Blockchained Society: Digital Slavery or Freedom?

August 7, 2023 0

by Simon Lee, AnewUK Science Officer Web 3.0 (web3) Unless you work in the technology field you probably haven’t heard of Web version 3.0 (web3), but it’s coming very soon and it will drastically alter […]


Culling the herd: mass murder disguised as medicine

July 21, 2023 0

The following well-researched featured article from Anew UK highlights yet more of the mind-boggling criminality that drives the Covid-pseudovax psyop. And by criminality we mean a clear determination to kill as many people as possible. […]


Iatrocide: Lethal Ventilators

May 21, 2023 0

Iatrocide: Lethal Ventilators by Simon Lee Iatrocide- The act of killing a patient by medical treatment. iatro- + -cide , from Greek iatros (healer) + Latin -cide (killing).   In the early days of the […]

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