China’s virus response has been ‘breathtaking’
ER Editor: Having worked in Hong Kong for two years post-handover, we can say from firsthand experience that when the Chinese mobilize in the face of a major project or crisis, they do so very […]
ER Editor: Having worked in Hong Kong for two years post-handover, we can say from firsthand experience that when the Chinese mobilize in the face of a major project or crisis, they do so very […]
Battle of the Ages to stop Eurasian integration The coming decade could see the US take on Russia, China and Iran over the New Silk Road connection PEPE ESCOBAR Posted with permission at The Saker […]
Europe on a Geopolitical Fault Line China has begun to build a parallel international order, centered on itself. If the European Union aids in its construction – even just by positioning itself on the fault line […]
Central Bankers Plan For Master Reset Into ‘Green Economy’ As the Bank of England leads the world’s central banks into a ‘Green New Deal’, it proposes Green Bonds as a way to finance Sustainable Development, […]
To Avoid a Collapse Means Restoring Glass-Steagall (Without the Green New Deal) MATTHEW EHRET With the recent discussion of the collapse of the western system of banking (and neo-liberal ‘post-truth’ values more generally), a serious […]
Why has the West destroyed its own Industrial Base? The Case of Maurice Strong Revisited MATTHEW EHRET With the arrival of convoys of Albertan yellow vest protesters in Ottawa demanding an end to the zero-growth […]
The Trump Phenomenon as Seen in Europe PHILIP GIRALDI President Donald Trump is frequently seen through the prism of an American media that despises him and wants to discredit him so that he can either […]
ER Editor: We also recommend an article from Zerohedge titled US Issues Warning About Italy Being Made “Great Again” Through China’s ‘Belt and Road’. Italy is pushing ahead with closer economic ties with China through China’s […]
“Macron is just a little boy…” COVERT GEOPOLITICS France’s Emmanuel Macron is pursuing a policy against his pre-election promise, “en marche” movement. The French police are getting more brutal against Yellow Vests protestors by the […]
British Deep State of Canada Caught Steering Venezuelan Coup A major focus of Belt and Road Investments from Chinese and Russians alike has been Latin America and the Caribbean. By Matthew Ehret Since Venezuela’s opposition leader […]
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