ER Editor: So Pierre Poilievre won the leadership race for Canada’s Conservative Party this weekend. Twitter (#poilievre) is all over it. He’s the Big Opponent to WEF boy Trudeau, right? You’d think so from pieces like Toby Young‘s of the Daily Sceptic (excerpted below). Zerohedge is offering us this –
Populism On The Rise In Canada As “Unelectable” Pierre Poilievre Sweeps Conservative Leadership
Poilievre came in at around 68% of the vote, with ‘Laurentian elite’ candidate and longstanding Canadian politician (and globalist) Jean Charest at a mere 16%. Leslyn Lewis, who seems to really have something going for her, came in at almost 10%. A victory for populism? No. Go down, past the Toby Young excerpt for some big picture connectivity.
Poilievre is far more of a Trojan horse for the globalist crowd. He’s of the Brian Mulroney – Stephen Harper Agenda 21 lineage. How do you suddenly flip 180 degrees? Yet this is what he’d have us believe.
‘Populism’ has been hijacked (or likely created) as a movement by the globalists. Europe tells us this. Anybody who got labelled as some sort of populist saviour, e.g. Sebastian Kurz (Young Global Leader of the WEF) of Austria and Matteo Salvini (who totally caved to Mario Draghi’s government months ago), would later appear to be total shills. It was just a matter of time. These were two notable figures of the ‘movement’ who were permitted to bang on about unbridled illegal immigration. That was how they seemed ‘populist’. Beyond that, they did precisely zero for the people. Think: Farage. Not the guy we’ve been led to believe he is. Official populists were nowhere to be seen during the Covid tyranny and vaccine madness, and ‘health’ measures designed to create massive unemployment and poverty. Poilievre remained strangely quiet while his fellow countrymen were suffering from all manner of insane ‘health’ policies.
Below we finish with a short video discussion.
The Canadian Politician Who Says He’ll Sack Ministers Who Attend Davos and Will Consign Justin Trudeau to Electoral Oblivion
Yesterday, Pierre Poilievre was elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada – and for the first time since he become Prime Minister in 2015 and Stephen Harper stepped down as leader of the Conservatives, Justin Trudeau has a truly formidable political opponent. The 43 year-old populist firebrand, who supported the freedom convoy and opposed vaccine mandates, is a political wunderkind, having first been elected to the Canadian Parliament in 2004, aged 25. Since then he has been re-elected at every subsequent election.
The liberal Canadian media likes to describe him as a “conspiracy theorist”, largely because he accused Trudeau of wanting to impose a ‘Great Reset’ on Canada in 2020. In August 29th of this year, he held a leadership rally in which he said “I will ban all my ministers from getting involved in the World Economic Forum”. Just in case that wasn’t clear enough, he added: “If any of my ministers want to go to that big, fancy conference of billionaires with the World Economic Forum in Davos… they better make it a one-way ticket because they won’t be back in the Cabinet.”
ER: Poilievre has had his own page on the World Economic Forum website. Which got scrubbed. An archived link shows that it did indeed exist. Why was it removed? Also, why was Poilievre strangely quiet for a very long time while Canadians were getting locked down and injected during the Covid madness (which hasn’t ended in Canada)?
Scroll down for “PissedOff”‘s tweet about hiring overseas nurses:
How about rehiring our own?!
— Pissed off (@EvChiasson) September 11, 2022
ER: See the following from Canadian site Easton Spectator, the first from August 2022, the second from July:
Pierre Poilievre’s friend and mentor Stephen Harper Praises Klaus Schwab
@jaro_giesbrecht Former CONservative PM Stephen Harper praises Klaus Schwab for his role in the creation of the #WorldEconomicForum “To have conceived of the need for such an institution such as this, required insight, to have establish it took commitment, but to have then nurtured it as a podium from which business & Political leaders could nudge public policy by addressing their peers from around the world. That is a formidable achievement & Professor this gathering saluts you”. @pierrepoilievre4pm
Canadians must realize it was Prime Minister Brian Mulroney who in 1992 signed Canada to Agenda 21. In 2008, PM Stephen Harper ratified that agreement, then in 2015, two weeks before Harper left office with the election of Justin Trudeau, Harper signed Canada’s sovereignty away by signing Agenda 2030. Both former Prime Ministers committed TREASON….
ER inserted image:
ER: See the introduction where we see that Harper has endorsed Poilievre.
One of the world’s leading populism experts says Pierre Poilievre isn’t quite a populist
(Federal Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre holds a campaign rally in Toronto. Chris Young/The Canadian Press).
Ed Note: Stephen Harper, who two weeks before he left office after losing to Justin Trudeau in the 2015 election, signed Canada away by joining Agenda 2030. Former PM Brian Mulroney was the first to give away Canada’s sovereignty by signing us up with Agenda 21 in 1992…. Both conservatives. Harper is a member of WEF, no wonder he has endorsed his WEF brother, Pierre Poilievre for new leader of the CPC and Prime Minister. (ER: see video of Harper’s endorsement below)
One of the world’s leading populism experts says Pierre Poilievre isn’t quite a populist
Stuart Thomson
July 29, 2022
The Conservative Party’s leadership race has been conventionally seen as a battle between the moderate establishment candidate Jean Charest and the rowdy populist Pierre Poilievre.
But one academic who studies populism and its cultural causes says Poilievre’s campaign has been fairly traditional, especially when compared to the global populist movement that has swept the Western world in the last decade.
“The populist moment really was about parties moving away from just talking about economics to talking about those tricky cultural issues. It’s happened with the People’s Party, but it’s not happened with Poilievre. I guess I would still see that as pretty much a standard conservatism, more of an establishment conservatism,” said Eric Kaufmann, a professor of politics at Birkbeck, University of London and the author of Whiteshift: Immigration, Populism, and the Future of White Majorities.
Read More HERE
Here is where Harper endorses Poilievre. Harper avoided endorsing previous party leaders apparently, but not Poilievre. His word still carries weight. How? Who’s really running the Conservative Party of Canada?
ER: In the video below, which we warn is more suggestive than giving concrete proof, a twitter account is mentioned as being useful. We link to it here for further reading: Denise in Canada
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(Europe Reloaded ed. who compiled the info) First thing to do, Al, is to realize the entire system is up the creek, against us. It’s a powerful realization. You’re merely being offered a series of bad, elite-sponsored choices. First thing is to let that sink in, second is to try to pass that along. Ordinary citizens against all the Covid crap, truckers, etc., they all realize this about the system. Lots of Canadians are waking up.
None of this comes as any surprise, unfortunately. There hardly seems to be any point in voting now, as the entire deal is all on one track, going in one direction tion, and being controlled from the top down.
So what the H E double hockey sticks are we to do? I’m at a loss.