jensen, did reach out for a phone interview – of which the reporter later filled the article with pleas from healthcare professionals begging the community to just get with the program and not listen to misinformation.
Now this is when things got weird! Suddenly, in the midst of the craziness and as I walked into my chiropractor’s office, the Facebook settings in our No Mask Omaha group changed and the group began automatically approving members. And no, I’m not mistaken… I’m what some might refer to as a techy person, I know my social media platforms – so I know that it changed, but not by any of the other admins in the group.
Of course it was not just anybody and everybody that was suddenly infiltrating our group. The only profiles being approved were proud BLM and Antifa members. If I had not had my phone in my hand our group would have been a goner. The first and only 5 members to get through began reporting all of the posts in attempt to get the group shut down. Fortunately for us, I am much faster than them and got it shut down with only 3 reported posts.
Unfortunately! In that short period of time our planned event for a mask-less group shopping scheduled for 11/14/2020 was leaked and the local extremists began attacking, harassing, and reporting on as many people as they could. Some even were going so far as to wish death and sickness, threatening to show up and confront people, and fantasizing about putting snipers on the buildings to take us out when we showed up. The most frustrating part was that they took our image but not my words. Of course, this was by design – if they’d taken my words it would not have looked intimidating or like the plans of crazed, irrational people. I had explicitly stated that we were not going to ruffles feathers, we were going to support each other and an engage in a positive activity while also getting our needed groceries. Too often we hear stories of people being attacked, harassed and bullied for not wearing a mask – even though there are legitimate exemptions as is stated in the local mask mandate. We’ve actually even done this event a few times, and no one has been any the wiser because we aren’t trying to cause a scene. We shop as if everything is NORMAL. We do not infiltrate en masse. That is the tactics of those that attack us.
At this point it became quite apparent that for our groups safety we needed to cancel the event. We discussed going to a different location all together to do our shopping. We then discussed our alternate options as the extremists continued to attack people of my group on a personal level. They threatened to call the police, they called the store, it was a very long night.
All this being said, it was quite clear that we could not allow them to silence us and scare us into a corner. Not only did we have people attacking us on Facebook, but with the media attention that our billboards and shopping event had drawn in our county health board director – Adi Pour, PhD, instructed the community to come to us and tell us, “Enough!”. Despite the numerous times city council member Harding has expressed that people should leave those whom cannot or chose not to wear a mask alone and the city website specifically states in their Q&A section of the mandate that if you see someone without a mask you should leave them alone, now we hear from the unelected official that she is encouraging people to tell us enough and just get with the program.
I decided that rather than go shopping indoors and cause a ruckus that we would make a more impactful statement holding a peaceful demonstration outside of the store we intended on shopping at. Of course, with the continuing attacks from the local fanatics I took the appropriate steps of making sure that we had both permission and protection for the members of our group. I contacted our local law enforcement, the grocery store and the high school at which we intended to meet up.
I was pleased with the positive feedback and support that I received from taking the appropriate action of giving forewarning and apologies for the blowout caused by the media.
Now, we ran into the issue of spreading the word. Our groups had been compromised and while I had spent all hours of the day prior cleaning out the group and re-vetting as many of the members as possible it was best to err on the side of caution. I opted for making vague posts hyping up our members and asking them to send me a private message to obtain our plans. Still it was necessary to vet any members that we didn’t know personally. I managed to avoid all but one troll who’d guised himself as a big Trump fan. When our plan was leaked the screenshot they shared contained enough of the message for me to know exactly which person it was – that won’t happen again! All in all, with the one minor leak, we successfully spread the word to the members of our groups.
Saturday, 14th, at about 4pm in the afternoon about 35 members of our group and several of our kids met up at the high school across the street from the grocery store we had intended to shop at. Now I have to admit, I’m really quite disappointed that only 35 of the several hundred people I messaged managed to show up. Especially on a weekend. We are so often told that people can’t make it every Tuesday to the city council meetings because of work. That if it were in the evening or on a weekend they could be there. …And yet… We have only 35 people willing and determined to stand up for our freedoms.
Insert tangent rant – guys! This is not going to get better unless we, across the land, unite. Come out from behind our keyboards and take actual physical action. We are already witnessing a shift in society where people who demand their freedoms are labeled crazy, a danger to society, selfish and so-on, much like the Nazis once convinced people of about the Jews and gays. We know where this path leads. If we do not stand up now, it will be that much harder as more restrictions are implemented and rights of law-abiding citizens are stripped.
None-the-less, we had 35 Patriots strong enough to withstand the harsh and cruel actions of the opposition. While a vast majority of our encounters with the public as they left the plaza in their vehicles was positive – the loudest of our encounters came from opposition shouting crude and vulgar slurs at us. As our plans laid out for our members, we did not engage with negative feedback but rather responded with joy and truth.
NoMaskOmaha – March Nov. 14th
I had a live feed on Facebook going during the entire event – for both media and security purposes. We sang American songs. We talked amongst each other. A vast majority of the time I spent using the oppositions arguments in the comments to spread truth and common sense to the viewers. It really could not have worked out better, a. I am always down for a verbal spanking and b. It gave me continuous content to discuss with the viewers and say loud enough that the cars passing by at 2 mi. an hour with their windows down might hear me as well.
NoMaskOmaha March Nov14th parts 1-3:
Ultimately, we had an extremely successful event. Our local newspaper put out an article covering the event within an hour of its end – if it’d been any better it would have been too obviously in our favor. With that in mind it was a good article. Some portion of our event apparently aired on TV, however, as I do not watch live TV or the MSM, and at this point have been unable to locate it, I have yet to see it.
When I finally reached home there was a lot of clean up of trolls as their attacks continued to poor in. Some-days that simple push of the block button feels real, real, good. This is far from over for us. Today was about standing up for our freedom of choice. To choose our own methods of prevention and treatment, and our freedom to live as healthy individuals free of the restrictions of the sick. It was also in effort to stand up to the bullies and censorship our group experienced when they removed our billboard and shutdown our grocery shopping.
This is not the America I grew up in. We do NOT accept the ‘new normal’. We may be small, but we are not to be underestimated. We have recently discovered a promising plan to correct the unconstitutional mandate implemented by a corrupt group of city council members, health director and medical institution. A common scenario we see playing out across the country and even around the world. While many are awaiting the outcome of the election of our President – the left is pushing an agenda to control through the local governments in every state. It has never been more imperative that we break through the constant censorship and reach our community with honest, verifiable evidence.
For it is by the People that we can correct this government overreach and corruption afflicting too many of our public servants and medical professionals. We will continue to stand up for our Freedoms and not comply with unjust restrictions.
More about Allie:
Co-Founder/Board MemberNovember 19, 2019 to present
Related article (click on image below to read):
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The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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Hi, I’d like to get involved, but am not, and will not get on Facebook. Is there a way to connect with No Mask Omaha without going on Facebook? I’m happy for this website to share my email with Allie so I can connect with her. Please let me know. Thank you!
dont fight them just ignore them dont wear a mask dont do anything thay tell you
Thank you for your wonderful and courageous work. I am praying for you. I am a person who cannot wear a mask for health reasons and I feel totally oppressed when I go out to shop which, in these days, is not very often anymore. Such a shame what has happened to our country due to lies and fear. People need to stop being mindless sheep and know that they are in fact, free people who can make their own decisions about what they do with their bodies and for their own health. Everyone in this “free” country can and should make a difference. Thank you so much for leading the way.