Listen to recorded show below intro article.
Today on The Liberty Beacon Special we present a topic that should be on the minds of all Americans … Not just Californians! Especially with the news coming out of France as we record this show!
Our special guest today is: Wendy Batacao
Wendy was born and raised in Sacramento, and transplanted to Southern California three years ago. She have three beautiful girls that are out in this world pursuing their dreams. It’s with them in mind that making America a safe and healthy country again, lies as her inner drive. She is President of the California III%, an organization that wants the Constitution restored with respect our Government and Politicians.
Event: Saturday November 14, 2015 Californians Before Refugee’s is a rally that California III% is sponsoring. They wish want to bring awareness to the lack of accountability that this administration has given to the Refugee resettlement, and the Department of Defense admits there is no back ground check in place, and yet these refugee’s are coining from ISIS hot seats. They also will be given access to Medical, Medicare, Calfresh, Section 8 housing, SSI and Cash aid … Somethings many impoverished Americans don’t even have access to …
Read more here:
Californians Before Refugee’s Rally
California III%
The Bill being promoted by California III% …
HR3314: Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015
This bill prohibits the admission of refugees into the United States until Congress passes a joint resolution giving the Department of Homeland Security authority to resume admitting refugees.
Requires the Government Accountability Office to report to Congress on refugees who received benefits under any of the following programs:
Disability insurance under title II of the Social Security Act
The supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP, formerly the food stamp program)
Section 8 rental assistance.
Please listen as TLB and Wendy discuss the event, the issue and the possible ramifications of inaction …
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