The United States as Destroyer of Nations

October 9, 2016 0

by Daniel Kovalik In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 – an invasion which many Iraqis believe left their country in the worst condition it has been since the Mongol invasion […]


New Claims Reinforce US War Crimes Complicity in Yemen

September 26, 2016 0

Supplying White Phosphorus to Saudis? New Claims Reinforce US War Crimes Complicity in Yemen By: Andrea Germanos Human rights organization also says US bomb used in deadly coalition strike on MSF hospital. Further damning the United […]


US-Created Violence and Chaos in Yemen

March 26, 2015 0

Photo credit U.S. Air Force photo/Brian Ferguson/Salon   By Steven J. Lendman Yemen is one of many examples of what happens following lawless US intervention. Obama waged drone war on Yemen throughout his tenure – […]


Obama Accuses Himself Of Terrorism

October 7, 2014 0

By Brandon Turbeville Nearly two years ago, in November, 2012, Barack Obama made his now infamous remarks that “there’s no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its […]

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