Merchants of dismay – making a killing out of climate fears

Ramping up the climate scare - follow the money

Ramping up the climate scare – follow the money.

by Steve Cook

Here it is in a simplified nutshell:

1.The planet has a climate.

2. Over time the climate changes – goes through periodic warming and cooling periods. Those changes have ALWAYS occurred and are primarily driven by patterns of change in solar activity and Earth’s orbit around the sun. For example, the planet was MUCH warmer in the age of the dinosaurs before Man had even put in an appearance.

3. Along comes Man who develops a highly advanced civilisation.

4. That advanced civilisation develops various industries, agricultural methods and so forth and those developments facilitate a massive rise in the standard of living whilst at the same time supporting an even more  massive increase in population.

5. The aforementioned industries and agricultural methods produce gases that enter the atmosphere.

6. Some of those gases have a “greenhouse effect”, which means they trap the sun’s heat. [That’s the theory. I’ve seen articles that throw this datum into doubt but, for the sake of argument, let’s assume it is essentially true.]

7. Those greenhouse gases (GHGs) include carbon dioxide – which is plentiful in and an essential component of the atmosphere in any case.

Other greenhouse gases are nitrous oxide, methane, water vapour. The three just mentioned are far more powerful in their greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide. Nitrous oxide for instance is about 300 times WORSE than CO2 in its greenhouse effect.

There are other pollutants and so on that have various detrimental effects but this article is focusing upon greenhouse gases and their effect of warming up the climate.

Assuming the greenhouse theory is more or less correct, then the emission of such gases as a result of human industry has an effect on the natural warming and cooling cycles of the climate.

8. The DEGREE to which these “human emissions” affect the climate and in what direction precisely is a matter of debate and is not yet established beyond doubt. It might be a lot, it might be slight, it is most likely somewhere in between.

9. The global warming movement of the likes of Al Gore promoted the idea that the greenhouse effect is severe and catastrophic and predicted rising sea levels, melted ice caps and all manner of predictions of calamity that frightened the hell out of people. None of the predictions of doom materialised. The failure to predict suggests that there is something wrong with the data and assumptions being used.

Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with seeking to understand what we are doing, trying to predict the consequences and amending how we do things towards enhanced survival for the human race.

10. In fear that we might be irreparably damaging the biosphere, a genuine effort seems to have been made to exercise control over and put restrictions on the emission of greenhouse gases by industry and agriculture and to encourage the development of technology that does not do so.

11. This resulted in the Carbon Credits (CC) scheme. Put very simply, limits were placed on how much GHG a business or government could pump into the atmosphere. If a business cannot meet whatever limit is set, it then has to buy carbon credits (CCs) and purchase of the CCs enables it to it to exceed the set limits.

When a company can produce GHG’s in smaller quantity than the set limits, it  earns credits which it can then sell to a company that needs to buy them.

Tightening restrictions on GHG emissions, intended to gradually decrease the quantity of GHGs emitted and stimulate the use of methods of production that do not emit GHGs, increases the demand for CCs.

Take a crude example, simplified for the purpose of illustration.

Company A produces a million tons of GHGs per year. It is set a limit of 750,000 tons . It works hard to reduce its emissions and gets them down to 800,000 tons. It struggles to get its emissions down further and falls 50,000 tons short of its target. It must therefore buy 50,000 tons worth of carbon credits from someone who has them, and acquiring them entitles it to go on producing that extra 50,000 tons of GHGs.

Company B on the other hand, is similarly set a limit of, say, 600, 000 tons and as it is more “environmentally friendly”, only emits 500,000 tons. It has therefore earned 100,000 tons worth of credits, which it can then sell to a company like Company A, which needs them.

12. As CCs are tradable, this sets up a whole market for them with companies and investors buying and selling them much as company shares are bought and sold, with brokers and traders and so forth. It becomes in itself a money-making operation and if you google it, you will find plenty of brokers, companies, experts and so on promoting “how to make money from carbon credits”.

This becomes a typical capitalistic operation in which people make money trading certificates back and forth without actually producing anything, on the backs of the real producers, which are the companies producing the goods and services and trying not to damage the environment whilst they are doing so.

In such a marketplace, those who can make real killings are those who already have plenty of money (such as the bankers and international “investors” and financiers).

In order to make more valuable the CCs held by these investors, one has but to find a way to increase demand for them (in effect making, them more scarce relative to demand).

If CCs can be made more scarce relative to demand, those holding them make a packet from their rise in value.

A crude example : if you own a carbon credit worth, say. £1000, and you can somehow make CCs more sought-after, your CCs can suddenly become worth, say, £1500 or £2000 depending on how much demand can be stimulated.

13. How to you increase demand or want for carbon credits?

The answer, is ramp up the climate scare.

Get everybody really really afraid that we only have a few years left to “reverse climate change”. Whilst doing this, ignore other factors such as the Sun and Earth’s orbit and blame every nuance of climate activity on “Climate Change”, at the same time amplify the fear factor in every often routine climate event such as a hurricane, a forest fire or a flood.

If you can stimulate enough fear and panic and rattle somewhat dim governments, you can bring about an agreement that “we must drastically reduce carbon emissions to zero” within the next ten years”, or some such thing.

14. A perfect instrument for ramping up the climate fear is an entity such as Extinction Rebellion that suddenly appears and puts into effect a beautifully crafted propaganda campaign that draws its energy parasitically from the genuine worries and concerns of good people, many of them kids who are now convinced they will be dead before they are thirty.

15. Once you have ramped up the fear enough and with the help of the media, spread the idea that we should all be very afraid, the door is then open for timorous governments to agree to place drastic restrictions upon carbon emissions.

And if drastic restrictions can be placed on carbon emissions, the demand for and consequent value of carbon credits goes through the roof.

16. And so someone who just happens to own a large quantity of CCs becomes even richer over night.

So you have two things:

  • The genuine and desirable drive to look after out planetary home, develop new technologies, obviate wanton pollution and environmental destruction, improve farming methods and so forth.
  • A money-making operation that latches onto it like a parasite and then subverts it for its own ends.

17. This phenomenon of worthy human endeavours being hijacked and subverted by criminal elements for their own darker purposes is nothing new: it has plenty of historical precedents.


About the Author

Steve Cook is a poet, novelist, author and satirist. His websites are


He just also happens to be the Director of the TLB Project website UK Reloaded (home based in England, UK) where the article above originated.


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