When people fail to take a stand against what they know to be wrong; then you are helping to support that action by you complacency. For I tell you, that your voice is more important than you can imagine when it comes to bringing down the corrupt.
Commentary by Clifford Hall, TLB Contributing Writer
Just when we thought we’ve seen it all, something new crops up that has most Americans scratching their heads and asking, are they for real? The answer of course to that question is more than you know. With the midterm elections just around the corner, Mueller and his team are strategically repositioning their chess pieces in order to deliberately affect the efforts of the President of the United States. He is now threatening to indict Trump on obstruction. For it is the only tool besides the mainstream media that he has left in his arsenal. Which when you get right down to it he has no basis for foundation whatsoever.
Yet, even more shocking is the fact that the only witness to this so call allegation is Rosenstein himself, the man Mueller answers to. So, talk about the polecat and the possum trick. Mueller is definitely now trying to pull a rabbit out of an empty hat. And he knows it!
But, whether we know it or not, Mueller’s act of desperation is also revealing something else we haven’t seen before. That he really does not have a case and never has.
Now, I’m sure that most of those so called legal experts which we see on television practically everyday who throw their two cents worth in, will probably disagree with what I’m saying here. For it challenges their academic minds to reconnect with the letter of the law. But the truth is most of the cases which you see taking place in the world were not built by attorney’s. They were constructed instead by law enforcement officers who work on the front lines. As you know, all an attorney does is to try to weave and twist the facts to fit their needs. Yet, those of us who actually worked the streets were held to certain guidelines… and did so… in order to make sure that the cases we presented to the courts were solid and did not cross the line. At least if you were an honest cop, that is.
So, what is really going on here behind the scene? Well the best way to answer that question is to say that Mueller is doing his best to resort to conjuring up a case from scratch, just to keep his personal agenda alive. After all, how else is he going to be able to justify the expenditures of he and his team, which has been nothing more than to keep this whole thing rolling on into its second year.
Part of the problem is that the special counsel’s investigation into the Russian collision is now under a microscope. Which means if he doesn’t end this witch hunt soon, with some sort of valid finding to back his abusive tactics, he won’t be able to justify the use of the millions of dollars of tax–payer money to help hold the office of the President hostage… Something that will come back to bite him in the butt, I’m guessing, when this three ring circus finally does get closed down.
Yes, as a former police officer, I know that there are many examples out there of individuals being found guilty of a crime they didn’t commit. Then spent years in prison fighting to prove their innocents. It wasn’t until DNA testing came in to light, that these cases began to unravel. A good example of that is a John Grisham’s novel “The Innocent Man,” which shows to some extent just how far a corrupt investigator will go to build up a case against a suspect.
I recommend that every individual in America spend some time reading this book if you want to become truly informed. Grisham’s novel shows just how infallible the system can become when the person in charge is given to much power to abuse the rule of law and the trust we place in them.
Mueller, Rosenstein and Comey should have every American citizen terrified of the power they now wheeled. We know and they know, they have come into this fracas with a conflict of interest hanging over their heads. Proving that they have tainted the entire process from the start. Why any good attorney worth their weight in salt would ever think that this kind of conduct is legal, is beyond me.
The whole problem as I see it is, when the upper echelon is dirty then how can you truly rely on those who are investigating the claim without affecting the evidence itself. We know that McCabe lied and we also know that “email lovers” FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her boyfriend FBI agent Peter Strzok talked about the Bureau bringing Trump down in their messages back and forth. As far as mainstream media is concerned this is not important to the whole case… and that for Mr. and Mrs. America (especially conservatives) to say otherwise is looking at this from the wrong angle.
It’s a good thing I never had one of these reporters working on a case with me. I’d be afraid they’d mess it up so bad, we would have no choice but to let the true guilty person go. For there is no arguing the fact that when an agency’s integrity comes into question; then it’s ability to do its job also comes into question.
The press would also say its okay for the FBI and the Justice Department to investigate itself when there is clear wrongdoing within its own walls. But who ever assumed that that retarded concept was okay in cases like this, needs to have their head examined. How can an agency find itself guilty when its vested interest is to do the exact opposite.
Mueller and his pack of wolves are running around like a chicken with their head cut off. And, though there is no actual evidence to support these new charges against the President, most so called legal experts will tell you that Mueller is just savings the best for last. Thus, not exposing his hand until he is ready to do so.
I personally think he has no cards to put on the table and never has. Instead, I think that Mueller’s whole intent has been to keep President Trump and his team on the defensive. And does so by leaking just enough information at certain intervals to the mainstream media that it keeps the burner going. Simply put, Mueller knows as well as I do, that his chances of making the new charges stick are slim to none without real evidence.
But do not under estimate Mueller for this guy is as slick as they come. He is without a doubt a strategist whose underhanded methods are designed to create the conditions that will affect the outcome of the upcoming elections by hook or by crook this fall to the benefit of the Deep State and the Democratic party.
But why is he will to go this far you have to ask? Especially, if they can’t hope to indict a sitting President. Well, that is the mother of all dilemmas that has escaped the American public since Trump first threw his hat into the ring. What we don’t understand and probably never will is that the Democratic party, the FBI Leaders, the Justice Department heads and all of the others in the Deep State including the left-wing radicals and the mainstream media, all see themselves as the elite of society, who truly believe they should be the ones to decide who will lead this country and not the American public. For if you remember right, it was these same individuals who tried to push their candidate, a person with a dubious background and credentials, down our throats during the 2016 campaign season. All in hopes that the average Joe out there would just shut their eyes and ears to the truth of what this individual would bring to the table. But the average person didn’t do that. They spoke out instead and sent a clear and concise message with their votes. Indicating to everyone who it was they preferred to have in office. And it wasn’t Hilary Clinton!
So, what you need to understand here is that since taking the election away from these autocrats of defiant despotism, there is and has been a plot by these same entrenched Deep State groups to oust the President by whatever means they can. Including fabricating the false narrative of a Russian collusion connection that never existed from the start. What campaign rules has ever allowed the opponent to fund a dossier in order to create a FISA abuse situation, just so they could discredit their opposition?
The entire purpose from the start has been to keep the President from doing his job, while at the same time making him look incompetent in the eyes of his voters. Unfortunately, for them though these heinous actions have failed to produce the results for which they had worked so hard to get. All because, a majority of the American public have seen right through their scheming ways.
I suppose the treachery of all this will be denied in the usual fashion when the time comes by the mainstream media. But the facts that have come to light this past year alone, creates all the evidence anyone with any commonsense will ever need to support this narrative. After all, the origination of the whole thing began when the Clinton foundation paid for the dossier that launched the special council’s investigation. And for the FBI, the Justice Department to use this offered up piece of scrap bone, which only surfaced after the republican candidate won, brings into question why would the FBI and Justice Department even consider accepting something like this in the first place. Especially, when they knew or should have know is the legal term, that it came from the opposing camp who had a vested interest in promoting this propaganda. You would think they would want to check it out first just to make sure it met all the authenticity standard that supported the claim it contained?
I have no doubt that those who took this information to the FISA court knew exactly what was behind it from the very start and thus, deliberately chose not to disclose its source to the Judge who would probably have thrown it out based on the conflict of interest it contained. The court requires the filer of the document or documents to explain the true nature of the claim and who created it, and how the evidence came about before any rational decision could be made whether to move forward or not.
In my opinion it leaves no doubt whatsoever, that the documents in this dossier and its contents spilled forth from the “Fruit of the Poison Tree,” reference point. Linking it beyond a shadow of a doubt to a contaminated source that had its own deep seeded and dark agenda wanting to move it forward. The problem is how are Mueller, Rosenstein and Comey able to keep it going? And the answer to that is, that we are not fighting on one battlefront here. Instead this war is taking place on several.
Mueller and his gang are attacking from what I classify as the courtyard. While the mainstream media keeps hitting President Trump from the side. Then both the Senate and Congress are coming at him from the rear, throwing their two cents worth in as well.
Now you may not want to believe it but neither houses can seem to come together on the issues facing our nation. In fact, they so are divided themselves that they are causing the country to split right down the middle. A good example of that can be seen even with Senator Trey Gowdy from North Carolina. Who for over year or so now, has been spearheading an investigation himself just to get to the truth of the matter. Then in the last week he suddenly did a 360 degree turnabout when he started supporting the Mueller farce and the Spygate breach by FBI undercover officials. Something, that leaves one to wonder just exactly where his head is at.
If I were Mr. Gowdy, I’d reconsider my position on this. Because if the originating source of this whole scheme erupted from the Clinton dossier in the first place, then where is there any justification for this action he claims is okay? They were just doing what the people and their job expected of them?
To even have the FBI looking into any candidate based on false allegations is without a doubt crossing the line when we can attach a political climate to the reason for it. But let me put it in more of a pragmatic light that maybe these so called experts can understand. Did the FBI offer the same option to the Clinton camp while they were looking into Trump’s camp? We know the answer to that. No, they didn’t!
The fact that the Russian interference was going on even during the Obama Administration brings to the forefront another question Why was it not dealt with back then by the FBI, the Justice Department and the CIA before it ever got to this level if they were aware of it? That’s a question in my opinion they will never be able to answer.
There are a lot of problems with this line of thinking and always has been. And if I were Mr. Gowdy, I’d personally be ashamed of myself for taking the information the FBI supplied when the possibility the source it came from has such a questionable history of concealment and fabrication taking place that it has no credibility whatsoever. Remember the old adage Mr. Gowdy, “believe none of what you see and only half of what you hear.” A lesson the mainstream media also needs to get on board with as well.
If I were Mr. Gowdy, I would consider taking this good advice. Especially, for someone’s who conduct in this matter is now coming under scrutiny. There is the appearance that he has done a Benedict Arnold on the American public when he decided to switch his allegiance to the Democratic party’s docket and not the truth.
I personally want to ask Mr. Gowdy also – a person whom I had the utmost respect for until recently – how can you even hold you head up after what you did? I would also ask him in front of his voters and his family the same question. Knowing that his conduct is now helping to assist in the promotion of false and misleading information that aids and abets a crime against the American public and against the nation itself. All just so that it can bring the downfall of a man who has brought nothing but prosperity and strength back into this once ailing land of ours.
Up until this last week I had considered Senator Gowdy a courageous individual who was willing and able to do the right thing when called upon. Now he has torn down that wall of faith, which I and others across this land had placed in him.
The whole game plan here I believe is to change the outcome of the mid-term elections so that the “Deep State,” can take house control. Once that happens Mueller will have achieved his goal to place enough Democrats in the seats of both houses to start pushing for impeachment of the President. Thus, showing the American public their true power to affect even the operations of the oval office and all future elections to come.
Clifford Hall is a Marine Corp veteran with a Top Secret Crypto security clearance. He served during the Vietnam and cold war conflict until 1978. He is a graduate of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, with BA degree in Criminal Justice. Clifford worked for 22 years until his retirement in various aspects of law enforcement, including Law Enforcement Bureau of the Department of Correction, South Salt Lake Police Dept, Midvale Police Department and Homeland Security under TSA rolling out security at the Nation’s Airports after 9/11. Since his retirement from law enforcement, he developed an interest in the financial world and has served as a Senior Financial Advisor involving Mortgages, and Business Development at major concerns in Utah.
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