ER Editor: Peter Halligan‘s e-mailed response to this piece —
The Pfizer killing fields of Invercargill and Gore, South Island, New Zealand.
Keep in mind, the NZ government paid “vaccinators” for every dose they administered, using tax payers funds AND the University of Otago is right next door – a huge recipient of Gates money. The data starts at aorund the 30 minute mark All needs to be age adjusted and attributed per dose… but… background mortality rate 0.75% – actual mortality rates – Government data – between 15% and 30% – one “vaccinator” that is “terminator” at Queens Park Medical Outreach, Invercargill – 30% of those injected, died.
In the video below, a whistleblower by the name of ‘Winston Smith’, paid to develop a computer system tracking each vaccine given and the corresponding payment for each vaccine administered, speaks one-on-one with New Zealand lawyer and journalist Liz Gunn. The interview is a little weighed down with personal views and commentary for the first 15 or so minutes. Go to just before 15 minutes for some relevant information. Data comes in later, around 30 minutes.
Smith noticed that the death rate was going up, which caused him to run queries on the data.
He shows Liz Gunn stats by year where around 120 deaths per day on average was the maximum number for New Zealand according to government data (of a population of 2.2 million). Higher numbers per day only indicated exceptional events such as flu season or an earthquake. Death data during 2020 (when Covid started) and 2021 were generally not exceptional, although 2021 data show a marked increase for a brief period once particular groups had been vaccinated in stages. The daily death data shows a marked difference, starting on April 20, 2022. As Liz Gunn points out, the data was much higher than 120 deaths per day almost on a daily basis after April 20. So death rates following Covid vaccination were the equivalent to the Christchurch ‘massacre’ (shooting).
Particular sites around New Zealand are identified for having particularly high mortality rates. Of the 20 worst sites, 10 were in Christchurch. One site at Invercargill had a 30% death rate. A pharmacy vax site in Gore had a 19% death rate. The South Island was most affected with higher rates of death at vax sites. The normal death rate would be .75% (less than 1%).
Certain Pfizer batches have been identified as the worst.
Here is Celia Farber’s take on this video.
New Zealand Database Administrator Who Designed System For “Providers” To Get Paid Per Shot Given, Crosses Ranks And Joins Opposition: Tearfully Confesses To Liz Gunn STAGGERINGLY High Death Counts
“This Data Is A River Of Tears,” He Says. Calls Data “impossible” for NZ Government to Deny. It’s their own data.
A database administrator in New Zealand has given NZ politician, journalist, and attorney Liz Gunn a data leak about deaths following Covid shots in New Zealand that shows what she calls “eye watering” death counts, in some cases over 30% of the injected at a given site died.
“This data is a river of tears, and I can’t go on with it,” the man, occasionally breaking down, and seeming to show signs of PTSD, tells Gunn:
“It has to stop now.” He says his data is “…impossible to deny” as it is hard, government data, of 2.2 million people in New Zealand who were injected.
There is an additional bombshell in all this that made my jaw drop immediately, namely the fact that he built the system that collected this data as a system to pay each “provider” for each shot they administered. I could not, as I listened, understand why Liz Gunn, whose work I admire greatly, did not jump all over this. Is this not in itself a massive scandal? One we knew of of course—Covid Payola—but never met anybody who designed the payment system.
Who commissioned the “get paid per shot” system for the “providers?” Clearly, these ATMs for murder by injection have been operating all over the world. Does anybody agree this is an undetonated bomb in this interview?
Deaths, Says Data Scientist, 100% Definitely Caused By Shots, Mostly Pfizer—Now What?
“Why are they doing this? This is their people.”
—NZ Whistleblower Winston Smith
The crude death rate for NZ is 0.75%—and has held stable for a long time, including during the so-called ‘“Covid Pandemic” of 2020. Following the rollout, the excess death rates in certain cohorts rises above 30%. For example: A place called Queens Park Medical—837 persons were injected, of those, 253 dies, which is 30.2%
He shows a rundown during which excess deaths are spiking every single day, at about the same rate.
The interview between Liz Gunn and whistleblower, “Winston Smith” is here. (ER: And immediately below)
Things that may bother you (us:)
- Why didn’t he come out sooner? (He says the data wasn’t truly ready sooner.)
- Why, when he is suffering such trauma from sitting with these murder statistics, does he still say he is “…not antivaxx?” What, exactly, does it take?
- Ignore (if I may) his commentary about Carl Sagan, Science Heroica, the shape of the earth, how labour/left he is, the streets named after Lenin where he grew up…just look straight at his numbers. It IS interesting that opposing death by Pharma poison is “right wing.” (The two wings are: 1. truth 2. obstruction of truth.)
- Craig Paardekooper’s site is not “Find My Batch,” it’s “How Bad Is My Batch?” Link here. And here is an interview with Paardekooper from one year ago.
- Overall: I thank him, believe him, salute him, and hope there are many more like him about to emerge.
Dylan Oakley: “The dam wall around Covid-1984 of lies and deception is about to burst with the weight of truth and disclosure.”
Pfizer: Is It A Company Or A Depopulation Weapon?
Here, in this recruitment video below, is how they view themselves. In perfect woke pitch, with flawless diversity, they all look to be lost in trance and have access only to a very limited small corner of the English Language. “Pfizer pods.”
They’re proud of how their scientific advancements can “impact people’s lives.”
You can say that again.
“Winston Smith” says that though Astra Zeneca and Moderna were available in NZ, it was almost all Pfizer. “Mostly it’s Pfizer in New Zealand.”
We also know that there were 11,000 vaccine exemptions given in Australia, said to be reserved for the elites, politicians and media propagandists.
Liz Gunn’s statement in October, revealing among other things that at one injection site in NZ, 30 out of 30 died post injection, ie 100% (Around 2:20 mark.)
See the paid, sophisticated genocide via media here. They had special TV channels reporting in the Mãori native language of ‘te reo Mãori’ (“te reo” means “the language,”) breathlessly on Maori vaccination rates. In one graph, for one region, it’s just under 90%
“Māori Television, a government-funded channel committed to broadcasting primarily in Te Reo, began in March 2004.[84]” [Wikipedia]
God help them. Globalists/Cabal colonialists have found the perfect way to purge indigenous people all over the world in their communist-land grab agenda: First make sure they eat a lot of sugar and junk food, keep them both traumatized and condescended to, then make sure they line up for Government Love in the form of “vaccines,” that are drop dead effective.
Interview clip with Liz Gunn, in which she describes a strong, Maori warrior man breaking down sobbing and telling her: “Liz, I have been to 60 funerals in 11 months. I can’t carry one more coffin.”
This is why Reiner Fuellmich was so hopeful that it would be the Maori who would bring the whole thing down.
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