Tony Blair, the Gates Foundation & Ever Expanding COVID Tyranny
By TLB Contributing Partner: Christina England, BA, Hons
According to a document issued by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, titled Awarded Grants, throughout 2020, the Gates Foundation awarded the former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair over six and a half million dollars in financial grants. [1]
However, these were not the only grants that the Gates Foundation had awarded Blair. If you add Blair’s name to the search bar, you will see that he has been receiving large financial grants from the foundation for many years.
The majority of these grants were awarded to him for his work with an organization titled Global Health and Development Public Awareness and Analysis.
Unfortunately, there appears to be very little information to be found on this organization, but, according to my research, Blair also runs an organization titled the Tony Blair Institute, which is heavily involved with launching a vaccine management programme in several African countries.
In a document published on November 26, 2020, titled Tony Blair Institute and Oracle combine to launchcloud-based vaccine management in Africa, author Brian McKenna stated that:
“The Tony Blair Institute (TBI) and Oracle have joined forces to launch a vaccine management programme in parts of Africa.”
He continued:
“The chief innovation officer and minister of education of Sierra Leone, David Moinina Sengeh, said: “The government of Sierra Leone is committed to utilising technology and innovation – digitising services to improve service delivery for its citizens. Using our experience from Ebola, we were able to put together a robust National Covid-19 Response plan, which has technology, data, and innovation as core enablers.
“This collaboration with Oracle and TBI is significant not only for dealing with Covid-19 and broader health needs, such as EPI vaccinations but will be a key step in our country’s mission of digitisation for all.””
According to McKenna:
“The TBI and Oracle are said to be in discussions with more than thirty other countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America that are evaluating using the same cloud system to manage their Covid-19 vaccination programs.”
“Tony Blair said in the statement: “This is an immensely exciting and potentially ground-breaking initiative for recording information on all disease vaccinations and treatments in African nations.
“Though Africa has coped well with Covid-19, it still needs to be part of international efforts to control the disease, including for international travel. That means vaccination of at least a significant portion of the population, requiring the highest quality data system so that everyone’s vaccine experience is recorded. Oracle can provide that system with data securely stored and owned by each country and is prepared to do so as part of a global philanthropic partnership.””
It is obvious from McKenna’s next paragraph that Blair owns a crystal ball, because, according to McKenna, Blair stated that:
“We will be living with Covid-19 for some years, and the recording of data will be vital in managing its impact and spread. And one thing is clear from this crisis: applying new technology solutions has applications for the digitisation of the entire economy and is crucial for the acceleration of African development. This initiative is a great test case, and my Institute is proud to be part of it.” [2]
Blair’s collaboration with Oracle is an interesting one. Why would the former prime minister of the UK be developing a digital system with an organization like Oracle to track and trace the world’s vaccination status?
And from my research, it appears that this undertaking is not all that Blair has been involved with since leaving Downing Street.
It Pays to Have Rich Friends
According to an article in the Daily Mail, published in 2014, since Blair has left Downing Street, he has been receiving massive financial input from some of the world’s wealthiest men.
Author Matt Chorley wrote that:
“Tony Blair’s charities have received millions of pounds from some of his closest friends, it emerged today.
The former prime minister set up several foundations and initiatives after leaving Number 10 in 2007.
Now details have emerged of the wealthy businessmen and women who helped launch them and keep them afloat, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and billionaire entertainment mogul Haim Saban.”
In fact, according to the Mail, Blair has received so much financial support that he has been able to afford to set up himself up in extremely smart offices overlooking Hyde Park.
Chorley wrote that:
“Since quitting Downing Street seven years ago, Mr Blair has secured donations from the world’s super-rich to bankroll several good causes, including the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.
Italian businessman Paolo Pellegrini and his wife Henrietta gave £1million to the Africa Governance Initiative, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
The money was used to establish smart offices overlooking Hyde Park.
Bill Gates, the Microsoft mogul who is worth more than £50billion, and his wife Melinda gave £500,000 to Africa Governance Initiative last year.
The couple are known to be good friends with Mr Blair and his wife Cherie.”
Chorley continued that:
“The Swedish Postcode Foundation, based in Stockholm, gave £750,000 to the Africa Governance Initiative.
Meanwhile Hollywood media mogul Haim Saban gave £415,000 to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, it was reported. His wife Cheryl donated £650,000 to a women’s charity run by Mrs Blair.
The Foundation also received £320,000 from Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk.
Russian billionaire oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a close friend of Lord Mandelson, gave £300,000 to help set up Breaking the Climate Deadlock, set up by Mr Blair in 2008.” [3]
However, besides the posh offices overlooking Hyde Park, it appears that vaccinations have always been at the top of Mr. Blair’s agenda, particularly in regards to the current pandemic.
Covid-19 Vaccinations are Top of Blair’s List of Priorities
Recently, there have been several mainstream articles published by the UK’s media revealing just how involved Mr. Blair has become in the current Covid-19 vaccination programme. This has led many individuals to question his motives and ask why the former Labour prime minister would be so keen for the UK population to be vaccinated
The answer could lie in an article written by the Evening Standard. They wrote that:
“Tony Blair has urged the Government to speed up its vaccination scheme as he warned of a “cat and mouse game” with new variants of coronavirus.
The former Labour prime minister predicted that it will be difficult for people to have a ‘normal life’ in the future unless they can “prove” their vaccination status.” (own emphasis)
We believe that these words alone reveal exactly why Blair is interested in everyone being vaccinated as soon as possible. Could it be that vaccinations directly tie into his work with Oracle?
The Evening Standard revealed that:
“Mr Blair said he would get the jab and added: “I think you will get to the stage where it’s going very hard for people to do a lot of normal life unless they can prove their vaccination status.
“I think you’ll find a situation where countries say to you ‘you’re not coming in here unless we see whether you’ve either been vaccinated, you’ve had the disease and got antibodies or you’ve had a recent high-quality test.’
“People have got to understand vaccination is going to be in the end your route to liberty.”” (own emphasis) [4]
However, it appears that Blair is not the only political giant to accept large sums of money from the Gates Foundation and be directly involved with the issuing of health passports.
Bill Clinton Received Massive Financial Hand Outs from Gates
Documentation from the Gates Foundation has also proven that former President Bill Clinton has also received regular handouts from the Gates Foundation for his work with the same organization as Blair.
However, these documents also revealed that Clinton has received grants from the Gates Foundation for his work on the following topics:
- Tuberculosis
- Malaria
- Pneumonia
- Family Planning
- Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health
- Delivery of Solutions to Improve Global Health
- Enteric and Diarrheal Diseases
In other words, it is highly possible that Clinton could also be receiving massive financial grants for his work on vaccinations. [5]
Could Clinton also be Endorsing the Use of Vaccination Passports?
Interestingly, according to reports, Clinton has also been found to be indirectly linked to the use of vaccination passports. An article published by Modern Diplomacy revealed that Clinton’s former aide Paul Meyer and the Rockefeller Foundation, an organization that Clinton and his wife are heavily involved with, had established a mobile app to trace an individual’s vaccination status. [6] [7] [8]
An article published in December 2020 by the website Modern Diplomacy stated:
“With the arrival of the first batches of COVID-19 vaccines at various countries, there have been a number of statements by public officials and corporate executives who are calling for a global “vaccine passport” which will offer those who get vaccinated freedom to travel and the ability to enter venues, restaurants, sport events and even schools.”
They also stated that:
“The framework for the implementation of a global vaccine passport has already been established by the Commons Project, a non-profit organization backed by the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation. Some of its key people are former Bill Clinton aide Paul Meyer, former Engineering VP of Google Alan Warren and Hong-Kong based investor Jennifer Zhu Scott.
The Commons Project has created the Common Pass, a mobile application in which people will register when they get the vaccine from certain vaccination sites. In order to board a flight or enter a restaurant a person will have to scan a QR code provided by the Common Pass that will contain their vaccination status. If they are not vaccinated they will be denied entry.” (own emphasis)
It appears that without a health pass or vaccine passport, the public could be refused entry to the following:
“… venues, stadiums, public transport and even schools, while there is also a strong possibility that it may be applied to other industries such as hospitality and entertainment. UK’s vaccination minister Nadhim Zahawi recently said that restaurants, cinemas and bars might effectively ban those who are not vaccinated.”
Whilst this is all extremely worrying, the website did state that the introduction of such draconian measures may actually deter people from receiving the vaccination. They wrote that:
“But even though there has been a campaign by the media to portray those who are skeptical of COVID-19 vaccines as a minority of “crazy anti-vaxxers” that reject any kind of vaccination, this is simply not true.”
They continued:
“In fact a large part of the global population hesitates to get vaccines that have been developed within 10 months when it normally takes 10 years. Especially younger people without health issues who face minimal risk of getting seriously sick from COVID-19 feel that a potentially unsafe vaccine poses a bigger risk to them than the virus itself.
After all, no one can deny that, because of the pandemic, compromises on safety were made during the development of the vaccines. The clinical trials for most of the vaccines were completed after the mass production had already started and they lasted few months instead of the standard 5-9 years, while pharmaceutical companies have been given immunity by western governments from liabilities regarding potential unknown serious side effects of their vaccines.”
And concluded that:
“In this uncertain environment, corporations and governments trying to vaccinate the whole population by imposing coercive measures such as digital vaccine passports will only add to the skepticism against the COVID-19 vaccines. Moreover new issues of privacy and the handling of personal health data from private entities will arise and will complicate even more the discussion around the pandemic, while also undermining further the confidence of the people in existing institutions.”
These are all excellent points, however, The Liberty Beacon believes that the article’s concluding sentence should be enough to deter people from receiving the vaccine:
“Besides, what exactly is the point of such draconian measures when, as the England’s deputy chief medical officer Prof Jonathan Van-Tam has said, the vaccination of just the high risk groups is enough to eradicate the 99% of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19?”[9] (own emphasis)
Interesting wording, don’t you agree?
- https://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/page=2
- https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252492716/Tony-Blair-Institute-and-Oracle-combine-to-launch-cloud-based-vaccine-management
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2864353/The-rich-friends-wrote-cheques-support-Tony-Blair-s-network-charities.html
- https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/tony-blair-speed-up-vaccine-rollout-b715302.html
- https://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=Clinton
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEvEcoMTlSU
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37168505
- https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/report/beijing25-accelerating-progress-for-women-and-girls/hillary-clinton/
- https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/12/05/digital-covid-19-vaccine-passports-have-arrived-why-they-are-a-bad-idea/
Image Credit: This articles Featured Image (top) contains the 2 following (cropped) images:
“Tony Blair – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007” by World Economic Forum is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
“Bill Gates – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007” by World Economic Forum is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Note from Christina:
Please visit my new facebook page Arlos New Beginning, where you can follow my little foster dog Arlo’s, journey to his new life.
Arlo is a little dog that I am fostering. He is under a year old and completely unable to walk, due to severe birth deformities. I am fostering him from Hessa’s Homeless Hounds in Hertfordshire.
We need to raise around £12.000 ($15.900) to enable him to have the surgery that he so desperately needs, to free him from pain and get him on his feet for the first time in his life.
If you enjoy reading my articles/work then please consider donating through my fundraiser, where you can read his full story.
Or through my PayPal [email protected]
Thank you.
About the Author: Christina England, BA Hons, Research Journalist and Author
Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. She left school to work in a children’s library, specialising in storytelling and book buying. In 1978, Christina changed her career path to dedicate her time to caring for the elderly and was awarded the title of Care Giver of the Year for her work with the elderly in 1980.
After taking an A Level in Psychology and a BTEC in Learning Support, Ms. England spent many years researching vaccines and adverse reactions. She gained a Higher National Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies in 2010 and in 2016 she gained a BA Hons degree in Literature and Humanities. She currently writes for VacTruth, Health Impact News, GreenMedInfo, The Liberty Beacon, Vaccine Impact and Medical Kidnap on immunisation safety and efficacy.
She has co-authored the book – Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? with Dr. Harold Buttram and Vaccination Policy and the UK Government: The Untold Truth with Lucija Tomljenovic PhD, which are sold on Amazon. She also compiled the book Shattered Dreams: The HPV Vaccine Exposed
Her website is Parents and Carers Against Medical Injustice
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