Listen to this great discussion at the bottom of this article.
By: Roger Landry (TLB) Show Host
TLB Presents a great international discussion with two caring and concerned individuals. The drug issue in the industrialized world is a blight on society. For all who believe it is of minimum importance because the Mainstream Media does not herald it … you could not be more mistaken.
Please listen as we discuss the importance, magnitude and solutions of this issue with two of the most dedicated and involved individuals on this topic you will ever have the pleasure of knowing:
Pete Dwan, Dedicated Drug Counselor/Educator
Steve Cook, The man who will “Walk The Kingdom” to focus attention on the subject.
Starting on 1st May, TLB’s very own Steve Cook will embark upon a 4,000+ mile hike of the coast of mainland Britain. Embracing England, Scotland and Wales. This 63-year-old grandad’s walk will take him through over a thousand coastal town and villages over a period of nine months.
His purpose in putting himself through such a test of endurance is to raise awareness and support for the work of drug education crusader Peter Dwan, who has devoted his life to reaching the kids before the dealers do, with the truth about drugs.
Steve Cook
Drugs rob the individual of his joy and vitality and society of its brightest minds, debilitating and dumbing down its future leaders and entrepreneurs, artists and innovators and a drugs epidemic allowed to run riot wreaks havoc upon humanity’s communities.
Threats and punishment have done little to reverse the epidemic, while addicts are being created at a faster rate than we can build drug rehab facilities to get them off drugs again. The solution is an effective drug education approach exemplified by Peter’s work in schools across the UK and other countries, empowering children to make pro-survival choices when they encounter the peer pressures, and sly persuasions of drug peddlers that are inevitable in a drug-riddled society.
It is this that has inspired me to undertake this epic hike and the belief that, armed with an effective educational approach and working shoulder-to-shoulder as a community, we The People can do something about drugs and we can do right by our children.
Visit Steve’s website Walk The Kingdom and Go Forward Together (TLB UK) to find out more.
Peter Dwan
Over the last 20yrs the drug problem across the planet has almost spiraled out of control . When you have an program put forward by a government called harm minimization, where you are told kids are going to use drugs, no matter what we do, so tell them safe ways to take it and the biggest success is that users can have clean needles, you know we are in trouble. To say that certain quarters aren’t working towards a drugged society, which is an easily controlled society and that there isn’t huge vested interest is naive.
There is a solution …
It is through educating our young people with the True facts about drugs. Undercutting all the bull that is promoted through all the different mediums we are showered with today.
Empowering our children with the truth will not only change the future generations but is an absolute necessity if we are to leave a legacy nothing short of chaos.
Our children are our future and they are intelligent, bright and full of élan vital. Let’s help them flourish into fully awake adults and change the path that we are on.
Find our more about Pete and his crusade at his website My Pink Bugatti
Click on the TLB Radio Logo to hear this Great Discussion.
Also listen to our original discussion with Steve and Pete here:
A TLB Special, Walking the Kingdom: A 4,000+ Mile Walk To Promote Drug Education For Our Children
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