Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project
We cannot recommend highly enough this 17-minute video by care home worker Clare Wills-Harrison. Her whistleblowing, and that of others, is being picked up by David Icke. Here is her Facebook page. Below we provide some key points made, but first a reflection.
Even for those of us digging down into the gritty details of the so-called pandemic, it’s become an accepted fact that the bulk of deaths has occurred in care homes. It’s also become accepted that people die WITH the virus, not BECAUSE OF it. And thus we mentally wrap up the covid problem by remarking the very low death rate overall for the general population, not so for the elderly who are already very sick – ‘but they’re close to death anyway.’ ‘Statistically it’s not much different to a bad season of flu.‘ Problem solved.
So far, this perception seems entirely reasonable.
But what if this mental closure on the problem is masking what is a covert yet perhaps widely practiced medical policy in those countries where care home deaths have proven to be a significant statistic? What if a substantial portion of care home deaths has NOTHING TO DO WITH A CIRCULATING VIRUS OF ANY DESCRIPTION? Care home malpractice during lockdown is certainly an issue in the UK, France and Canada, as we’ve published on. What if the erstwhile Liverpool Care Pathway (so-called, which was discontinued a few years ago, where immobile, terminal patients had food and water withdrawn producing rapid death) has simply been rolled out under cover in many countries? And especially in those countries where edicts have been issued against the prescription of hydroxychloroquine?
The ‘pathway to death’ described below doesn’t require a suspicion of covid or some false positive test result. It simply requires institutionalized neglect of the already sick. You simply declare a pandemic and put care home residents on a ‘nothing-by-mouth’ protocol at the first sign of medical trouble. Covid needn’t enter the picture. (That is not to say that some virus hasn’t tipped over already-sick elderly patients, however.) That is the basic mechanism Wills-Harrison is describing.
The virus ‘ripping through care homes’ is a statement that needs some investigation, we believe.
In the moving video below, Clare Wills Harrison is reading an e-mail sent to her by a care home worker whose name is not revealed but who has been verified by her. The anonymous care home worker describes the following situation that has happened to her personally:
- All elderly residents are put on a DNR (do not resuscitate order), as well as an ‘anticipatory care pathway’. This means they can’t go to the hospital for any treatment whatever; they won’t receive antibiotics for any condition whatever. Since the ‘pandemic’ started, no GPs have visited the home. For any NON-COVID illness, patients are put on an end-of-life protocol, i.e. nothing by mouth. This includes normal medication, food and drink. Ostensibly it’s done to avoid aspiration, of which there is a small risk. But nothing by mouth means they will surely die of starvation and dehydration.
- Carehome workers have been buying babyfood themselves to give to the residents. The elderly resident is made aware of the risk of aspiration and gives consent first before being fed.
- GPs are REMOTELY PRESCRIBING end-of-life medication in the meantime, in the absence of normal pain, anxiety, depression and anti-psychotic meds. They’re being given morphine injections instead, which are being misused. So patients show pain and anxiety because their normal meds have been withdrawn, which then ‘necessitates’ the morphine injection. Morphine is a pain med of last resort, which also knocks the patients out, making it harder to get fluids into them. The injection also suppresses breathing, which hastens death. Death usually happens in a matter of days.
- No covid cases had been declared at this care home. 3 of its residents have died in the way described above. In the case of one who, remarkably, was actually taken to hospital for a chest infection, the patient was given antibiotics, which cleared the infection up. The patient had tested negative twice on a test for covid. The chart notes released with the patient said that s/he was diagnosed with ‘covid by exposure’ despite the negative tests. Then the person was put on an end-of-life pathway with their normal medications withdrawn. This patient wasn’t asked for their consent.
- Clare: A ‘best interest’ meeting must be done when a patient can’t consent to treatment. It’s illegal to withdraw pain medication and water. Yet the staff are doing this.
Published to The Liberty Beacon from
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