New Claims Reinforce US War Crimes Complicity in Yemen

September 26, 2016 0

Supplying White Phosphorus to Saudis? New Claims Reinforce US War Crimes Complicity in Yemen By: Andrea Germanos Human rights organization also says US bomb used in deadly coalition strike on MSF hospital. Further damning the United […]

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Is Obama the Biggest Puppet in History?

January 17, 2016 0

Author: Steven MacMillan Out of all the political prostitutes in the Western world, one man stands out as the perfect illustration of a politician who works solely to serve his puppet masters.  Even though the […]

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Henry Kissinger Partners With HSBC International Bank

January 9, 2016 1

By Derrick Broze The notorious Henry Kissinger and equally infamous international bank HSBC have reportedly partnered together to finalize the location of the new headquarters for Europe’s largest bank. SkyNews reports that board members of […]

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