Compiled by Source: Reclaim Our Republic
-Big Pharma seeks legal immunity for damages from experimental Ebola vaccines
-U.S. State Dept. to transport foreign Ebola victims to U.S. hospitals for treatment
-Ebola survives on surfaces for up to 50 days
-The Ebola Story Doesn’t Smell Right
By: Ethan A. Huff
The same drug manufacturers that stand to profit immensely from the sale of Ebola vaccines say they require full legal immunity from any potential lawsuits that might arise when people are harmed by various adverse effects from these “emergency” drugs.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) CEO Andrew Witty told World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Margaret Chan that his corporation, which is currently leading the way in producing Ebola vaccines, shouldn’t have to shoulder any of the burden of responsibility for their safety.
Witty maintains, in other words, that GSK should be allowed full access to the financial benefits associated with selling Ebola vaccines to the public, but with absolutely none of the risk. And his company and others will likely get what they want, since they hold remarkable sway in the political realm.
“I think it is reasonable that there should be some level of indemnification because the vaccine is essentially being used in an emergency situation before we’ve all had the chance to confirm its absolute profile,” Witty told BBC.
“That’s a situation where we would look for some kind of indemnification, either from governments or from multilateral agencies.”
Taxpayers funding development of high-profit drugs for which drug companies will not be held liable
There are currently no approved drugs or vaccines for Ebola, which is why GSK and others have been racing to pump new ones through the pipeline. This process, which normally takes five or six years to complete, is being done in about five or six months, hence concerns over the safety of the final products.
But the shady reality is that governments, not vaccine companies, are actually the ones financing the development of experimental Ebola drugs and vaccines. And they are doing so on the taxpayer dime, which means vaccine companies are not only developing their vaccines for free but also gaining access to unlimited profit potential driven by fear.
Combined with its petitions for legal immunity, the vaccine industry wants to have all of its cake and eat it, too. Imagine such a scenario on a smaller scale — a coffee shop owner is called upon to brew coffee for a sleepy population on the verge of collapse, is given the money to brew the coffee, accepts all the profits from the sale of the coffee, and is also shielded from any liability should the coffee make anyone sick.
It is a tyrant’s dream come true, and it is exactly how the vaccine industry operates. The European Union, it was recently reported, has already set aside nearly $250 million for the funding of Ebola vaccine development, and now vaccine companies are asking for more in the form of immunity from legal liability.
“This is an unprecedented pace of development,” added Witty before WHO, presumably salivating over the record-breaking profits to be made from the sale of Ebola vaccines. “We are literally doing in maybe five or six months what would normally take five or six years.”
“I’ve already ordered five production lines to allow us to expand production.”
J&J, Pfizer also looking to profit on Ebola crisis
Also in on the Ebola vaccine scam is drug giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J), which hopes to produce more than one million doses of Ebola vaccine by next year. His company is hoping to collaborate with both GSK and Pfizer on developing “significant capacity” for producing a variety of biotech drugs and vaccines on a much larger scale.
“We are looking at capabilities for biological production to upscale further,” stated J&J research head Paul Stoffels at a recent WHO meeting.
U.S. State Dept. to transport foreign Ebola victims to U.S. hospitals for treatment
October 29, 2014 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
First we were told that Ebola wouldn’t come to America. Then we were promised the best way to keep Ebola out of America was to eliminate quarantines and travel restrictions. Now, to the astonishment of nearly everyone, the U.S. government is planning to deliberately transport Ebola-infected foreigners to the United States for treatment in U.S. hospitals. Taxpayers will foot the bill, estimated at half a million dollars per patient.
This has all come out in a four-page memo acquired by the Washington Times. “The State Department has quietly made plans to bring Ebola-infected doctors and medical aides to the U.S. for treatment,” the Times reports. [1] ” The memo even details the expected price per patient, with transportation costs at $200,000 and treatment at $300,000.”
The U.S. State Dept. is the same government entity that recently posted an acquisition contract for 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits, which many now believe are being stockpiled in the United States to deal with the Ebola outbreak that’s widely anticipated by the government.
So far in the battle against Ebola, the U.S. federal government and White House seem to be working in favor of the deadly virus instead of against it. At every turn, the CDC has deliberately misinformed the public about the ease of Ebola transmission, lied about its incubation period, lied about the spread distance of aerosolized body fluids, prevented the implementation of travel restrictions and even actively dismantled quarantine policies in New Jersey and New York.
America now governed by the Ebola administration
It is difficult to imagine how the U.S. government could be more of an ally of Ebola than it is already. It has done everything imaginable to promote the spread of Ebola short of lining people up and injecting them with it.
Remember: This is an administration that went from saying Ebola won’t ever come to America to literally importing Ebola-infected patients into U.S. hospitals under a deliberate plan to bring them here!
Each day that I read the news on Ebola, I am increasingly astonished at the almost unimaginable reluctance of the Obama administration to support anything that might protect Americans from the pandemic. Every good idea that might offer hope for keeping America safe — such as the NJ and NY mandatory quarantines for high-risk travelers — has been immediately and deliberately shot down by the White House working in unison with the CDC.
The ludicrousness of government actions on all this has me wondering whether the CDC should change its name to the Centers for Disease Collaboration.
Above all, given that U.S. hospitals have already proven they cannot contain Ebola in patients, how does the State Dept. think that bringing more Ebola patients to the United States is supposed to protect Americans?
Ebola may not have yet spread across America, but mental insanity is already an epidemic in Washington D.C.
Will Obama Ship More Ebola Into The U.S.?
Ebola survives on surfaces for up to 50 days
October 29, 2014 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Little-known research published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology back in 2010 is upsetting the official story regarding Ebola, which government officials claim cannot be spread through contaminated surfaces. Scientists from the Biomedical Sciences Department at the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory in the UK found that, contrary to mainstream claims, Ebola can survive for up to 50 days on dried surfaces, specifically on cold glass.
In order to better understand how filoviruses are transmitted, the team tested several strains of Ebola, including the ZEBOV (Zaire ebolavirus) species currently believed to be in circulation, to see how they survived under various conditions. Both the ZEBOV and MARV (Lake Victoria marburgvirus) strains were tested for survival rates in liquid suspensions and on plastic, glass and metal surfaces for multiple established time periods, as well as in dynamic aerosols (airborne).
According to the Daily Mail Online, both the ZEBOV and MARV strains were tested on glass, metal and plastic at 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Fahrenheit) or room temperature for several weeks. Plotted charts contained in the study show the survival rates of the viruses in the different media. While both viruses were found to survive for 26 days on the cold plastic, ZEBOV survived for nearly two months, or 50 days, on the chilled glass.
At no point in the study were scientists able to obtain a sample of either virus from the metal substrate, made from stainless steel.
“This study has demonstrated that filoviruses are able to survive and remain infectious for cell culture, for extended periods when suspended within liquid media and dried onto surfaces,” wrote the researchers about their findings. “Data from this study extend the knowledge on the survival of filoviruses under different conditions and provide a basis with which to inform risk assessments and manage exposure.”
The study is available for free here:
Government lies again: Ebola can be transmitted by touching contaminated surfaces
Though real-world conditions vary from those in a laboratory, these findings suggest that, once again, the U.S. government has lied to the public about the dangers of Ebola. If it is really true that Ebola can survive on dry surfaces where it would be impossible for the virus to incubate, then the risk of disease transmission is much higher than we are all being told.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with the Obama White House, continues to claim that Ebola is not spread through air, water or food, and that it only transmits from an infected person through direct contact with his or her bodily fluids. But this study of Ebola survival on surfaces suggests that these reassurances by the government are false.
Besides its surface transmission potential, Ebola can also travel through the air via aerosol particulates, such as those expelled when a person coughs or sneezes. This was confirmed in a recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study which found that Ebola-contaminated micro-droplets can travel as far as 20 feet from an infected person, potentially distributing throughout a hospital’s ventilation system, for instance.
“[C]oughs and sneezes have associated gas clouds that keep their potentially infectious droplets aloft over much greater distances than previously realized,” explains the MIT study, the announcement for which is available through MIT News:
“[T]he smaller droplets that emerge in a cough or sneeze may travel five to 200 times further than they would if those droplets simply moved as groups of unconnected particles — which is what previous estimates had assumed. The tendency of these droplets to stay airborne, resuspended by gas clouds, means that ventilation systems may be more prone to transmitting potentially infectious particles than had been suspected.”
Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at http://www.BioDefense.com
The Ebola Story Doesn’t Smell Right
October 29, 2014 by Paul Craig Roberts
The federal government has announced that thousands of additional US soldiers are being sent to Liberia. General Gary Volesky said the troops would “stamp out” ebola. The official story is that combat troops are being sent to build treatment structures for those infected with ebola.
Why combat troops? Why not send a construction outfit such as an engineer battalion if it has to be military? Why not do what the government usually does and contract with a construction company to build the treatment units? “Additional thousands of troops” results in a very large inexperienced construction crew for 17 treatment units. It doesn’t make sense.
Stories that don’t make sense and that are not explained naturally arouse suspicions, such as: Are US soldiers being used to test ebola vaccines and cures, or more darkly are they being used to bring more ebola back to the US?
I understand why people ask these questions. The fact that they will receive no investigative answer will deepen suspicions.
Uninformed and gullible Americans will respond: “The US government would never use its own soldiers and its own citizens as guinea pigs.” Before making a fool of yourself, take a moment to recall the many experiments the US government has conducted on American soldiers and citizens. For example, search online for “unethical human experimentation in the United States” or “human radiation experiments,” and you will find that federal agencies such as the Department of Defense and Atomic Energy Commission have: exposed US soldiers and prisoners to high levels of radiation; irradiated the testicles of males and tested for birth defects (high rate resulted); irradiated the heads of children; fed radioactive material to mentally disabled children.
The Obama regime’s opposition to quarantine for those arriving from West Africa is also a mystery. The US Army has announced that the Army intends to quarantine every US soldier returning from deployment in Liberia. The Army sensibly says that an abundance of caution is required in order to minimize the risk of transferring the ebola outbreak to the US. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/army-quarantines-general-soldiers-fighting-ebola/story?id=26486775 However, the White House has not endorsed the Army’s decision, and the White House has expressed opposition to the quarantines ordered by the governors of New York and New Jersey. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/10/27/joint-chiefs-call-for-quarantine-troops-returning-from-ebola-zone/
Apparently pressure from the White House and threats of law suits from those subject to quarantine have caused the two states to loosen their quarantines. A nurse returning from treating ebola patients in West Africa has been cleared by New Jersey for discharge after being symptom-free for 24 hours instead of the 21-days it takes for the disease to produce symptoms. The nurse threatened a lawsuit, and the false issue of “discrimination against health care workers” has arisen. How is it discrimination to quarantine those with the greatest exposure to ebola?
Once symptoms appear, an infected person is dangerous to others until the person is quarantined. As the CDC now has been forced to admit, after stupidly denying the obvious fact, the current ebola strain can spread by air. All it takes is a sneeze or a cough or a contaminated surface. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/10/cdc-finally-gets-right-ebola-spreads-aerosols-3-feet.html
In other words, it can spread like flu. Previous denials of this fact helped to create the suspicion that the new ebola strain is a weaponized biowarfare strain created by US government labs in West Africa. As University of Illinois law professor Francis Boyle has revealed, Washington placed its biowarfare laboratories in African countries that did not sign the convention banning such experimentation. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/10/20/us-government-master-criminal-time/
Washington’s deviousness in evading the convention that the US government signed has produced another suspicion: Did the new ebola strain escape, perhaps via some lab mishap that infected lab workers, or was the strain deliberately released in order to test if it works? See: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/10/26/evidence-us-development-testing-airborne-ebola-robert-wenzel/ and http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/10/20/us-army-withheld-promise-germany-ebola-virus-wouldnt-weaponized/
The only intelligent and responsible policy is to stop all commercial flights to and from ebola areas. Health worker volunteers should be transported by military aircraft and should be required to undergo the necessary quarantine before being transported back to the US.
Why does the White House oppose the only responsible and intelligent policy? Why is Congress silent on the issue?
The resistance to a sane policy fosters the suspicions that the government or some conspiracy group intends to use ebola to declare martial law and herd the population or undesirable parts of it, into the FEMA camps that Halliburton was paid to construct (without the public ever being told the reason for the camps).
It is certainly strange that a government involved in long-term wars in the Middle East, the purpose of which is unclear to the public, and in fomenting conflict with both Russia and China, two countries armed with nuclear weapons, would so recklessly create more suspicions among the public of its motives, intentions, and competence.
Democracy requires that the public trust the government. Yet Washington does everything possible to destroy this trust and to present a picture of dysfunctional government with hidden and undeclared agendas.
‘Government’ Drone Stalks Activists Protesting Ebola Response
MSNBC: Obama ‘Dropped the Ball Again’ on Ebola
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