290 Million Deaths and Counting
By TLB Contributing Author Bill Muckler
The religion of peace, which is not a religion at all, got its start in 630 CE by slaughtering Arabs who didn’t think the way they do. (See my many revealing articles on IJETOF on this webpage): http://2020americabook.com/blog/
Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 CE coming from a noble family and was well-known for his honesty and upright character. According to Muslim belief, at the age of 40, Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel while on retreat in a cave near Mecca. The angel recited the first revelations of the Quran and informed him that he is God’s prophet. He is told to call his people to the worship of the one God, but they reacted with hostility and began to persecute him and his followers. This definition tells us all we need to know: Allahu Akbar meaning “God is Greater” or Allah is the one God who is greater than all other Gods.”
Muhammad and his followers endured persecution in Mecca and then in 622 CE they then migrated to the nearby town of Yathrib, later known as Medina, where the people accepted Islam. This marks the “hijrah” or “emigration” and the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Muhammad established an Islamic state in Medina based on the laws revealed in the Quran and the inspired guidance coming to him from God. Eventually he invited other tribes and nations to Islam.
Muhammad and many his followers returned to Mecca in 630 CE. He entered the city peacefully, and eventually all accepted Islam. The prophet then cleared all idols and images out of the Kaaba.
Muhammad Died in 633 C.E.
The Muslim community, upon Muhammad’s death, elected his father-in-law and close associate, Abu Bakr, as caliph, or successor. Abu Bakr’s daughter Aisha was married to Muhammad when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine. She remained with him for nine years until his death.
The Killing Spree Gains a Foothold
The spread of Islam was accomplished by invading areas which did not have a religion and those that were Christian as well. Countries were not established as we know them today. Most of the Middle East was comprised of tribal areas that were self-ruled. These lands were easy pickings for roving bands of crazed barbarians who spread their ideology by forcing men to either “join up” or be “beheaded.” Capturing men and forcing them to watch their wives and children raped and murdered was a common tactic to spread the “religion of peace.”
Muslims entered the area north of Arabia, known as “Sham,” including Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and in Iraq 638 CE. They invaded Egypt in 641 CE, enriched by their conquests and routed the Byzantine army. Thus, began the destruction of Christianity in Egypt then one of the centers of Christianity. Muslims considered their conquest as the liberation of subjugated people, since in most instances they were under oppressive rule.
There was no stopping this vicious wave of Islam as they murdered, raped and plundered across North Africa in 655 CE and into Europe, all in the name of peace.
Imam Ali was killed in 661 CE bringing an end the rule of the four “righteous caliphs”: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. This also marked the beginning of the Umayyad rule.
Much Has Been Said About Islam Being a Religion of Peace
There is so much to say about this perverse entity masquerading as a religion that is essentially a political, cultural, economic theocracy of domination and rule. We have been duped by this perversity and have become weak and willing to accept this as the “New Muslim Normal.”
The Muckster will continue to keep an eye open and an ear to the ground to keep my readers informed. I am here to lead you out of the unknowing past and into a bright future with 20/20: A Clear Vision for Our future. You are my inspiration. Be a part of the narrative.
Read more of my “casually sarcastic” articles to discover that I am an equal opportunity critic of all types of anarchy and nonsense. Check out the blog.
Spiritus meus es tu. Ego semper fidelis.
God Bless us all and God Save our America. Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our American Flag, our culture, our country, our civilization, our currency, our children, our liberty, our safety and our future need you now more than ever. ~Bill
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