The Bleak Misery of a Leftist Thanksgiving
By: J.B. Shurk
This week, millions of Americans from all walks of life will sit down with friends and family to enjoy the bliss of food and fellowship. And somewhere amid the warmth and frivolity of this great American tradition, most will stop to count their blessings and give thanks to God. We give thanks for this feast before us. We give thanks for bringing everyone at this table together, healthy and in good spirits again. We give thanks for always keeping an eye over us, for seeing us through the worst of the last year, for mending our hearts, and for raising our spirits. We give thanks for reminding us what is most important in this world. We thank You for giving us life.
For people of faith, Thanksgiving provides a day to celebrate everything we have, no matter how much or how little that might be. It is a day when simple comforts get their due. A warm fire, warm food, and warm friendships are all that really matter, and for a day, everything else in the world disappears behind these age-old truths.
For a leftist Thanksgiving must be the pits. To be thankful…is there anything more antithetical to the left’s worldview? Imaginary injustice lurks behind every corner. Unconscious prejudice taints every good deed. Every wholesome tradition props up the “supremacy” of some unworthy culture. No, no, who could be thankful for all that? Dividing people for sport and insisting they feel miserable in their lives are the fuels that propel leftist power. Something must always be wrong, and someone, somewhere, must always be blamed. When life is seen as nothing more than a series of battles on the bloody path to “progressive” Utopia, every day must end in failure — and what kind of human being could possibly be thankful for that?
“Before we pass around the tofu turkey, let’s give thanks to Karl Marx.”
“Perhaps we should first apologize to Mother Earth for the damage we’ve caused her.”
“I think we should all go around the table and share how we were oppressed this last year, except for Shaun, since he’s white.”
“Actually, I see myself as black now.”
“Alright, then whoever has the most hyphens in his/her/xir/their gendered pronouns deserves to go first.”
“How about we just ask everybody who’s unhappy to raise a hand?”
It’s not hard to see how empty the life of a leftist is. Incapable of sincere thanks and incapable of genuine happiness, meaning in life is lost. Political platitudes are all that remain. So is leftism a disease that rots the human soul? It most certainly is. First, it deprives the afflicted of seeing anything “good” in the world. Then it so hardens their hearts that acts of hatred are justified as kindness. And finally, in the name of fighting death and misery, incurable leftists set about spreading both far and wide. Leftism eats away at one’s humanity until only a skeleton remains, screaming, “All that I have wrought is for your own good.” And over a hundred million murdered this last century and billions more who have suffered and endured the left’s cruelty under the guise of “equity” or “fairness” provide testament to the truth that only death and destruction follow wherever leftism spreads.
Instead of being thankful for life, a leftist is thankful for abortion. Instead of being thankful for family, a leftist is thankful that the traditional nuclear family has never been more weakened. Instead of being thankful for the human ingenuity that has driven living standards dramatically higher and spread prosperity around the world, a leftist is thankful that a small coterie of globalist elites has promised to squelch industry and personal ownership in its Quixotic campaign against bad weather. Instead of being thankful that individual rights and constitutional republicanism have fostered human equality, a leftist is thankful that an international ruling class is rising once again to exert power over a planet of serfs. Instead of being thankful for the hydrocarbons beneath their feet, a leftist curses the sources of energy that keep civilization afloat. Instead of being thankful for living in a country that has spread liberty and freedom as far as any that has ever existed, a leftist curses the founding principles of American Independence. Instead of being thankful that merit and personal character have supplanted the color of a person’s skin as the evidence for his worth, a leftist curses goodwill among men and preaches the divisiveness of unconscious prejudice, invisible bias, and hidden racial supremacy. Instead of being thankful that good people get up every day to work and struggle and support their families through sweat and blood, a leftist curses the productive among us and redistributes their efforts to those who choose to produce nothing. Instead of being thankful that there are people who go out into the world to build something new, a leftist follows in their tracks, shouting from behind, “You didn’t build that!”
In other words, the only thing for which leftists are thankful is that they have absolutely no reason to be thankful at all. That’s leftism!
Is it any surprise, then, why the left loses its collective mind when normal people of good cheer insist on celebrating all they have? The great majority of Republicans have seen through the propaganda and censorship and know that last year’s election was a sham. Still, rather than wallowing in tears and sorrow, they’ve refused to yield to the illegitimate government in D.C. It is clear that the DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence Community have retooled the national security surveillance state to target political opponents of the ruling government. The “Justice” Department finds no shame in targeting parents as “domestic terrorists” for refusing schools’ racial Marxism indoctrination. Still, freedom-minded Americans keep taking the attacks from their government in stride and keep speaking up. It is clear that, whereas Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists are actively supported by the FBI and the broader federal government, MAGA voters who protested last year’s election have been targeted by a corrupt criminal justice system intent on crushing the spirits of Trump-supporters. To this day, while alleged murderers and rapists walk free on bail from coast to coast, the ruling class has set to work arresting political adversaries and tossing Capitol “trespassers” into a Constitution-less black hole merely to exert power over its ideological enemies. Still, Americans of hearty spirits and unconquerable wills scream at the top of their lungs, “Let’s Go Brandon!” so that every enemy of freedom in Washington hears their defiance.
People who know how and when to give thanks for what they have also know how and when to stand up for everything they refuse to let slip away. People who know how to have fun even when things turn bad are the same people who can never be wholly beaten. Those people only capable of thanking themselves, though, have no firm footing for when things get tough. They wilt at the sight of struggle. No wonder leftists hate Thanksgiving, then, because it is a holiday that brings out the best in people, when they are committed to seeking out only the worst.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The above article (The Bleak Misery of a Leftist Thanksgiving) originated on American Thinker and is republished on this TLB site under “Fair Use” (see project disclaimer below) with attribution to the articles author J.B. Shurk and the website
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Thanks @EJ, and right back at you !!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Patriots! May God bless you always.