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The Liberty Beacon Special Essene Teacher Radio Show Posthumous “Interview” With Canadian Brain and Vaccine Expert Dr. Andrew Moulden
A Presentation and “Interview” like you have never heard before …
By TLB Contributor and Show Host: Richard Sacks
In this first of its kind special, recorded for The Liberty Beacon Radio Network, Essene Teacher show, in cooperation with Lost Arts Radio brings you a posthumous “interview” with Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD, Ph.D. Dr. Moulden dared to expose that vaccines are not preventing disease, instead they are causing harm to every single person unfortunate enough to receive them, and the damage they cause is cumulative. Dr. Moulden conclusively proved brain damage from every vaccine, and showed the pictures and facial signs in the victims to back up his claims.
So it is not surprising to those that understand how the medical and vaccine industries work that Dr. Moulden had to die, and he left the physical world in 2013.
Nevertheless, he is “interviewed” in this special three-hour presentation, with a middle section from one of his friends giving some of her special insights. Join host Richard Sacks for a view into the real vaccine business that you will not soon forget.
Then hopefully you can save yourself and your family from this impending global program of our rulers to force massive numbers of new and old vaccines on every man, woman and child on the planet. This assault is already underway. If it succeeds in forcing vaccinations on all of us, do not be surprised to see adult autism become common on the streets in the town where you live, as well as continued increases in other diseases. Remember, where there is no vaccination, we have seen that there is virtually no autism. But as Dr. Moulden pointed out before he died, autism is only the tip of the iceberg.
The damage is actually much more extensive. The “benefit” of the program is not just the billions in guaranteed, liability-free profits to vaccine makers. What those at the top of the power structure have in mind is the goal of a population too sick and mentally impaired to resist what they have planned for us. It is late in the game. You may want to educate yourself, and use the real health information available to get in the best condition, on all levels, that you can. As the prophetic bumper sticker of the 1960’s reminded us, “Question Everything.”
Click on the TLB Radio Logo to hear this show
Richard Sacks has been an independent holistic health scientist since 1965. Much of his work has focused on the reversal of degenerative disease and “aging,” by natural means. Now he teaches principles of natural health, is an internationally known radio host, and does a small number of one on one consulting sessions for those wanting to upgrade their health status on all levels, working with clients in areas of health and consciousness. Visit Lost Arts Research Institute for information, links to study group meetings, and more.
I am trying to listen to Richard Sacks show on Dr. MOulden.
I hit the “On Air” button and get this:
https://j9jy.cc/ A Chinese heavy equipment site.
I tried many times.