ER Editor: We strongly recommend this seasoned journalist to all our readers. Find him HERE.
Relevant to this story, where the connections between the Italian Democrat Party and its big brother the US Democrats feature, are a couple of memes we put out some time ago:
Grab a large coffee and enjoy …
The spygate and gang warfare in the deep Italian state
The old maxim in vogue among the ancient Romans ‘Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta’ is often a source of pure truth. (ER: ‘He who excuses himself, accuses himself’.)
And it is to this maxim which the thought immediately ran yesterday when, practically out of nowhere, a tweet by Matteo Renzi (pictured above with Obama) appeared in which the former Prime Minister was struggling to distance himself from the case of the so-called Spygate.
Translation: Obama and I setting up an election scam against Trump? Pure insanity. That in 2019 someone in Rome could have given credence to such an idea seems to me extremely serious. I hope that the Italian intelligence will shed light in the appropriate forums
Obama ed io che organizziamo una truffa elettorale ai danni di Trump? Follia pura. Che nel 2019 qualcuno a Roma possa aver dato credito a tale idea mi sembra gravissimo. Auspico che l’intelligence italiana faccia chiarezza nelle sedi opportune
— Matteo Renzi (@matteorenzi) April 19, 2022
The spygate is an intricate story of international espionage that had the precise purpose of framing Donald Trump in 2016, and falsely associating him with the Kremlin.
It is a subversive plan that was conceived in the circles of the deep state of Washington, which would have resorted to the help of another deep state, the Italian one, which has a double thread with the first from 1945 onwards.
Other times, Renzi had responded to accusations of having involved the Italian secret services in this operation, which saw in its main inspirers the former president of the United States, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state.
The difference, however, this time around lies in the fact that no one seems to have directly involved Renzi for his possible involvement in this subversive plan against Donald Trump.
It was Renzi who spontaneously declared that all this appears to him as “pure madness,” and he is amazed that someone in 2019 could have considered his involvement in this dark matter.
The recipient of the message appears to be clearly Giuseppe Conte (pictured with Trump), who in the summer of 2019 began collaborating on this matter with the Trump administration. It was the period in which Matteo Salvini brought down his own government, Count I, on the shore of Papeete on the probable order of the strong powers and of the lodges (ER: masonic), who had decided that the experience of the yellow-green government had to end there.
Another role was assigned to the League (ER: Salvini’s party) which had already dismissed the facade of sovereignty at the time, namely that of preparing the ground for the man from Britain, Mario Draghi.
And it is in this regard that the Carroccio (ER: a sacred battle wagon used in mediaeval times) has practically worked assiduously from August 2019 onwards, together with the bank of Matteo Renzi united by Salvini by Matteo Carrai, the honorary consul of Israel in Tuscany and strongman of Tel Aviv in Italy.
In that same period, maneuvers were being carried out at Palazzo Chigi (ER: Chigi Palace is the residence of the Italian PM) to build Count II. And it is precisely in that period and on some particular events that the attention of Repubblica, the newspaper owned by the Elkann family, focuses.
Repubblica yesterday in an article signed by Paolo Mastrolilli reconstructs the interest of the Trump administration in acquiring valuable information that could prove the role of the Italian intelligence apparatus, presumably authorized by Renzi in 2016, in the spying operation perpetrated against Donald Trump.
The Trump administration had decided to send the then Attorney General William Barr to Rome to shed light on what happened and to ascertain the involvement of the services and Palazzo Chigi in the hot period of the American electoral campaign.
Mastrolilli reports how Barr landed in Rome on August 15th, 2019, to collect valuable information on the case.
The Repubblica article details all of Barr’s movements up to the official meeting held by the attorney general with the director of DIS, the security information department then chaired by Gennaro Vecchione, appointed by Giuseppe Conte.
The DIS is the structure that in practice presides over the entire network of Italian services and therefore plays a fundamental role in coordinating national intelligence.
So far, there is nothing particularly new. That meeting was confirmed by all the protagonists of the case, such as Vecchione and Conte himself, as also reported by Repubblica.
The “stone of the scandal” for the newspaper of the Sorosian area, is the fact that after the meeting, Barr went to dinner in a restaurant in the center of Rome with the men of the Italian services.
For Repubblica, in this dinner, mysterious plots could have been consumed that would have seen the representatives of the services share confidential information with Barr himself.
We would almost smile given that the newspaper founded by Eugenio Scalfari is the first to bring out the accusations of “conspiracy” when denouncing the scandals committed by the power of the Italian deep state from the handbook of the globalist media apparatus.
This time, on the other hand, it is Repubblica itself that has built an elaborate conspiracy operation so as to see in a dinner a sort of secret gathering such as to put “national interests” at risk, which in the overturned jargon of the progressive world are actually the interests of the workshop of the political establishment.
Strange that Mastrolilli does not know that when representatives of foreign governments come to Italy for missions of various kinds, it is not at all unusual for them to have dinner with their Italian colleagues in what are generally courtesy meetings that take place after those held in institutional offices.
More than anything else, Republicca does not seem to press the question “of the borderline political use that Giuseppe Conte has made of our Services over time” as Carlo Bonini, another journalist much loved by the liberal elite, ridiculously states in another editorial.
The management of services has always been political since the times of the First Republic and their even more unscrupulous use has intensified since the infamous Second Republic was born, conceived in the political laboratory of Washington and implemented on its impulse and order through the judiciary, the armed judicial arm of these transnational powers.
The “Earl Trump Man” campaign
Therefore, we are not witnessing a new phenomenon. However, it is necessary to clear the field of a misunderstanding, or rather of a falsehood that has been circulating since 2019. The one according to which Conte would have done all this for his alleged devotion to Donald Trump. In reality, none of this is true.
Giuseppe Conte was never a Trump man. This is a disinformation campaign spread by elements hired by political circles, apparently close to the M5S, who have spread this nonsense everywhere in an attempt to mislead the Italian public closest to Trump (ER: We believe people across Europe who feel close to Trump have been thoroughly misled by certain establishment politicians, such as Salvini and Sebastian Kurz) and instead bring him into the arms of his enemy who grew up at the school of Jesuits, like Mario Draghi.
Interestingly, Masonic circles themselves orchestrated another misdirection campaign in an attempt this time to associate the man from Britain (Draghi) with Trump instead.
In reality, they are all efforts coordinated by the same control room that unleashes disinformation agents who take the form of apparent Trump supporters to deceive and mislead the Italians who recognize the American president as a reference leader in international sovereignty. (ER: precisely)
At this point, someone could raise the option that Trump’s famous tweet of August 27, 2019 in which the president hoped that Conte would stay in his place is a “proof” of Conte’s closeness to Trump.
Calling that tweet an “endorsement”, a political support in Anglo-Saxon political jargon, to Conte is rather questionable since Trump on that occasion even mangled the name of the former prime minister by calling him “Giuseppi”.
And President Trump is not known for writing sentences lightly since, in his language, he is always quite accurate and never leaves anything to chance.
A misrepresentation of the former prime minister’s name gave several observers the distinct feeling that Trump was actually making fun of Conte.
At that time, Conte was playing a game of political opportunism. He knew perfectly well that the Trump administration would never have favorably considered a government that would have seen the participation of the PD (ER: we’re guessing the Italian Democrat Party), hierarchically subordinate to the American PD that organized the Spygate coup in 2016.
Conte knew that the only way to appease Trump was to grant a collaboration to ascertain what happened when Renzi was at Palazzo Chigi, and to understand if possibly the Italian services had been authorized to participate by the then former prime minister (ER: Renzi) in an international coup d’état conceived to prevent Trump from rising to the presidency of the United States.
Renzi reacted furiously already at the time because he feared that further investigations in this sense could seriously damage him.
However, this certainly does not qualify Conte as a hostile element to the Italian deep state if we consider that only the following year, in 2020, the same former prime minister was accused of having authorized another scandal, probably even more enormous than the Spygate, Italiagate which we have talked about in the past.
Italiagate goes beyond the confines of espionage to land in those of an international fraud that would have moved millions of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. According to various sources close to this affair, Leonardo, a company owned by the Ministry of Economy, which through its military satellite would have made cyber fraud possible, played a decisive role.
Leonardo’s technology would have moved the votes and then retransmitted them to the United States to the Dominion company, linked to Soros and Obama, which in turn would have dealt with the final part of this elaborate international fraud.
Therefore, qualifying Giuseppe Conte as a man hostile to the environments in which his entire academic and political career was formed is a complete contradiction, and at this point there is a natural question to be answered.
The war between gangs in the Italian deep state rages furiously
Why did Repubblica just pull this story about Barr’s dinner with the service men out of its drawers? The answer is in Bonini’s article itself.
Conte has for some time been taking positions that are disturbing a part of the balance of the political establishment, in particular the one closest to the democratic party.
His reluctance not to authorize military spending first and then to criticize excessive Atlanticism are certainly not due to his new sovereign inspiration.
Conte is only trying to carve out his own political space, and in order to do so, he must beat the most traditionally popular terrain among the circles of the extra-parliamentary left, that of criticism, legitimate, of NATO.
At the same time, the leader (?) of the M5S (ER: 5 Star Movement) seems to be pushing to create a casus belli and pull the plug on the decadent Draghi government, which is now torn by deep divisions.
Guido Alpa’s disciple probably aspires to enter Parliament as soon as possible in order to have some political cover. To date, Conte has no positions and no one knows how much time the Italian political class still has available.
Nobody knows if tomorrow, the new political forces capable of shedding light on what has happened in the last two years and bringing to justice those who orchestrated the pandemic farce will not be established in power.
A farce in which Conte had a primary role when he closed Italy and ordered citizens to leave the house with a piece of paper stating where they were going and why.
At that juncture, the then Prime Minister assumed a fundamental role because Italy came under the dictatorship of the ministerial DPCM (ER: The DPCM was the ministerial decree establishing the so-called ‘health’ measures, which also carved up Italy into ‘risk’ zones).
Just as its proximity to Communist China played an equally fundamental role, through which it constituted a decisive axis for implementing the coronavirus terrorist operation on a global scale.
In conclusion, the Repubblica article can therefore be interpreted as a paper to the pentastellato (ER: 5 Star) leader.
Some circles of the Italian democrats do not like that Conte tries to anticipate the timing of Draghi’s fall for his personal political gain and so a drawer has been opened that could contain other information.
However, this does not exclude that others may also open their drawers, and reveal the information that can lead to the definitive decline of the leading figures in Italian politics.
The scenario would be that of a real war between gangs that rages between the various members of political clans who, seeing themselves discovered and without international protection, begin to tear each other apart.
Special Attorney John Durham close to Hillary Clinton’s indictment
In Washington, however, there is someone who seems to have clear ideas about the role played by Italy in this international intrigue in 2016, and that man is the special prosecutor John Durham who, for two years, has been carrying out the investigation into the Spygate.
Durham, through the indictment of Michael Sussman, a lawyer of a law firm directly linked to Hillary Clinton, came practically a few centimeters from the former US secretary of state.
Durham knows that it was Hillary Clinton who ordered the fabrication of false evidence to frame Donald Trump, just as he knows that it was then US President Barack Obama who authorized the FBI to illegally spy on the president.
And if John Durham knows all this, it is difficult to think that he does not know if Matteo Renzi, received by Obama in October 2016, received some order from his American counterpart to take part in the coup against Trump.
And if this order was truly transmitted, there would be not only a personal involvement of the Leopolda man, but of the entire Italian Democratic Party of which Renzi was then secretary.
If the version that was provided by Papadopoulos and others is correct, Matteo Renzi would have played an absolutely primary role in the operation, but in this case, it would be impossible to think that the leaders of his party, so close to the American Democrats, did not know what was happening. in that October of 2016.
In fact, each of them interrupted a consolidated tradition of neutrality on the American elections, so much so that they took sides publicly with the then Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who was the mastermind of the coup against Trump.
Just at that juncture, the official declarations of the Renzi government ministers followed one another, such as Gentiloni, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Boschi, Minister of Reforms, and obviously by the Prime Minister himself in favor of Clinton.
Repubblica is at heart [sic] that the services are not used for political purposes, but if this is really the intent of this newspaper, one wonders why neither Mastrolilli nor Bonini wonder if Matteo Renzi and the PD actually used the secret services Italians to overthrow Donald Trump.
What political use of services, and what greater scandal can there be? In the republican history of Italy, it had never happened that intelligence was used to interfere in the affairs of a foreign country, much less to influence its elections.
Not even in the dark times of the strategy of tension (ER: The Kissinger-led deep state Operation Gladio stay-behind phenomenon) when Rome’s dependence on Washington was close, but not so close as to order the Italian secret services to overthrow the president of the United States.
That dependence present in the First Republic has taken the form of a real submission in the Second, when the current political class is now directly selected by the American Dem and Neocon circles.
At this point, it is necessary to return to the opening words of this article. Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta. Everyone seems to know that Trump’s men are holding the detonator to blow up Italian politics.
Everyone seems to know this and have already started stabbing each other in an attempt to take cover.
Gang warfare in the Italian deep state is a symptom of a system that knows its time is running out.
The button on the remote to blow up the Second Republic appears to have already been pressed.
Published to The Liberty Beacon from
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