By Mary Carmel (TLB)
“We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism,
but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism,
until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.”
Nikita Khrushchev
Many people are now educated in the horror of past wars, mostly WWI & WWII, for our present generation had parents and/or grandparents that were involved. We also have a generation of people that witnessed the Korean, and Vietnam conflicts. There is now a group that has had direct contact with the proxy wars of the Middle East. Citizens of the USA to this day, take vacations to Europe and contemplate on how this could happen at all, how these people were unable to stop it, and why others remained silent when they knew it was happening. Americans are well aware of the extermination camps in Germany under Hitler, but forget about the 66 million plus, that were exterminated in Russia under Stalin, many were Christian.
If we have learned anything through historical event such as these, it would be to never underestimate the power and greed that runs this war machine, and that we are not exempt here in the US. The writing is on the wall, and many Americans are ignoring it. While WWIII is emerging through the the global chaos, as a nation we must get it together. I see people walking through the same political fog of the upcoming elections, and they remain unaware that only the people can save America now, and why this is a fact.
We know that the 9/11 Boogie Man created by GW Bush was a lie, but now live with the threat of ISIS screaming ‘death to America’ as they infiltrate our open borders (all funded, trained, and equipped via the US, UK, and Israeli governments etc.). We have an influx of illegal drug cartels, and human trafficking experts walking into the US. They are hardened criminals, armed by the US GOV, given a free pass by none other than Barack Hussein Obama, or at least that is his name these past 8 years. The increased privatized prison for profit population and the drug war on the streets, enables cheap labor provided by the inmates, so they do not need to give you a job! That lack of importance is a huge step, citizens are now undesirable, they have taken your worth away. Illegals can offer them more without complaining about their liberties and pay scale, heck they even keep the politicians in power with their vote!
Our police force is out of control, run amok, killing more people this quarter than England had in 200 years! Many for no crime at all! Scandalous IRS behavior has stripped land and assets without the victims even being charged at all, and they have no recourse whatsoever. Now they want our free speech, guns, and our health. Feeding us GMO foods, spraying the skies with chemicals then taxing us for the wreckage of the climate, and taking children for noncompliance with their poisonous vaccines… You cannot make this up!
Now that our dollar has fallen through the termite infested floorboards, after systematically being hijacked by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and we are in debt to China for the cheap goods Americans buy at the mall every week, we are more than fractured nation. These Bankers continue to profit off us like the parasites they are (yes you remember if you lost your house while you bailed them out). While we are spiraling into the abyss of this communist regime, I cannot seem to get anyone to turn off the ball game, stop watching “reality shows”, or to understand that the mainstream television news is paid propaganda conditioning for the populace with scripted lies (paid for too, by these gangsters).
Now let us look at the fact that we ARE at war with Russia, most of Europe is. NATO insists on provoking Russia because the Elite wants them to, they want to control Russia, Ukraine, and their resources. Russian and Chinese troops, have been here training in our backyards for a long time under UN negotiations as what the press will call ‘peacekeeping troops.’ They have assistance too! None other than the Israeli trained police force, and DHS officers that are here to disarm Americans under the NDAA. If YOU were training for the UN on Russian soil, and President Putin had our country surrounded at home, as we do Russia right now, how would you react to Russians there? Russia does not want to answer to this cabal anymore, and we owe China a lot of money. Trillions. I suspect they will more than likely take advantage of a land grab here, because we cannot pay up. They have threatened to take Hawaii already, and Putin is not so strangely ready to attack our whole southern border, arming Mexico and South America. Yes, well, what do you want? NATO took the Ukraine away from his region, then sanctioned HIM!
To add insult to injury, our government and congress do not function for the people at all anymore, falling prey to the Vatican/Israeli/CIA backed blackmail in which JFK tried to warn us about, until he was assassinated by them. With his records sealed for thirty years, we had no clue to the extent of this. Israel is still in violation of the Nuclear Proliferation Agreement, and has the nerve to march into our Congress, insisting Iran has no right to have weapons, while they have an arsenal, most likely paid for by the US taxpayers under the ongoing aid to Israel myth. We watch them pummel and destroy Palestine daily. More threats of the terror in the mid east tales by Netanyahu, only this time millions of Muslims have been killed and displaced throughout the whole region due to the 9/11 lie, by the US military and US/Israeli backed ISIS! Whom do you think has to answer for this? We do! If you live in Florida, you had better hope Cuba is not the new landing pad for ISIS.
Israel knows the world is not to happy about their behavior, as we were/are fighting their wars in the mid east for the elite and truth is out of the bag. America has been used by the cabal and we let it happen! In our defense, we were lied to, but in the age of technology, people had more fun on FB calling the ‘liberty activist movement’ tin hats, conspiracy theorists, and antisemitic instead of researching real history. Note that we are not antisemite, but do not promote the killing of innocent people everywhere in the name of oil and control over the petrodollar, including the deaths of our own military personnel, and citizens that perished on 9/11 under the GW Bush/Israeli/Saudi operation. I will not defend the behavior of Israel, they are no ally to us. It has nothing to do with the citizens there. I take offense when they have infiltrated every fiber of our society, with a goal enslave the American people completely.Their dual citizenship status, is Israel first, and always has been.
So, you ask what is happening as we pump out the truth for you every single day and you refuse to listen. If we could get more Americans on board, we might have a chance to escape the inevitable extinction of the free society we once enjoyed. We do not have this anymore, or have you even noticed? No one is opposed to indefinite detention without due process for merely being an American patriot, or perhaps a Christian, maybe even just posting on FB against the ‘state?’ Your Constitution is gone in a flash and you question us now, after resenting our observations! People also have to understand that putting trust in the politicians they elect, is the very REASON for the type of government we have under this Constitution, it is called a republic! You need to participate in order for it to remain in the hands of ‘We the people’. Our founding fathers escaped the tyranny of Europe, and knew too well that no government can be trusted except one that is governed by the people themselves. They left you instructions!!! Forget the election choices of 2016, we need to take the wheel, no politician can, and is going to save this, the elections are rigged by the elite, Congress is tied up and gagged.
In essence folks, I have a newsflash for you… WE HAVE BEEN ATTACKED FROM WITHIN!!! Believe me, this is not going to end like all the other growing pains that America has survived. This is end game. We ARE at war, we are surrounded, and only YOU can stand up with the rest of us and fight for your freedom and for that of your families. Time ticks real fast, as these Jade Helm drills across America go rogue on or before July 15th and they will round you up, separate you from your families. FEMA is your new home, no need to pack, by this time you will have lost it all. Forget the dollar, it is gone! Get used to it.
The rest IS history, what happened under Stalin, Hitler, and the others has now been arranged for us by none other than the same bloodlines that did it back then, including the Bush family(Nazis), under the guise of our illegal alien president! It is just a new generation of genocide, depopulation, power and property grabs, but you cannot sit this one out, sorry to break the news. No free pass, the camps are built, they are up and running all over the US right under your nose! They even have your transportation arranged!
Do not ask how it happened in WWII. It happened just like it has happened here and now… Denial, arrogance, and a systematic breakdown of a nation through the elite 1% that have been running the world for years behind our global backs due to the “nonparticipation” within government given to us by our forefathers (for the people, by the people). In most cases they outright executed the real Royals and took power from nations across the world. We had protection from that, and did not exercise that power in numbers large enough.
Someone that KNOWS how this happens, how this works, is telling you to get up NOW! Perhaps hearing it from the KGB might help you realize that your country, your money, your liberties, and even freedom of religious beliefs are teetering on the edge, and there is not much time at all before it is all just a memory. Act now or this is over.
See the short video below, and feel free to research the information here on our website referring to Operation Jade Helm coming to a city near you July 15th or before. This is NOT going away.
I also urge you to get in the know about your assets, and how to protect some money legally before the crash of the dollar. You may keep up with news here at TLB, and as well our partnered site National Liberty Alliance, which is the US Common Law Grand Jury across 50 states and over 3,000 counties. Join, their site is informative as to what the US people have done up to this point to protect themselves. We need more people to get involved, to volunteer a little bit of their time.
To conclude on a positive note, If americans wake up, join the fight, we can do this! Do not throw America, your lives, and your loved ones to these wolves… Look at where THAT has gotten us. Get your groove shoes on, the resistance is here! MC