Posted by TLB Staff, file: The Perpetual War Machine
Editors Note: In the following audio post, the X22Report gives a Global View of what is happening as the Military Industrial Complex fine tunes events in preparation for World War III.
Keep in mind, the Central Bankers and all of their Power Elite buddies need a war to hold on to their power and give ‘the sheeple’ yet another distraction to focus on, as they continue their March forward with various agendas of world domination.
Covered in this Post by Martin Mavis is the following:
>>The rights of the people are being chipped away.
>>The US threatened Saudi Arabia to keep oil prices down.
>>The Japanese people are suing the government.
>>Poroshenko orders police into OSCE.
>>Nuland pushing the President of Cyprus to keep out Russia and accept Turkish troops.
>>Obama orders the Baltic countries, Germany and other to get ready for WWIII.
The world is on high alert for the next war.
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“When govt fears the people there is Tyranny.” (paraphrased)—Thomas Jefferson. Our rulers are very well aware of this. We like to think those in charge of the Fed gov are clueless about history. I would claim the opposite. These psychopath’s are intentionally collapsing us and they know full well the natural reaction that will ensue from the population.
In my 56 years of existence , I always come too late to think NOW IT CAN NOT BE nastier . I was mistaken. of course