A Blatant Lesson In ‘Ultimate Tyranny’
Commentary by Roger Landry (TLB)
Let’s start this all off by asking a conversation defining question:
When in your entire lifetime have you ever witnessed an event that had such an impact on the economy, the health, the freedom, the personal sovereignty, the future, or the failure of this entire planet … on all of humanity regardless of race, creed, or culture?
So let’s break this down a-bit:
When in your entire lifetime have you ever witnessed such absolute loss of trust and faith in a healthcare system that has finally and openly shown that your health is not only not a priority … but plays a subservient role to globalists and pharmaceutical companies hell bent on raping you for all they can get, then eliminating a large portion of us via mechanisms mandated to (supposedly) protect us? A global healthcare system that is fully aware of the massive (and increasing) death and harm caused by these Big Fharma products, yet continues to force or coerce you and your vulnerable children to increasingly partake … Or be ostracized from any semblance of a normal life (does that even still exist)?
When in your entire lifetime have you ever witnessed what is now proving to be the intentional destruction of global economies via mechanisms of unneeded over spending and the intentional destruction of a massive number of small to medium sized business (the majority of our economies) for a scamdemic that never even existed at the levels slammed into our collective faces, for about three years (and counting)?
When in your entire lifetime have you ever witnessed the intentional unraveling of the food supply via the destruction of food processing plants at a rate of MANY times what would be consider a historical norm (more in the last less than three years than in the last 25-30 years combined)? Also consider the destruction of the supply chain, and the purchasing of massive amounts of farmland by those who do not mean us well (Gates and China)!
Now consider this ‘short list’ of blatant tyranny that’s happening in our backyard:
How about a treasonous government policy on our southern, and now our northern boarder?
How about a massive education failure by teaching CRT and sexualizing our children?
How about a deep state government pitting one segment of We The People against another constantly?
How about a war in Ukraine dragging America and a huge chunk of Europe into WWIII?
How about a spy balloon flying all across the USA untouched by our military?
How about a constant process of election rigging and stealing on a monumental scale?
How about a first family literally compromised by our most staunch enemies?
How about a two tiered justice system that demonizes all free thinkers in America?
How about a new Exec Order mandating Equity in all of government?
How about a Afghan pullout that shamed America and slaughtered our status globally?
How about a scenario of having to beg rivals for oil, which we have the most of?
How about a team of US Intelligence and Health agencies teaming up to silence our rights?
How about a bought paid for Democrat party working to silence our freedom of speech?
How about a massive toxic spill in Ohio that the government is too busy to tend to ???
Should I go on? I can … And how many of those points actually constitute sedition or even treason against We The People? Also try to understand that this tyranny isn’t just in America… on some scale it is global. Take a look at what is going on in Italy, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, France, etc…, etc…, etc… look familiar … ???
Look around you and understand that the world is on fire … but realize that so much of this is distraction … it is intended to distract you and me from the massive damage and destruction caused by this planets largest ‘Plandemic’ (FACT not a misprint) in our history. Actually causing more harm and destruction than all other actual pandemics combined, and all leading to what could most likely be the biggest die-off this planet has ever seen this side of the biblical great flood. But one that is choreographed and facilitated by the very jab we are told we MUST take multiple times to save our, and our vulnerable children’s lives …
As the death-toll continues to increase and accelerate globally … the last thing those controlling this scenario wish is for a global population awake and aware of the reality that will soon dominate this planet. Thus our lives are captured and controlled by local tyrannies and disasters at a frequency never seen before. This is being done to keep the true ultimate tyranny from being seen until it is far too late for us to unite in significant numbers, to stop it, never-mind to reverse it !!!
So let’s discuss in some detail the plandemic, its mechanisms of intentional disaster and destruction, and where humanity is headed …
First we will start with the lies we’ve been told about what is termed the COVID countermeasures which are so numerous. As Dr. Mercola states … “It would be easier to point to what had been done right and correct, than list what had been wrong, because the “correct” list would basically be blank” … !!!
Lockdowns, social distancing, school and business closures, universal mask wearing, use of face shields and plastic barriers, travel restrictions, the use of PCR tests to diagnose infection, the choice of treatments and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID jabs — we can now show unequivocally that all of these so-called countermeasures were based on lies, fraud and/or willful ignorance.
Let’s discuss several of these points in more detail with some vital input by Dr. Mercola, and some Roger thrown in as well:
Using PCR tests to diagnose was a complete scam, as these types of tests cannot tell the difference between an active infection and dead viral debris. But if used in a certain way … will almost always provide a positive. Because of this, millions upon millions of healthy people were forced into isolated for no reason.
The false positives were also used to artificially inflate the number of cases and deaths, which were then used to instill fear in the population and keep the plandemic and massive (totalitarian) governmental control going long after it was over.
Also in March 2022, it was also revealed that at-home rapid antigen test kits contain sodium azide, a chemical that can lower your blood pressure and/or cause seizures. Health Canada reported the test kits were improperly labeled, as they did not indicate the tests contained chemicals that can cause unintended effects if accidentally ingested or spilled.
Also banning early treatment was a Crime Against Humanity …
As for the global treatment recommendations, again they’ve been nothing short of a crime against humanity. On the one hand, public health experts insisted there was no viable early treatment, and on the other, they rigged the system such that hospitals would only use the most harmful treatments imaginable … WHY?
Meanwhile, front-line doctors, and those with a conscience were successfully treating patients and keeping them out of the hospital with relatively inexpensive and readily available medicines such as Hydroxychloriquine and zinc, and Ivermectin. But were they lauded for their ingenuity and dedication to saving lives? No, they were “canceled,” censored, de-platformed, brought before medical boards and fired from their jobs. No good deed has gone unpunished these past three years. Again … WHY?
Universal lockdowns have never before been used as a pandemic prevention measure, and for good reason. It doesn’t work. To prevent spread of infection, you isolate those who are actually sick. Healthy people cannot spread infection, so there’s no reason to isolate them.
An August 2020 analysis of COVID-19 surveillance data from the top 50 countries in terms of reported cases also concluded that border closures, lockdowns and wide-spread testing had no impact on COVID-19 mortality per million people. Another paper published in 2021 found lockdowns were actually associated with increases in excess mortality.
The absence of evidence to support mask wearing for infection control was confirmed from the very beginning by the same agencies and organizations that ended up recommending and/or mandating universal mask wearing. And the massive fallout from this for our health and especially our children’s health, is still an issue under investigation.
Worst of all … They Lied about COVID Jab Safety and Effectiveness …
Crucially, they do not stop transmission and they do not prevent infection — the two things a real vaccine is supposed to do to qualify as a vaccine … and this was known even, though we have a Pfizer exec telling the E.U. council that they didn’t test the mRNA vaccines for these preventing transmissibility … WHAT ???
What’s worse, we now have evidence showing the shots actually INCREASE your chances of getting infected, as well as your risk of dying, be it from the over 1,200 known side effects (they tried to hide for 75 years), from breakthrough infection, or from other issues you may succumb to due to the fact that a fully vaccinated individual has no immune system left to fight off what otherwise would not have killed you. Then there is the massive explosion of Cancer globally, in the vaccinated!
So what drove all this tyranny … all this intentional evil or euthanasia …
One example the must not be ignored …
As early an May 2020, it had already become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID patients on mechanical ventilation with ventilators was a death sentence, yet the practice continues to this day. Data from various sources show anywhere from 50% to 86% of all ventilated COVID patients die. Considering these data, hospitals are basically engaged in euthanasia, and they’re doing it because its profitable.
In fact, were it not for government financially incentivizing a murderous protocol, countless lives would have been spared. When everything is said and done, a COVID patient can be “worth” as much as $250,000 — but for maximum payout, they have to leave the hospital in a body bag.
So when you are actually incentivizing a doctor or a hospital to kill a patient … Yea give me the justification for this … but in doing so you are aiding the final goal of this entire plandemic … a serious reduction in useless eaters!
To avoid similar catastrophic mistakes in our future, if humanity as we know it is to be allowed a future, or we reclaim our future via an awakening tidal wave, real pandemics or medical crises must not be managed by means of what is defined as emergency powers. Emergency powers were intended, and should only be used, in case of war.
Yet over the last several years (at a vastly accelerated pace), we have seen how our (supposed) leaders misused and abused these powers, proving once and for all that these mechanisms are the chosen tools of tyrants, and these tyrants are hell bent on stuffing you in a box six feet under for the sake of, and at the orders of … their global masters!
Finally I will ask again … what are the two requirements for the global elites to literally rule this planet … Gee that would be a global takeover of all governance and a massive reduction in the global population of useless eaters … Look the hell around you … and Yea I’m going there again !!!
My Parting Shot …
NOW would anyone like to ask me WHAT I REALLY THINK … ???
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about fifteen short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global news websites, a social media website, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of Roger’s work (articles and shows) can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
Image Credit: Top In-Article Image
The above article is an update of the script notes for this show:
Eagle’s Eye Report: Shining A Spotlight On Ultimate Tyranny
Related Article (also referenced above) by Dr. Mercola:
A Growing List of COVID Lies
Additional Related Articles & Show:
Autopsies Confirm ‘Jab Hazards’ in Youth
TLBTalk Radio: Taking the Cowboys to Their Knees
We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically & Technologically By The Elite’s ‘Great Reset’
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@Ed … AGAIN we republished nothing and the site automatically picks associated articles to display in that section (way at the bottom). Again ANYONE can see the article is over 6 months old! And again when originally published it was pertinent. It is also NOT a permanent article choice there. Please stop beating us up for no reason !!! This is all a major distraction from the article above for no valid reason !!! But we do thank you for your concerns and comments.
Reply to TLB Staff:
I apologize: my wording was incorrect. It was not a link within the above article. It was a republishing underneath this article (in the Related Articles section) of your 2020 article titled, “Project Veritas & Project Veritas Action Sue Oregon Over Unconstitutional Recording Laws!” Access to that 2020 article was positioned just above the Comments section, in the Related Articles section, where you now have made available the article titled, ” Nuremberg 2.0 Grand Jury hearings update: days Five and Six”
If you clicked on that PV title or accompanying photo to open that article and scrolled down until just above the video titled, “HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE? HOW CAN I HELP? you would see the text of TLB encouraging your viewers to make a tax deductible donation to PV. If you then viewed the video you would see O’Keefe encouraging viewers to become undercover journalists.
Now that O’Keefe is no longer with PV, I felt it was not appropriate to be republishing that article which contained that video of O’Keefe encouraging writers to become undercover PV journalists and also the TLB request that reads as follows:
“TLB asks you to please support Project Veritas at the links below:
Support us with tax deductible donation: https://www.projectveritas.com/donate
Ed Paré
@Ed … there is NO link to ANY Project Veritas article in this article ??? We have no clue what yo are talking about ??? And YES we support James O’Keefe !!!
Why is TLB linking at the bottom of this article the August 25, 2020, article, titled ” Project Veritas & Project Veritas Action Sue Oregon Over Unconstitutional Recording Laws!”, which includes old video of James O’Keefe speaking as Founder and CEO, and asking viewers to apply, today, to be an undercover journalist? The article also solicits donations to Project Veritas (PV). Is the current PV Board paying you to repost this 2020 article?
Those of us who support James O’Keefe and the PV journalists who have exited PV, due to the Board’s greedy actions, are not going to be happy with TLB supporting that Board.