The Lie We Live (Video)
Are we really free? Is this what it means to be free? Why is everyone so disconnected? See video below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Are we really free? Is this what it means to be free? Why is everyone so disconnected? See video below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“They are the ones answering the call to the healthy civil disobedience and the non-violent action required to undermine the unhealthy, unsustainable system that is destroying lives and decimating entire ecosystems.” February 11, 2015 Gary […]
Anonymous just destroyed months of recruiting work for the terrorist network known as ISIS. The Anonymous “hacktivist” group, took over dozens of accounts on Twitter and Facebook, which have been overtly used as recruiting tools […]
International GMO Ban Alliance This website is designed to provide comprehensive yet simple guidelines for each individual to approach their respective city council with tools on how to end GMO cultivation and toxic pesticides associated […]
By: Heather Callaghan Writers are often barraged with email invites to attend conferences to become better writers with promises that, in time, their efforts will produce a lucrative income. There are niche writing workshops as […]
The EyeOpener Report- Core of the Problem: The Real Agenda behind Common Core By: Sibel Edmond Everything you have been told about Common Core is a lie. It is not a state initiative. It was […]
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