The pink elephant in the room regarding COVID-19 and a ‘vaccine’.
The notion of a vaccine should be troubling for a reason that has been hiding in plain sight.
ADR1 for The Duran
Gentleman of The Duran…. I have nothing but the deepest respect for the work you are doing, but I fear you are missing the enormous pink elephant standing in the room. An elephant that, as far as I am aware, has not been addressed by anybody in any media outlet, be it MSM or independent.
COVID-19, or to give its full name, ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ (if it is indeed correctly designated and classified) is part of the ‘cold’ family of viruses – it is not part of the influenza virus (aka flu) family of viruses. Corona viruses were first discovered in the 1930s when an acute respiratory infection of domesticated chickens was shown to be caused by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s – this is discussed below in the British Medical Journal:
Crucially…there ARE NO VACCINES available for the coronavirus family – there never have been and likely never will be.
As we are all aware, the influenza virus that affects humans can to a degree be vaccinated against via the ‘flu jab’, but even this is by no means foolproof. Some of the greatest minds in this field have tried and failed to find a cure – unfortunately, cold viruses mutate and adapt far too quickly for this to be viable. Hence why there is no cure for the common cold.
Therefore, if “someone” declares that they have a vaccine, there can only be 2 possible conclusions:
1) What they are giving you is NOT A VACCINE – it has an underlying, alternative effect.
2) This particular derivative of the cold virus was not a naturally evolved species – it was bio-engineered. A bio-engineered virus could have an inbuilt ‘vaccine backdoor’ incorporated into its chemical structure that would permit a vaccine to take effect. As discussed above, if it were a naturally occurring derivative, this option would not be available as is evidenced by the fact that we have no vaccines to combat them.
As you can see, either option is extremely worrying. The first implies a malicious intent by “someone” to subtly (but profoundly in the mid-long term) damage the human host into which it’s injected. The second again implies malicious intent, but this time born out of financial motivation, one again that will become profound if its use is mandated.
Of course, there does exist a final and most disturbing possibility – a hellish combination of the two, a bio-engineered virus that can be vaccinated, and if made mandatory will not only generate vast amounts of profit, but insidiously, has the potential to cause significant harm to the target.
In the UK, the Common Cold Unit (CCU), a unit of the British Medical Research Council, existed between 1946 and 1989. Its sole purpose was to find a cure for the common cold – when it closed its doors after 43 years of effort, it openly declared its failure to achieve this goal. Are we now to believe that a miracle vaccine has been suddenly synthesized after merely a couple of months?
Are we like the residents of Troy, who, in the morning after the great battle, see a giant horse outside our gates…… so grateful to embrace this “gift” that we too quickly usher it inside?
Please could you discuss the above issues in more detail as I fear it is something that more people need to understand.
Original article
Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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The Real Science of Germs
Do Viruses Cause Disease?
Dr. Andrew Kaufman:
“I think there are two significant things about how they train doctors, at least in the United States. One thing is that they have told us, as medical students, right from day one that 50% of what they were going to teach us about medicine is going to turn out to be false in five years. That’s a pretty bold statement. People interpreted it as meaning that there’s gonna be better and better treatments and it’s going to improve, but that’s not really what they meant.
Kary Banks Mullis was the first person in the ’80s I heard talking about the questionable origin and scientific evidence for HIV. I immediately did some further investigation going back to my medical training. Most published research findings are false and I think that’s really what they were talking about when they taught us about different diseases, including infectious diseases and that 50% of what they were going to teach us about medicine is going to turn out to be false in five years from that moment. They told us what caused the disease, but they never presented the evidence of how that was discovered. They just said basically that it was a fact and all of the other knowledge that we were taught was built on those fundamental principles that we never investigated the scientific basis for. Primary scientific evidence to show what the exact causes of illness are is such a brilliant way to approach this. If there isn’t any evidence, then it would crumble down the whole body of knowledge, because if it’s built upon a false foundation, it cannot stay erect.
In 1918 (four years after the harsh conditions of WW-I), during the period of the Spanish “flu”, large doses of aspirin were causing people to have really serious respiratory problems. They taught us in medical school that aspirin can make, for example, asthma worse. The Spanish “flu” may have not been one illness but it may have been a combination of different illnesses and there’s really no evidence that there was an influenza virus at all. Viruses are very tiny particles which they only discovered once they’d invented the electron microscope and these nice big 3D moving animations that you see on the media are just computer-generated video sequences. That is not what you see down an electron microscope; the images are just black and white and you would certainly not see movement. The invention of the electron microscope by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska at the Berlin Technische Hochschule in 1931 overcame the barrier to higher resolution that had been imposed by the limitations of visible light. No COVID-19 virus has actually ever been photographed or isolated so far and there is no proof to show that it’s actually invading cells destroying them. The primary scientific papers that prove this conclusively are absent.
COVID-19, as depicted in the media, is an exosome. Exosomes are beneficial messengers in our immune system that have been known for 30 years now and if you apply the power of language to any kind of particle you can observe using an electron microscope, this can greatly influence the way in which scientific research is carried out (or not).”
James Hildreth, M.D., former professor at Johns Hopkins HIV Research Centre:”… the ‘virus’ is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.”
Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 – August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. Kary Banks Mullis:”The scientific papers to even proof the existence of an HIV-virus are not there.”
Napoleon:”One day it will be discovered that you, physicians, are responsible for more deaths than all us generals put together …”